Whether I am liberal or conservative, depends on the issue, but that is not relevant. What is relevant, is that everyone should be respected no matter who they worship, who they vote for, and whether they do or don't agree with someone's opinion. I am calling both parties out! I have gotten equal amounts of hate from liberals and conservatives, so I don't know why both groups act like they corner the market on morality, or human rights. I will give you an example, and please don't ask me to name names, because I won't. A certain user on a site. was very abusive when i said that while some police are evil and do bad things, the police saved my life after I was raped. This user is a liberal. Liberals pretend to "believe survivors", unless said survivor disagrees with the liberal narrative. That same user also lied, and said i am a racist, when i have gone on record, as a long time racial unity supporter, so that was a lie. okay, fair enpugh. Conservatives call me a libtard socialist for saying healthcare is a right and being prochoice, when i am actually a centrist. Do I have to explain centrism, to you people? America, and i am an American from the day of my birth, is so damn hateful and uncivilized, we are lying about, and killing each other, and we expect Iran to listen to us? Unbelievable. I am so tired of this.
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