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If there were a prenatal test for being Gay, are you OK with killing the baby?

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If they had a test for being Gay, which of course there is no such thing, would you still support the right to kill Gay babies? Are you Homophobic? To me, nothing could be more homophobic then killing babies simply for being Gay.

It always amazes me how the Democrat Party supports No Restriction abortions, even if the baby is viable. They even support killing Special Need's babies simply for being different and diverse.

Seems as though the Left supports the politics of discrimination, of bigotry, of intolerance of Diversity, of Racism, etc.
Do you watch as the phony Left parades Special Olympic children around a track field, pretending to have such compassion for their diversity, but in the back rooms of abortion clinics supporting the cleansing of these special need's children.

When you vote for the Democrat Party, you are part of this inhuman intolerance!

Pro abortion Democrats love making excuses why it is acceptable to execute poor babies, unwanted babies, Special Need's babies, girl babies, boy babies, etc. etc., but when you start getting down to the core inhuman act, and start describing the people being killed by their sexual orientation, etc., does it give you pause?

If we broke down the exact reasons why millions of lives are snuffed out, is the notion of ethnic cleansing palatable to your senses?

Abortion is the most barbaric form of bigotry, ethnic cleansing, Homophobia, racism, etc. etc.
We will soon be able to know everything about our babies, the color of their eyes, their personality traits, etc.
Abortion will become a tool to cleanse the world of all innocent lives who do not fit into Big Brother's pure Aryan race.  

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  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    If a woman is so strongly opposed to gays that her upcoming baby being gay is a sufficient reason for her to change her mind instantly and decide to abort it, then it seems like the best outcome. Otherwise she would be miserable raising a gay kid, and the kid would be miserable being raised by a mother who does not accept his sexual orientation.
    It makes sense to abort the baby and have another one immediately after, that will be more to the woman's liking.

    Supporting the right of the woman to do so does not imply supporting the woman's position on gays. In general, supporting some right does not mean supporting people exercising that right. I can support people's right to smoke, but I surely will be quite vocal about the effects of smoking on people's health.

    I am also not a Democrat. Why do you assume that only Democrats are in favor of abortion rights?
  • You would have fit in well in Germany when Nazi's were cleansing their nation of innocent lives they did not like.@MayCaesar
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    I'm about to blow your mind...

    Homosexuality doesn't come from the individual, it comes from conditions in the womb of the mother!

    Let me explain this- there is no "gay gene" that is to say, a single allele that makes someone homosexual. However, tests have show that the more babies a mother has, and specifically the number of male babies in a row, the higher the chance that a gay son will be born. The theory is that the evolutionary advantage of homosexuality is not an advantage for the individual, because homosexuals do not pass on their genes, but rather is a way of stabilizing families that are predominantly masculine, because homosexuals have a higher emotional intelligence but still develop in a masculine way, so they end up being extremely beneficial to the women as a form of protection.

    That being said about homosexuality, the decision to get an abortion for reasons such as inviolability of the baby or genetic disorders is already common practice in most Scandinavian countries, where most of the babies with down syndrome are aborted. I don't see a problem here, everyone who isn't born with down syndrome doesn't have to grow up that way, and if the parents can provide a stable family, then they will have another healthy child.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  

    Did not take long for the Godwin's law to play through. Nice!

    I do not see how I would fit well in Germany, given that I am against collectivism and authoritarianism of all kinds and advocate for the exact opposite - individual freedoms... Care to elaborate on that some?
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    I would rather be aborted than get raised by homophobic parents who knew I was gay for 18 years, or be forced into a foster home the second I was born and live with no parents for my entire life. The same goes for special needs babies who get the same abuse and are highly likely to be abandoned by their parents.

    Is this what you advocate for in banning abortion? More abuse and abandoned kids? Very humane...

    Parents who do not want their children are the worst parents, and I would rather not be born that be forced into a family like that. Thats a long time of abuse waiting to happen from people like you @We_are_accountable
    why so serious?
  • AlofRIAlofRI 1484 Pts   -  
    Certainly NOT. No more than I would if there was a prenatal test for being a conservative! :grin:
  • Thanks for confirming what I aready knew t be true. The Left is made up of selfish intolerant people who have no problem killing viable babies if they do not fit into their self absorbed world. @Happy_Killbot
  • Happy_KillbotHappy_Killbot 5557 Pts   -  

    You can't disagree with reality, I'm just stating the facts...

    One of us is self-absorbed and the evidence is not in your favor. Revel against reality all you wish, but the fact's don't care about your feelings.
    At some point in the distant past, the universe went through a phase of cosmic inflation,
    Stars formed, planets coalesced, and on at least one of them life took root.
    Through a long process of evolution this life 
    developed into the human race.
    Humans conquered fire, built complex societies and advanced technology .

    All of that so we can argue about nothing.
  • Get real! Who are you to judge all families and who might be good or bad parents? I know many good parents to totally disagree with teaching Homosxuality to be a normal thrng, but still love their Gay child!

    It's sickening we have people ready to sentence innocent lives to death on the chance they might have a hard life!

    How would you like to be killed today if you are Gay? According to you, Gay kids would be beter off dead! Those viable babies are every bit deserving of life as you are today. This is the barbarity of abortion. You play God on who deserves the right to life. SICK ARROGANT SELFISH PEOPLE!@smoothie
  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  
    Oh no !!! It’s Mr viable babies “ over from Create Debate” with the one old ridiculous debate topic abortion .......Yawn...... you’re just boring and sad at this stage with nothing of interest to say .......
  • smoothiesmoothie 434 Pts   -   edited February 2020
    @We_are_accountable "Loving their gay child'? Like kicking them to the street and engaging in all types of abuse because of their hatred of homosexuality? Trying to force them into conversion therapy and detriment their lives forever?

    "Currently, there are an estimated 700,000 homeless youth in the United States, which is roughly 1 out of 30 youth. Among homeless youth, a disproportionate number of these youth identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). The reasons for these disparities are complex, although stigma and discrimination are major factors."

    Wanna know how to stop this abuse and hatred and encourage those loving parents of gay children you talked about? The gay test would help that immensely, actually

    Gay kids deserve loving parents, your point about "good parents" is irrelevant because if the parents wanted to face raising a gay child from this "gay test" then they wouldn't get the abortion. Catch up with your own logic, the potentially abusive parents would abort the gay baby from a "gay test", and no abuse will be done. A lot of gay people I have talked to from more conservative parts tell me their experience with abuse from your so-called "good parents" is frankly shocking and they have told me to my face would rather have not been born.
    why so serious?
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    You support the killing of innocent lives for selfish reasons. This mentality fits in well with dictators who would choose to cleanse their nation of diversity.@MayCaesar
    What I support is the individual sovereignty, including full individual's control over their body. That is quite different from a dictator using violence and coercion to subdue other people and use their bodies for the dictator's nefarious purposes, don't you think?

    For the record, if I had been aborted, I would not even be able to know that I had been aborted. That goes for everyone. So spare us your "How would you like it if..." sermons.
  • @We_are_accountable
    You absolutely CANT make any argument about the Left being Selfish and Ignorant as you can’t even watch a commercials without being triggered. However, on to my point, I don’t really like abortion that doesn’t have a specific medical necessity. That being said, I wouldn’t say that aborting a child just because they’re supposedly gay is wrong.
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • Don't you just hate those pesky anti Slavery people who kept speaking out against slavery? Why were they so fixated on it?

    Look in the mirror because you as babrbaric as they were, but your victims are viable babies. Why is the Democrat Party always at odds with humanity through out our history?

    I will try to remember your name, so as to ignore you, since you lack the humanity to even care about viable babies.@Dee
  • If you don't like abortions other than medical needs, I would hope you are not another phony who will gleefully elect Democrats who support all abortions for any reason at any stgae.

    You would be triggered in a heart beat if far Right activist groups were forcing your favorite family channel to air their propaganda during commercials for your children to see. If this type of thing does not bother you, then WOW!@AmericanFurryBoy
  • @We_are_accountable
    Buddy, I wouldn’t be triggered. I’d accept it because even though it is neither my belief or opinion, it is also not my decision to on what ads to run since I don’t own the channel or network. Additionally, its important to accept others beliefs even if they arent your own 
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -   edited February 2020

    ***** Don't you just hate those pesky anti Slavery people who kept speaking out against slavery? Why were they so fixated on it?

    No I don’t actually , that’s your lot who just like Jesus totally approved of slavery ....remember now those ancestors of yours good Christian folk who kept slaves as approved by the bile 

    ***/Look in the mirror because you as babrbaric as they were,

    Ah right , Jesus was barbaric as he approved of slavery I’m still against 

    ***/but your victims are viable babies.

    They certainly are bring me viable babies 

    **** Why is the Democrat Party always at odds with humanity through out our history?

    Maybe so as the get rid of pricks like you?

    *** I will try to remember your name, so as to ignore you,

    No you won’t , as you cannot remember your own name most days 

    *****since you lack the humanity to even care about viable babies.

    Bring me viable babies for the slaughter the more the merrier 
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  

    First, if someone "forced" any channel to show anything, then it would be a horrible violation of their business rights, as well as the First Amendment, and it would be worthy of not just freaking out, but going on a country-wide demonstration in order to defend our Constitutional rights.

    Second, no, seeing far-right commercials does not trigger me. I have seen far worse, and even that did not trigger me. If a combination of images and sounds on TV triggers you, then you have some psychological issues that need to be addressed before you watch a similar content again.
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