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Right Cookware: Cast Iron Vs Stainless Steel?

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I know most of us don't cook a lot and prefer to go with prepared foods, but in this quarantine, I did the cooking, and many things came into my knowledge. I am a great fan of cookware that looks good to eyes. But the quote, "All glitters are not gold" is a good fit for my cookware selections. I recently read this article about the safest cookware, and it came into my knowledge that copper, aluminium and nonstick pans and saucepans are not suitable for health. Though we usually don't use copper and aluminium ones, but many of us love to use nonstick pans. However, its time to replace nonstick pans with cast iron or stainless steel ones. Yes, according to researches nonstick pans usually use Teflon coating that is dangerous for our kidney and becomes the reason for thyroids. Yes, these unsafe cookware leaches harmful metals and chemicals into our food, especially when they come into contact with acidic food. 

Hopefully, many of you have watched that DIY videos where copper crockery or baking trays are cleaned with tomato sauce, but we never tried to discover how it is happening. No doubt, it is only happening because sauces conduct chemical reactions with copper metals. On the other hand, if we talk about the safest cookware, then I found cast iron and stainless steel are the best ones but what about if we have to pick one option? I found this article also worth reading if we conduct a comparison. In my opinion, stainless steel is a better option due to its trendiness, durability and firm coating. 

What are your opinions and which cookware you are using nowadays?

  1. Live Poll

    Which Cookware Do You Use?

    3 votes
    1. Cast Iron Cookware
    2. Stainless Steel Cookware
    3. Nonstick Cookware
    4. Ceramic Cookware

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  • AmericanFurryBoyAmericanFurryBoy 531 Pts   -  
    It depends on what you’re cooking. As far as frypans go, I would recommend cast iron as it will last forever as long as you don’t let it rust and it is pretty easy to clean. For sauce pans, pots, and any other type of pan, I would suggest stainless steel because it is a lot lighter, and a lot cheaper.
    Not every quote you read on the internet is true- Abraham Lincoln
  • @BonitaVanhooser ;

    Copper cookware is notorious for sugar work and candies.

    Cast Iron is a plus for red meat, cornbread, and baked beans.

    Stainless steel must be correctly seasoned to be none stick.
    Clay Pots are great for chicken, pork, and fish.
    Nonstick coatings on pans have a life expectancy.
  • BonitaVanhooserBonitaVanhooser 143 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:
    @BonitaVanhooser ;

    Copper cookware is notorious for sugar work and candies.

    Cast Iron is a plus for red meat, cornbread, and baked beans.

    Stainless steel must be correctly seasoned to be none stick.
    Clay Pots are great for chicken, pork, and fish.
    Nonstick coatings on pans have a life expectancy.
    I was about to talk the pros and cons of clay pots. Is it any possible that clay pots leach coating or clay in food? 
  • @BonitaVanhooser ;

    I was about to talk the pros and cons of clay pots. Is it any possible that clay pots leach coating or clay in food? 

    Yes, It depends on the method of cooking along with what you are cooking as AmericanFurryBoy said. The medium of cooking and presentation are also flavor components for the food it holds some times, as some fish is better baked on pieces of fresh fruit tree wood, the number of times the plank of wood can be used for cooking on has a limit due to sanitary precautions and flavor reasons.

  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 74 Pts   -  
    Other than a small saucepan to make cans of soup and muffin/cookie tins in all of our cookware is cast iron. We have several saucepans, dutch ovens and I'm not even sure how many various skillets. We also have two griddles.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @polytheistwitch That is definitely the way to go. None of these miracle titanium laminate copper crap pans come anywhere near the shear cookability of cast iron. Sure, they are heavy, but that's their only drawback but they last forever and you have better control over what your cooking.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Right Cookware: Cast Iron Vs Stainless Steel?


    The choices above didn't include my Le Creuset ceramic coated cast iron.  It's a bit pricey, though..  My 8 qt pot cost $399.


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