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Traditional Vs. Contemporary Kitchen Designs?

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Hi Everyone!

In each summer, we restore our kitchen and this time, I want a traditional kitchen, but according to my mom, contemporary is fine of us. Though our kitchen is not 100% modern but yes, its cabinets, countertop and many other advanced features resemble it with modern kitchens. As all of you know that kitchens and bathrooms are the places which are used a lot in summer. According to my mother, it is not easy to clean traditional style kitchens. However, in my opinion, we can try to overcome rough cooking and baking habits. What do you think which one we should prefer in context of cleanliness? 

On the other hand, when we talked with kitchen renovation experts, they also suggested us to go with contemporary kitchens. Even my Uncle, who lives in London also recommended us to go with a contemporary kitchen design. According to him, when he talked with UniSpray kitchen makeover experts from here, they suggested picking a restoration strategy because it would be costly for us to build up a traditional kitchen from zero in these crucial days. I think my dream of having a traditional kitchen would remain a dream. I also found this article helpful but probably, they also recommending high quote doors and other wooden stuff for the modern kitchen. 

Do any of you have a traditional kitchen at home? Is it as expensive as these people are saying to build a conventional kitchen? Secondly, is it the wood that makes traditional kitchens expensive as compared to the modern ones? I would be grateful if you share your views.

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