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There shouldn't even be a Conservative Liberal balance on Court...

Debate Information

Supreme court Justices are not suppose to have any political slant when making decisions. Their only function is to discern the intent of the Constitution in regards to the issue at hand.

Republicans have always understood this, and is their main reasoning when choosing a Justice. Democrats have long ago used the court to push their liberal policies on America.
They always have a litmus test for their appointees. The person first and formost must be pro abortion, and have a Liberal political leaning.

Our Supreme court should have nine Justices who all perform their duties of discerning the Constitution's intent, regardless their own personal Party affiliation. Obama and others appointed activist Justices who believe they have the duty of furthering a Progressive agenda.

To all you Democrats who are having temper tantrums over Trump's Presidential duties.......... Grin and Barrett.

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