For or Against an argument analyses program?
At one point I was getting into coding and I do plan to go back to this in the near future. However, I was just pondering the idea of an argument analysis program. That being said I still have a long way to go in manually analyzing arguments let alone creating an artificial program. Nonetheless, I would still like to talk about this regarding the pros and cons. I have already thought of some advantages and disadvantages with one disadvantage being something like this would take thousands of hours of code and an advantage being to do with saving time.
What is an argument analysis program?
What you would do with this is copy an argument and paste it into the program and press "Analyses." The program should not be completely concerned with validating the argument. The job of the program is to simplify the argumentive post making it easier for the human to analyze. The end result would look something like this:
- All apples are oranges
- All Oranges are Bananas
- Therefore, all Apples are Bananas
Or this:
- All Budweisers are beer.
- Fosters is a beer.
- Therefore, all Fosters are Budweisers.
One of the arguments above is valid; the other isn't. But as I said, the program's primary function is to simplify the text. So, this doesn't completely take out all of the hard work for us.
Now that you hopefully understand this idea I would like to hear your views on it.
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A better project would be the programming implementation of mathematical logic. If you know formal logic a little bit, then that is a very feasible project. Then you can see if you can use one of the existing NLP models to read through your implementation and try to translate text arguments to formal logic. I am skeptical that it would work, but it is worth a shot.
I am working on an interesting project right now (a side gig, although I hope to achieve publishable results) where I train a machine learning model to predict the regrowth dynamics of damaged flora from pictures of the environment taken by amateur nature enthusiasts. I would say that the complexity of this project is much lower than what you suggested, and I have been doing some kind of coding pretty much my whole life. Not the level of projects you want to take on when learning.
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