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Being a human animal and having a soul, do you think all animals do?

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Being a human animal and having a soul, do you think all animals do?



The Saviour answered and said, 'He does not see through the soul nor through the spirit, but the mind which [is] between the two - that is [what] sees the vision...'”



I do not usually begin with definitions, but it seemed appropriate here.


The definition of a soul in Gnostic Christianity seems to have it being the conduit that connects all souls to the godhead.


Our souls are dormant until activated by our own consciousness, and are not used except for apotheosis and other spiritual and mystical personal telepathic events.  


Mind is us in total.

Spirit is life force.

We live, then think, then report for judgement.

The few who are pre-judged here, the reborn, have already been judged innocent.

Some Christians, mostly of the right-wing persuasion, are insulted when described as an animal.

Apologies in advance for not agreeing.

I think DNA produces souls in all sentient life. I am not sure about vegetable life.




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