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Why are only humans privileged with a god and not animals?

Debate Information

The controversy between science and god is bleach. The suggestion as to why an animal would have no right to a god no matter in what mental capacity can devastate an entire community. my only translation as catholic raised to the definition of a god means god is no deity or human with super powers. God was portrayed as an emblem of a difficult practice used in a way for humans to easily relate to and adhere results through the wisdom of knowledge. In my honest opinion I recommend any males who have ever wore a pair of flip flops in public to immediately consider getting q vasectomy no jk. In my honest opinion I recommend anybody who hasn’t private messaged me asking me how to be cool in life then you should get banned like me. No jk but really anybody who worships a god is actually worshipping the wonders of the unknown.

To be brief, every civilization in the world throughout history have all shown to share the exact same principle behind their religious belief. It’s this same principle that emphasizes the foundation that lays out the religious exploitation of gods to fill in the blanks making it easier for humans to comprehend. Why religion has lasted so long is due to this same principle. It’s because it works. But not because of a god. God is always singular meaning there is no one exact deity defining this definations. God is universal and originally god means universe.

When christians or any religion prays they all pronounce vowels that create sounds that create frequency in which that frequency resonating can vibrate into positive things for the person. When people privately pray god is singular.What people are truely praying towards is themselves and the universe. When people praynd comes true it wasnot godwho wills it. It has and alwayswill be the individual using prayer to substantiate what he wants god to do for him in good faith actually believing it making it come true all by himself. No god involved.

I suggest everyone leavesthe god discussion alone for good now because it is not a discussion with any end. Leave it as is because it will never get anywhere it will always remain unknown because thats the only way god will ever workfor the human world

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