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Can Herbs Heal or Prevent Cancer?

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I like herbal books that say something heals, and or prevents cancer. Those herbal books seem rare.  I would like to talk about those books and herbs and hear what others have to say about it.  

Oh how I love the Word of God!

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  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 74 Pts   -  
    As a holistic healer (reiki) I would not say any herb cures anything and all treatment should involve a physician. Even if you choose holistic methods. I have seen diet/ herbs compliment healing and counteract medication symptoms. Ie marijuana and chemo sickness. I have used herbal methods for kidney stones. Mushrooms are showing promise for cancers as well. Elderberry is great for colds and breathing issues. Prevention is best so herbs while healthy to resist issues can't hurt. 
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @TrueLove All I can say is that if you go to the hospital with an illness, why don't they shove herbs down your throat? Because they don't work, that's why. Not one iota. Furthermore, they are full of toxins that will actually make you worse and damage your organs.
    They used herbal medicine hundreds of years ago and just look at the appalling death rates then.
    Even all those herbal pills you get from the store are just placebos and do totally nothing.
    The reason why those herbal books about curing cancer are rare is that no decent publisher is going to risk putting something into print that is a load of crap.

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