I do not think Chauvin will be convicted for any of his three main charges.
1. Second degree murder- Requires proof that Chauvin caused Floyd's death while committing a felony offense, in this case assault.
2. Third degree murder-requires proof that the person charged committed an "act eminently dangerous to others,” meaning more than one person.
3. Second degree manslaughter-prove that Floyd's death was caused by Chauvin's negligence in creating "an unreasonable risk" and "consciously (taking) chances of causing death or great bodily harm to another."
The last one may have a chance.
Some details I think create a reasonable doubt for these charges.
The amount of fentanyl in Floyd's system was over 3 times the amount of the average overdose death. Doctors claim that his death was caused due to asphyxiation but fentanyl can cause that along with the out of breath sensation that floyd was feeling. To my knowledge they didn't find bruising on Floyd's neck or back and the maximum restraint position he was being held in was taught in police training.
What evidence do think is in place that makes him deserving of conviction?
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