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What Will Future Humans Look Like?

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regardless, i doubt you will ever be able to afford the technology to give you new organs,; so you can waste your 1 life away as fast as ypou want@Swolliw
No doubt, but as technology develops it becomes dramatically more cheap. Future generations will simply be able to order say, a set of brand-new carbon fiber legs from Amazon and just bolt them on. Organs could be replaced by simple five-minute keyhole surgery whereby the old one is sucked out and a new injection 3D molded unit inserted. We won't need to have our old problematic heads with all their crude channels and nerves. Instead, the latest Intel brain chip will be the size of a fingernail and can be downloaded with knowledge (or your own past history) in seconds. We will have 360 degree, precision lenses from Nikon with twenty-six primary colour sensors and Bose will supply the latest Acoustimas spatial sound ear drums. And so far as sex organs go, there will be plenty of varieties of strap-ons and strap-ins, wi-fi enabled of course so that you can screw virtually anybody you want.

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -   edited September 27
    Argument Topic: Hey Swollow can't fool me with a lower case i.


    Interesting that sex wasn't included in the intel brain chip down load.

    Though basically the suggestion is that future humans won't be human at all...Just representations thereof.

    Will they still want big white gleaming teeth and varying pronouns.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    Swolliw said:

    What Will Future Humans Look Like?

    Hello S:

    Fun World Adult Scream Mask


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