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What Was the First Religion?

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What many religious followers don't want to accept is that there are many religions, each claiming to be the one and only path to an afterlife of bliss for eternity.

So which religion is the right one?

Just because one subscribes to a particular religion (usually because of one's geographical placement), It doesn't make it the correct religion, does it?

Well, may we all barrack for our national football team, but, surely religion is something different and the choice of a religion based solely on one's location or culture is fraught with danger. Shouldn't we look at the first religion as being the one and only authentic religion and subsequent copies as fake?

According to the Ancient History Encyclopedia, Christianity, for example, comes well down the timeline of when religions started.
Religion Timeline - World History Encyclopedia

Preceding all religions, and, by a considerable margin of time, is the Australian Aboriginal "Dreamtime". We are looking at 40,000 years BCE and the religion is still followed by Aboriginals today.

So, shouldn't we give these people the benefit of the doubt that what they say about their spiritual attachment to the land through Dreamtime is the one true and only valid religion? In which case, Abrahamic religious followers should take note that their afterlife may not be one of their spirit returning to the Dreamtime but, because of their errant choice, will more likely end up existing in an eternal nightmare in the middle of the Simpson desert with not a drop of water to touch their tongues, enduring constant searing heat and constantly fending off satanic, deadly taipans.

Perhaps it may be time to chuck those Bibles, Qurans, And Torahs in the fire, get out the souvenir boomerang and start a corroboree.

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    It's difficult to definitively identify the "first religion," as religious practices predate written records. However, here are some key points about the earliest known religious practices:

    1. Prehistoric religion:
    - Evidence of religious practices dates back as far as 60,000 BCE, long before writing was invented.
    - Early religious practices likely involved animism (belief that natural objects have souls) and polytheism (belief in multiple gods).

    2. Earliest evidence:
    - Archaeological findings suggest burial customs and cult rituals were among the earliest forms of religious practice.
    - Cave paintings and figurines provide evidence of prehistoric spiritual beliefs.

    3. Animism and shamanism:
    - These are considered some of the earliest forms of religious or spiritual practices.
    - They likely predate organized religions and may have origins in prehistoric times.

    4. Early organized religions:
    - Hinduism is often cited as one of the oldest organized religions, with evidence dating back to about 5,500 BCE.
    - Jainism is mentioned as one of the earliest known religions, originating around 2,500 years ago.

    5. Ancient civilizations:
    - Early civilizations in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley had complex religious systems by 3500-3000 BCE.
    - The Vedic religion in India (precursor to Hinduism) emerged around 1500-1200 BCE.

    6. Evolutionary perspective:
    - Some scholars suggest that religious beliefs and practices evolved alongside human cognitive development.
    - Religion may have served various functions, including explaining natural phenomena and promoting social cohesion.

    It's important to note that the concept of "religion" as we understand it today is relatively modern. Early spiritual practices were likely more integrated into daily life and culture rather than existing as separate, organized systems of belief.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  

    The first religion practiced by humanity was atheism in servitude to the demonic by the Adamic and Noahic generations where all but eight perished in water in divine Judgment.

    The first religion described...

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