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Churches and trans bishops

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Recently, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in San Francisco installed the first trans bishop in history, Rev. Megan Roher. 

This brought up a question in my mind, nowhere in the Bible does it condemn trans people, so why do people use the Bible as an excuse to be transphobic? Does it stem from fear? From non-conformity? What is it?

So yeah, what is it?
"I will never change who I am just because you do not approve."

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    It all stems from penis vagina angst.

    But why masturbate, when medical and surgical developments now provide for extreme role play.

    Dressing up as a Bishop is also role play.

    Some people like this sort of thing.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1345 Pts   -   edited November 4
    One's answer to this question depends on your views on God.  As someone who believes in God and believes the Bible contains God's word to us.  Here are some principles we see in the Bible that are relevant:

    1) The Bible presents only two genders - male and female - as part of God's design for humanity. This is established in Genesis 1:27 which states "male and female he created them." The Bible does not recognize other gender categories beyond male and female (well, neither does all of history and even science up until recent times).  The Bible assumes an equivalence between biological sex and gender identity. It does not separate the two concepts.

    2) Transgenderism essentially accuses God of getting it wrong for putting someone into the wrong body.  This goes against the teaching of the Bible:
    For you formed my inward parts;
        you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
    14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
    Wonderful are your works;
        my soul knows it very well. - Psalms 139:13-15

    God has not made a mistake on one's biological gender.  Biological sex is a core component of every human individual.   

    3) Unchangeable nature of gender: The biblical view is that gender is fixed and cannot be changed, even if outward appearance is altered. This is inferred from references to gender in descriptions of souls and resurrected bodies. 

    4) The Bible addresses gender specific clothing (see Deuteronomy 22:5; 1 Corinthians 11:14-15).  A principle in these passages is that men and women are distinct and their clothes reflect that difference.

    The Evangelical Episcopalian Church has lost about 41% of its attendees in just a few years.  Its own leadership has estimated it will cease to exist within 30 years time (see ).  Dead and dry limbs from a tree fall off.  just sayin

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Luigi7255 ; A building posing as a "Church" with a rainbow LGBTQAI++ flag outside and/or ordains queers, fags, homo's, trans, as ministers in that building is NOT a Church oriented to serving Jesus but a den of iniquity and deception serving Satan.

    24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other.  Matthew 6

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Rickey


    Do you remember Genesis Rickey?

    There was a guy named Joseph who supposedly wore a rainbow outfit.

    See how far back pride goes?

    It's was clearly a GOD thing.

    No wonder his lad Jesus preferred the company of men.

    And no wonder he lives with transsexual Angels.

    Gabriella is his favourite.
  • DreamerDreamer 287 Pts   -  
    People have been using the Bible as an excuse for a long time to oppress others. For example white supremacist used Noah's Ark and the slave states used the Bible to justify slavery.

    I think your over thinking it, you have to remember villains will use any excuse to justify their actions whether there is biblical justification or not.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1345 Pts   -   edited November 4
    I think your over thinking it, you have to remember villains will use any excuse to justify their actions whether there is biblical justification or not.

    You mean like when you claim the racism you support (DEI, affirmative action, denying educational freedom) is good racism?  Or did you mean when you claim the baby killing you support (abortion) is good and holy baby killing?  Like that?  I am always amazed at how you always see yourself as the good guy as you endorse the oppression and victimization of others.  just sayin

    You don't need to make a religious argument to point out the issues with transgenderism.  Someone claims that who they think they are in their mind is something other than what their body is.  Now if someone who weighs 130 pounds goes into their doctor and says I just feel like a morbidly obese person in my mind. I want you to alter my body to match who I think I am by surgically adding fat to my body.  The doctor would say no - your body is fine the way it is, I will not perform a surgery to make you morbidly obese.  Yet, the reasoning and logic are very much the same.  The only difference is the doctor has rejected the idea that our thoughts should take priority over physical reality.  Rather than acknowledging the physical reality of their body and seeking to renew or condition the mind to accept physical reality (as one would do with the person who sees themselves as morbidly obese), because of political motivations, people will deny physical bodily reality, and instead of addressing defective reasoning in the mind - they will alter the body to conform with how the person thinks of themselves.

    Underlying all of this is a denial of biological reality.  Yet, the irony is you must acknowledge biological reality to come to the conclusions they have done so.  Think I'm wrong - define what a woman is.  You can't do so without an appeal to some biological reality or stereotype.  Ask someone who is suffering from gender dysphoria why they think they are a woman on the inside - and that answer will reflect their perceived idea of a biological woman.   They will describe traits or stereotypes that they associate with biological women.  In fact every single one of the so-called 762 (or whatever the number is this week) genders is all based on the biological male and female understanding.  Try to define what it is to be 'gay' without an appeal to biological sex organs - you can't do it.  

    The OPs question deals with perceived notions of what the Bible says or does not say about transgenderism.  You have shown your support of bigoted views toward people of faith by falsely assuming the Bible has nothing to say about our sexual identify and who we are.  However that is not true.  You have assumed that if a person of faith comes to some other conclusion than you on the issue of transgenderism then it is because of their bigotry.  That's a very bigoted and uncharitable view of yours.  It seems to me that people of faith do not want people to suffer and do not want them to harm themselves or deceive themselves.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; Joseph was given a colorful garment which led to jealousy and strife and deceit. LGBTQ is death through demonic deception and aberrant lust initiated by a self-loathing and nihilistic demon of perversion. LGBTQ is mental and spiritual sickness that destroys lives, families, Nations.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1709 Pts   -  
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