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How Would You Cope?

Debate Information

As a theist, say a Christian, how would you deal with the following scenario?

You have an adult son who you love dearly even though he has left the Church and declared himself to be an atheist. He is suddenly killed in a road accident.

Your kindly Church brethren console you by saying that your son will be waiting in Heaven where you will be reunited when you come to pass.

However, according to your belief, your son won't be going to Heaven, will he? In fact, he will be going to Hell for eternal punishment and torture.

How do you cope with the fact that you will be going to Heaven for eternity whilst knowing that your own son is down below suffering eternal damnation?

How could you possibly enjoy your afterlife or even live with yourself in the afterlife?

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  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Swoft.


    The convenience of hypothetical scenarios is thus.

    GOD turned out not to be the arsehole that devout Christians made him out to be.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    God will wipe his memory from you as an act of "compassion".  That's what the elf book says. 

    • Isaiah 65:16: "For the past troubles will be forgotten and hidden from my eyes" 
    • Revelation 21:4: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away"
  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 17

    I am going to be blunt about this topic to hopefully shake you away from the sickening religion of Christianity!

    If you still wanted to be a follower of the primitive thinking and barbaric Bronze and Iron Age Christianity in the 21st Century of science and reasoning, then you should have first and foremost murdered your son as being an Atheist as shown herewith:

    JESUS AS GODS INSPIRED WORDS SAID:  "And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman." (2 Chronicles 15:12-13)

    See what happens when you have swallowed the outright abhorred faith of Christianity in the year of 2024?

    Your son had 21st Century intellect in not being a pseudo-christian, therefore to negate your worrisome position, and in his name, join him in being an Atheist in not believing the bible that shows the earth is flat, the sun revolves around the earth, where it had talking animals, and where Jesus was a brutal serial killer and had innocent infants, and suckling babies, brutally murdered by smashing them against the rocks, and had pregnant women RIPPED OPEN in not only murdering the woman, but murdering the fetus which is abortion (1 Samuel 15:3)!!!! 

    Leave the bible behind in the trash where it belongs in todays age where Jesus is a myth to begin with, and cannot be proved outside of the Bible, but only by non-eyewitnesses and "hearsay" accountings of Jesu sstarting 93 years after the serial killer Jesus' allegedly ascending into his 1400 square mile heaven!




  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 17
    @Swolliw ; As a Christian father I will have done my duty to introduce my son to Jesus and the Gospel and explain to him the ramifications of rejecting Jesus and living a life apart from the Gospel of Life. If my son rejects Jesus and lives life in nihilism and dies as a useless atheist, he will perish in Hell subsequent the Judgment of the Condemned (Revelation 20:11-15). I will be sorrowful for my son's lack of wisdom and discernment via his own free will but I will praise my Lord for His faithfulness and steadfast righteousness that exudes life eternal in His presence. I will know that I did my best as will my Lord.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1710 Pts   -  

    As a Christian father I will have done my duty to introduce my son to Jesus and the Gospel and explain to him the ramifications of rejecting Jesus 

    Poor kid. You happily abuse him because of your own petty irrational fears. Teaching falsehoods of physical reality and burning in a fictious hell if one doesn't agree to stupidity and ask a zombie 's forgiveness for what the zombie made them to be in the first place. That's no different than woke tactics. You're irrelevant. The smart kids will deprogram him very easily as it was you that brainwashed your own kid. You're not even biblically literate.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -   edited November 18
    @Factfinder ; @21CenturyIconoclast Jesus as Messiah and the Truth of Scripture conveyed by the indwelling Holy Spirit in our children's lives is their only Hope for a productive life in Time and a future in Eternity. I pity any child who patterns their life after that of a blind, arrogant, spiritually dead, father or mother. You are a vile servant of the Devil.

  • 21CenturyIconoclast21CenturyIconoclast 534 Pts   -   edited November 17

    As explicitly shown by RickeyHoltsclaw's pseudo-christian statements in his post above, is reason enough to jettison Christianity in the 21st Century where he admits that his Jesus as god is a brutal serial killer of the Biblical Age, and taken to the 21st Century, where Jesus is NOT ever loving (Romans 5:8) and forgiving (Acts 5:31-32) like the Bible states he is, which is a blatant contradiction that RickeyHoltsclaw has never been able to address and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath!!


    JESUS SAID: ”Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions. But if that servant says to himself, ‘My master is delayed in coming,’ and begins to beat the male and female servants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, the master of that servant will come on a day when he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know, and will cut him in pieces and put him with the unfaithful. And that servant who knew his master's will but did not get ready or act according to his will, will receive a severe beating. ..." (Luke 12:43-48)



  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @21CenturyIconoclast ; Jesus is not a "brutal serial killer" but your spiritual father is...

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6739 Pts   -  
    I am not a theist, but I firmly insist on being happy no matter what happens around me. If someone really dear to me dies or suffers unspeakably, I will not be happy about that - but I will find a way to live a happy life regardless of this unpleasantness. Naturally, if I can do something about their suffering - I will. But if not... well, feeling bad about it is not going to help anyone, is it?

    What I certainly would not do though is worship the bastard who hurt them. Worshiping god who can let your son go to hell knowing that it takes him literally 0 effort to prevent that from happening - that is sick indeed.
  • polytheistwitchpolytheistwitch 162 Pts   -  
    I'm atheist and I could care less if my kid accepts Christ as a savior. Christianity is pretty much a made up religion.
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 468 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Poly


    Of course religions are wholly made up.

    Human function and process dictates this fact

    Just about everything that humans do has been made up.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1281 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ; Nihilism = atheism = the fo-ol
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