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What Is Wrong With Faith?

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As we all (should) know there is no evidence of any kind to indicate the presence of any God and or Creator. So, what's left for those who do believe?..........."Faith".

And, "what's wrong with faith", I hear one cry in one's relentless search for the truth? Well, there's nothing wrong with faith; we all have to rely on a bit of faith in something turning out right in everyday situations and without all of the relevant facts at hand we do have to make decisions.

With religion, however, we are not talking about faith in general. We are talking specifically about placing faith in something unknown, completely unproven and making the most bizarre life-changing promises which defy reason.

This belief permeates the minds of the beholders to such an extent that their lives revolve around it in a very unhealthy way.

So then we may well ask the question, "what's right with religious faith"?

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 1010 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Lots of Things Wrong

    There are several issues with religious faith:

    1. Lack of evidence: Religious faith often requires belief in supernatural claims without sufficient empirical evidence. This contradicts the scientific method and rational thinking that have led to significant advancements in human knowledge.

    2. Potential for harm: Religious beliefs can sometimes lead to harmful practices or attitudes. For example, some religious doctrines have been used to justify discrimination against women, LGBTQ+ individuals, or people of other faiths.

    3. Hindrance to progress: Certain religious beliefs can impede scientific and social progress. Throughout history, religious dogma has sometimes opposed scientific discoveries or social reforms.

    4. Psychological manipulation: Some religious leaders exploit followers' faith for personal gain, leading to financial, emotional, or even physical abuse.

    5. Restriction of personal freedom: Strict religious moral codes can limit individual autonomy and self-expression, particularly in societies where religious laws are intertwined with legal systems.

    6. Creation of in-group/out-group dynamics: Religious beliefs can foster intolerance and division between different groups, leading to conflict and social fragmentation.

    7. Promotion of magical thinking: Faith can encourage belief in supernatural interventions rather than relying on evidence-based solutions to real-world problems.

    8. Delayed gratification to an extreme: Belief in an afterlife can sometimes lead to neglecting or devaluing the present life and its challenges.

    9. Unquestioning acceptance: Religion often makes certain ideas unquestionable, which can stifle critical thinking and intellectual growth.

    10. Potential for extremism: In some cases, absolute religious ideals can lead to fanaticism and justify harmful actions in the name of faith.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 778 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold Jesus effing just can't let it go, can you?
    Yes, that was Willows and yes I agree with your moving on.....!!!
    Give me strength.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -   edited January 31

    I honestly don't think religion itself is good or bad. It appears to be the way we as a species evolved on some level socially. It's what people do with it that bothers me. Engraining wild assumptions in children's heads that have no proof just doesn't sound good at all and it leads to bigger problems down the road. I think if religious ideals hadn't have been conceived of something in its place would have as we are both an inquisitive and an imaginative species and those compulsions combined seems to be what drives both religion and science in a weird, ironic sort of way. The need to find answers and the connections we will make at times to satisfy that need.

    Of course the scariest thing is when people use religion to manipulate their own little cultic dictatorships but again that is human so we would find reasons to be monsters anyway. The best we can do is continue to let our knowledge grow as that causes superstitions to decrease.
  • BryceChristensenBryceChristensen 58 Pts   -   edited February 1
    @JulesKorngold ; I'm going to sum up for you.
    1), 7), 9) People shouldn't believe what they can't see if it has to do with religion.

    Even OP concedes the need for faith outside religion.  It's funny to see a place that actually allows users to call out fallacies that the fallacy that because some people of faith use blind faith, all people of faith use blind faith goes unchallenged by most.  It may win easy points against the uninitiated, but is that really satisfying?
    2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 10) Power structures get abused.

    I think you make several very solid points about power structures and find that each and every one is actually independent of whether or not "religion" is attached to it.
    8) People should focus on the here and now.

    This sounds like you are making the case for nihilism.  Is that really correct?

    And my TTRPG game just wrapped, so I'm really done this time.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    people of faith use blind faith, all people of faith use blind faith goes unchallenged by most. 

    I told you this before..... "faith is the excuse people give for believing something when they don't have a good reason."

                                                                        Matt Delahunthy 
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