I have faith in my investments doing well for me. Together with my financial adviser we have studied the options, checked them out, and made the appropriate choices according to my projected financial progress.
Imagine someone coming to your door or simply telling you anecdotally that there is a great investment that delivers 100% return in next to no time. "And hey, here's the evidence, it says it all here in this brochure. We don't know where the head office is or the company CEO since they are both invisible but, believe me they are there......somewhere, er in another dimension but all you need to do is sign your life savings away to the plan right now. All you need is belief and faith"
It all sounds incredulous but it does happen to people who get talked into such scams every day whereby the only "guarantee" they have is faith (in the person or persons peddling such nonsense).
Isn't this what we call "blind faith"?
And, can we apply the same scenario to religious faith?
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