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How Can Religion Be Dangerous?

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A few years ago in San Diego, a Lexus car crashed killing all four occupants.

The well-documented incident was attributed to a floor mat jamming under the accelerator pedal, apparently preventing the driver from stopping the vehicle until it ran out of highway and crashed dramatically at high speed. Toyota (the parent company) went into damage control and ended up making a financial settlement to the estate of the deceased family.

But what was the real cause of the accident?

The driver was an experienced highway patrolman however, the family involved was staunchly Christian. Despite one of the occupants dialing 911 to get assistance, nobody in the car had the presence of mind to know that simply placing the gear selector in neutral would have solved the problem and the car would be brought to a safe stop.

Other similar incidents involving Toyota and Lexus cars were reported however, the drivers safely stopped the car in each case.

The last words heard by the emergency services by the driver were, "hold on" and "pray,...."

Does this mean that the family's religion caused the occupants to throw away all reasoning and think that God was somehow going to save them?

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 941 Pts   -  
    Some examples of how religion can be dangerous:

    1. Religious terrorism and extremism:
    - Attacks by groups like ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram that justify violence using religious ideology
    - The 9/11 attacks, which were motivated by extremist religious views

    2. Religious wars and conflicts:
    - The Crusades between Christians and Muslims 
    - Ongoing conflicts with religious dimensions like those in Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria

    3. Sectarian violence:
    - Conflicts between Sunni and Shia Muslims in various countries
    - Historical conflicts between Catholics and Protestants, like in Northern Ireland

    4. Persecution of religious minorities:
    - Treatment of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar
    - Oppression of Uyghur Muslims in China
    - Historical persecution of Jews in many countries

    5. Justification of oppressive practices:
    - Using religious texts to justify practices like slavery, oppression of women, or discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals

    6. Rejection of science and medicine:
    - Some religious groups rejecting medical treatments or vaccinations
    - Opposition to scientific theories like evolution based on religious grounds

    7. Indoctrination and control:
    - Some cults or extreme religious groups using faith to control and manipulate followers

    8. Interreligious violence:
    - Communal violence between different religious groups, as seen in India between Hindus and Muslims

    9. Child abuse scandals:
    - Sexual abuse scandals in various religious institutions, like the Catholic Church

    10. Blocking social progress:
    - Using religious arguments to oppose social reforms or human rights advancements

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1071 Pts   -  
    @Swolliw ; Religion is dangers and will ultimately initiate the 2nd-Advent of Messiah Jesus. The most vile and dangerous religions know to human kind are Atheism - Secular Humanism - Islam.

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