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(Philosophy/psychology) The Dangers of teaching or certain stuff being accessible to some people

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I believe there is a mixture here of both psychology and philosophy at play. Within these subjects, we will find topics such as critical thinking, cognitive biases, argumentation, emotions, how people think, how people behave, debate stuff, formal and informal logic, fallacies, Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, epistemology, and much more.

Now, with this information, some people will, unfortunately, use it solely for malicious purposes I.E sociopaths and/or psychopaths. These kinds of people have no regard for the social contract but know exactly how to use it and take every opportunity to use it to their advantage. There is no point in reasoning with these guys as that is not their intention as they are not sincere. There is also no point in trying to appeal to their morality as they don't have any. These are the kinds of people that will pose as innocent, charming, feign ignorance, etc. You may find these people talking about compassion, empathy, etc but make no mistake; their whole motivation is purely to deceive and manipulate. As the saying goes "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing the world he doesn't exist."

Now, I was originally going to ask "should some people not have access to this stuff?" However, that is not exactly feasible as sociopaths can still get access to this info as it's widely available. However, although I am not a professor I do think that it would be prudent for a professor to be selective in who he teaches what and who to. In addition to this, the next best thing is for the rest of us is to arm ourselves with this information so as a defense to the people that try to use it for manipulation purposes. This doesn't just help us with our debating but also generally in life I think.

And we can do this by learning about it with the stuff that is widely and freely available, and even subscribing to some great premium services where we will find people that are accredited and with far more academic rigor than ourselves. BTW, you might have noticed I have and will not post any sources, especially the premium sources but I think some of you know why. ;) That being said I do believe I do need to go back there as I do believe I am a little rusty.  :)

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