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What word should we use for people who verbally abuse other people?

Debate Information

Let it be resolved: People who use insults are verbally abusive.

Preamble to the argument:

" Verbal abuse involves some sort of verbal interaction that causes a person emotional harm, often prompting them to question who they are. It is a way for a person to control and maintain power over another person. In fact, it is not uncommon for a victim of verbal abuse to feel inadequate, , and worthless. After all, they are being defined by a verbally abusive person."

The argument:

1. Some people pepper their arguments with put downs. They seem so important to include. In a debate, an insult is fallacious. It's a distraction at best. A total obnoxious, non sequitur.
2. People who attack others by using words can be described as verbal abusers.

3. ( C ) Therefore, the people who infect their arguments with insults can be described as verbal abusers.

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