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Should parents of school shooters be prosecuted?

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I don't mean if, or when parents are an accomplice to a crime. I mean, should the parents of a school shooter be charged for providing the upbringing that caused their child to be crazy enough to commit mass murder.   
  1. Live Poll

    Charge the parents?

    4 votes
    1. No. We should not charge people for the crimes of others.
    2. Yes. The parents bare some blame for the actions of their children.

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Yes

    The grandfather of the teenager accused of carrying out a school shooting in Georgia that left two teachers and two students dead has said the boy's "evil" father should get the death penalty.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -   edited September 9
    I don't think you can hold the parents responsible for their child's actions, unless you can show they specifically knew the shooting was going to happen.  In the case last week, the father may be culpable for giving a 14 year old with known mental issues a gun, after he declared he was going to shoot a school up just months after he said this, however, since the FBI said the kid was not homicidal, I think the dad might get off.  If professionals determined the kid was not suffering some mental illness, then how could a parent determine this?

    To me the greater issue is addressing mental health issues among students.  
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    That depends upon the particular circumstances with each, individual case.    In the recent Georgia case, the father has been charged with murder, the mother has not.     In the Ronald Reagan assassination attempt, President Reagan, much to his credit, absolved his potential assassins family of any responsibility in the affair.    Reagan noted that the mother and father were exemplarity citizens with a high achieving daughter, but the son was the black sheep of the family over which the family despaired.     Reagan asked all Americans to pray for this "fine American family."     No wonder everyone but the loony left liked Ronnie.  
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -   edited September 10
    @Bogan @just_sayin @JulesKorngold ;Reagan noted that the mother and father were exemplarity citizens 

    Well in this case the mother and father are far from being exemplary citizens and the kid had no chance of living a decent normal life. Just look at the mom. She has been in and out of trouble with hard drugs and the law. But worst of all the father is a Red Neck and calls his son Colt. I bet he didn't name him after a horse either. Then buys the 13 year old kid a hunting rifle. Like what the? 

    The hole family are such bad aces that they should all be locked a way for good to protect us all.

  • melodymelody 10 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Yes, in some cases.

    It depends if the child got the gun from their parents. If the gun was left in the house unprotected by something like a safe, absolutely, that child should not have had access to a gun. If the child did not get the gun from their parents then I would say no, as many factors out of the parents' control can influence mental health
  • melodymelody 10 Pts   -  
    @just_sayin Not sure if this happened in this specific case, but if the parents left the gun where the child had access to it, they are absolutely at fault. Children should not have unsupervised access to guns.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @melody ;Not sure if this happened in this specific case, but if the parents left the gun where the child had access to it, they are absolutely at fault.

    What we do know is that the father bought the gun for the 13 year old kid as a gift. That father raised a monster and the mother couldn't care less because she is always busy doing meth and getting arrested.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Pilot Ear.


    In a dumbass society that provides the means and support for every Tom and Harriet to own assault weapons and ammunition,

    shootings and death should be regarded as an expected social outcome.

    Appointing blame is simply justification for the absurd contradiction that is the USA...And of course, a source of great media

    entertainment and legal revenue.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ;In a dumbass society that provides the means and support for every Tom and Harriet to own assault weapons and ammunition, shootings and death should be regarded as an expected social outcome.

    Oh yeah sure let's just blame society shall we?

    This are soul of a family has to take the blame fair and square.

     There are people all over the USA with dangerous rifles and there are plenty of red necks and yobbos. But they don't go around shooting up schools do they?

    I oppose guns but you have to look at the particular family unit here. The mom was in and out of trouble with the law through meth and crack addiction and the father brought his son up from a young age with a culture that guns rule okay. 

    Just lock this family away for good and never let them out.

  • HitcounterHitcounter 27 Pts   -  
    Most certainly, parents are fully to blame for how they raise their kids, if they make a school shooter, they should be prosecuted as the cause that created the school shooter, if it where me I would prosecute everybody involved, mum, dad, school bullies (if the shooter doesn't get them) the principle, and of course the FBI that sets the Kids up to justify their budget an narrative

    we could also maybe build a wall around the US to keep the animals in the pen, maybe more rational and civilised people could then visit the US as you would a Zoo, to see the more primitive of earths animals, the dumbest, the hominoids evolution forgot about!

    too much? nah dead children in a school is too much its time America as a whole pays for its crimes against humanity  
  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 433 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hey Barney

    Barnardot said:
    @Fredsnephew ;In a dumbass society that provides the means and support for every Tom and Harriet to own assault weapons and ammunition, shootings and death should be regarded as an expected social outcome.

    Oh yeah sure let's just blame society shall we?

    This are soul of a family has to take the blame fair and square.

     There are people all over the USA with dangerous rifles and there are plenty of red necks and yobbos. But they don't go around shooting up schools do they?

    I oppose guns but you have to look at the particular family unit here. The mom was in and out of trouble with the law through meth and crack addiction and the father brought his son up from a young age with a culture that guns rule okay. 

    Just lock this family away for good and never let them out.

    Society afforded these people the right and the ability to own guns and to buy their kid a gun. 

    And not everyone shoots up schools, but occasionally someone does because society affords them the ability to do so.

    So, these folk shouldn't have been allowed to own or possess guns...But they were.

    Four people dead...It's far too late to blame the parents. 

    All that blaming does, is pass the buck.

    Until the next time.
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