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What Is Truth And Does It Exist?

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For hundreds of years, philosophers have battled over this question.  Is there a Truth with a capital "T"?  Do we each have our own truth with a small "t"?  Many philosophers rejected the idea of Truth as wishful thinking.  A few went further and denied even the existence of truths (no capital).

What do you think?  Your answer is important because all your thinking and actions depend on it.

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  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 937 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: What The Gemini Chatbot Says

    The concept of truth is a fascinating and complex one that philosophers have debated for centuries. Here are some different perspectives on truth and its existence:

    • Correspondence Theory: This is a widely held view that truth is about correspondence with reality. A statement or belief is true if it accurately reflects the way the world actually is. For example, the statement "The Earth is round" is true because it corresponds to the shape of our planet.

    • Coherence Theory: This theory emphasizes the importance of consistency within a system of beliefs. A statement is true if it coheres with other beliefs that we already hold to be true. For example, the theory of evolution might be seen as true because it makes sense of a wide range of evidence about the natural world.

    • Pragmatist Theory: This approach focuses on the usefulness of truth. A statement is true if it has practical value and helps us to navigate the world effectively. For instance, the statement "This medicine will cure your cold" might be considered true if it actually relieves your symptoms, even if we don't fully understand how it works.

    Does Truth Exist?

    There isn't a universally agreed-upon answer. Here are some arguments for and against the existence of truth:

    • Arguments for:

      • Science relies on the idea of truth to develop knowledge about the world. Scientific discoveries are constantly being refined, but there's a general sense of what's true based on evidence.
      • Our ability to communicate and make sense of the world around us depends on some shared understanding of truth.
    • Arguments against:

      • Our knowledge of the world is constantly evolving. What we believe to be true today may be proven false tomorrow.
      • Truth can be subjective and depend on our perspective. For example, what constitutes a beautiful sunset might vary depending on the person experiencing it.

    Ultimately, the question of whether truth exists is a philosophical one that may not have a definitive answer. However, the pursuit of truth is a fundamental human endeavor that drives scientific discovery, communication, and our understanding of the world.

  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -   edited May 30
    The truth is that Julia has surrendered her thinking to an AI.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 912 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Jesus is the Truth and He exists.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6542 Pts   -  
    The idea that truth does not exist seems absurd to me. What does it mean that "truth does not exist"? If truth does not exist, then the statement "truth does not exist" cannot be true, hence we are talking about a logical impossibility.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 912 Pts   -  
    The Bible is the truth as well.

  • MartaMarta 20 Pts   -  
    the definition of truth is:
    that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.
    The definition of reality is:
    the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.

    So, I guess that truth is just what most of the population thinks... And they might be right, but some other people can think that there is a different truth. Does that make the majorities' truth less valid though? Perhaps, depending on the context, but I think that there is (almost always) an ultimate truth.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6542 Pts   -  

    There are schools of thought according to which reality as such does not really exist - rather, what we perceive as the real world is merely a projection of our minds. A very extreme example of it is a variation of solipsism according to which literally only one's mind exists, and, in theory, that mind can be used to transform the perceived reality in any way the individual desires.

    In that case, indeed, truth becomes a pretty fluid concept. But it is also a philosophical dead end: if truth is fluid, if everything is just the way I think it is, then no statement is ultimately true or false, everything is permissible... It is complete chaos, unhelpful in navigating life.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 912 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Jesus is the Truth, the Reality of the Truth, the embodiment of the Truth (John 14:6), and the Holy Spirit is the Truth and if you desire to know Truth, place your faith in Jesus as your Messiah, receive the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Truth will live within you.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 937 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold ; Jesus is the Truth, the Reality of the Truth, the embodiment of the Truth (John 14:6), and the Holy Spirit is the Truth and if you desire to know Truth, place your faith in Jesus as your Messiah, receive the indwelling Holy Spirit and the Truth will live within you.

    You're quite mistaken.   You believe in nonsense.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 681 Pts   -  
    @Marta @JulesKorngold ;that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

    I throughly agree with you there and I think Kornhold was alluding to philosophers that have wrestled with the idea for ians. Philosophers would do that since there absessed with esoterical la dee da stuff just like theologists and end up getting no where. 

    If some one comes up to you with a base ball bat and wallops you on the head then your going to get injured. Thats the truth and what I'm saying is that we need to keep our heads in the real world where we are subject to no more or less that the forces of nature. Thats where you find the truth.

  • FredsnephewFredsnephew 415 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


    Ian's what?

    Who is Ian?

    And philosophy never gets anything done, other than waste time.

    Wasting time, now there's one for the philosophers to wrestle over.

    My favourites are the 18 year old female nymphomaniacal naked mud wrestling philosophers.

    Now there's a Truth with a capital T.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 681 Pts   -  
    @Fredsnephew ;My favourites are the 18 year old female nymphomaniacal naked mud wrestling philosophers. Now there's a Truth with a capital T.

    Now youve got me on the same page.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 912 Pts   -  
    @Barnardot ; Jesus is the Truth and He lives.

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