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Does Biden actually care about Britney Griner?

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I doubt it very much, it seems to me like it's just a publicity stunt, an American teacher got 14 years of hard labor for having marijuana in Russia, and we don't hear any thing from Biden, and then we have Kamala Harris, who's talking about how bad Putin is for this, we know that she doesn't actually care, she put almost 2000 people in prison for marijuana crimes. If Britney Griner had done marijuana in California, and she wasn't famous, Kamala Harris would have locked her up for years and ruined her life, and she probably would have kept her in prison past her release date because she needed the cheap labor (she is a pretty evil person). It would look pretty bad if Biden where to let a sports player who millions of people love rot in prison, and allow Russia to commit such a disrespectful action, but if you're just a regular unfamous bloke, he couldn't care less.

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