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What is your favorite color?

Debate Information

Mines got to be whites as in there are so many different shades of white but a lot of people don’t know this but white is made up from every other color which is why I don’t like black s because they have nothing. I would like reds but they remind me to much about red necks and bolshies and also pink which is really red with white pigmint in it and only my mother in law and girlie boys go for that any way. But what I like to is blue and green because there like nature so I could may be lie on a green feeld and see the butterfly s fly in to the sky and I could write color full poetry.

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  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  
    Mines got to be whites as in there are so many different shades of white but a lot of people don’t know this but white is made up from every other color which is why I don’t like black s because they have nothing.

    Sir, you are a chocolate racist, a chicken racist and a colour racist.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature ;Sir, you are a chocolate racist, a chicken racist and a colour racist.

    Well at least Im not a people racist because I love all races except for spicks and immigrants and slopes and power points and towel heads and blackies and nips and limys and curry munchers and gooks and frogs and bolshies and mapol suckers and micks and signfelds and slantys and coons and fuzzies and nig nogs and sambos and bootlips and chinkys and cholos and dagos and wogs and sqwars and boongs and lebos and yids and krowts and wops but those are the only ones I dont love to much. So I pretty well love every body because thats the kind of real guy that I am.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  

    Not again.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Nomenclature Well the point that I am pointing out is that every one is racialist any way because we get groups who stick to gethjer and are totally different from the others just like countries. Its all right to have gos at other countries and have wars with them but you just need to say that you dont like the smell from the curry munchers apartment next door and then your labelled racist and I say so what because I dont like smelling there curry all day and when I go to work my work mates look at me funny but I know what there on about. But then these rcisialist blamers dont look at the other side because I remember going up stairs once and told the Nigerians to stop all there bongo music but then they invited me in and we sat down and ate there food and drank there fermented yam juice and man that was so cool. So now when I heer bongo music it makes me want to party and those guys are still my friends because I bring them home chicken peaces which they cook up with all there yummy cos cos and spices.
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