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Is Trump A Degenerate, Pigeon-Livered Abomination?

Debate Information

Yes...and a heinous, self-glorious cozener.

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Predicted 2nd Place

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  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: We need to focus on defeating Trumpism and the systems of power that let him rise to president.

    There's a good chance Ron DeSantis will beat Trump. For starters he is younger a major bonus for surviving covid-19. Once a candidate is decided for GOP in the primaries then we can focus on them.

    I recommend these two hubs of websites to understand power dynamics:

    A lot of the reason Trump won sadly was over white people's racial anxiety.

  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    No, I personally consider Donald Trump to be the saviour of the USA from an obviously corrupt President Biden, who is so corrupt that it looks like he has committed treason, as well as a corrupt administation including the FBI, the DoJ, the IRS, and the US Health department.   I am sure that Donald trump will be re elected President and he can then start criminal proceedings against Hunter and Joe Biden, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, and Dr Fauci.      No wonder the corrupt US administration is so terrified at Trump's return to power that they will do anything they can to stop his re election.

    To all of those Trump haters on this site who are trying to avoid looking at Biden and his crimes, and the way that those in his administration are covering up his crimes, and now trying to cover up their cover up, I would love to say "I told you so."     Perhaps this is the time for you to reconsider your child like faith in Leftism?    The lefties lied to you and treated you like a fool, and you supported them?    How du-mb was that?    You supported the Left because you thought it showed how "smart" you are and now you are left looking like fo-ols.    If you want to be smart, start thinking smart.     Recognise that you were played for chumps, re think your positions,  and start backing trump.
  • jackjack 728 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    No, I personally consider Donald Trump to be the saviour of the USA. 

    Re think your positions, and start backing trump.
    Hello B:

    Spoken like a true believer.  Nooo...  I ain't gonna drink no koolaid.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 1010 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Prediction

    Trump predicts there will be bloodshed if he loses in November.  Is he correct?
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    Trump predicts there will be bloodshed if he loses in November.  Is he correct?
    The real issue is that when Trump wins in November will Democrats in congress acknowledge his win.  Several of them have already stated they will not.  This is the real danger.  

    See How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn’t
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1153 Pts   -  

    No he didnt.  He was talking about the auto industry, china moving plants to mexico and selling cars in the U.S.
    In context he stated the auto workers/industry in the US would be a bloodbath.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    Trump predicts there will be bloodshed if he loses in November.  Is he correct?
    Trump was talking about Chinese car imports, not the election with Joe Biden.  Thanks for highlighting just how much leftists and their media will lie to promote their agenda.
  • QuetzalcoatlQuetzalcoatl 15 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Your argument supports a wholly different thesis --Republican propaganda and cult like behavior

    @Bogan "Donald Trump to be the saviour of the USA" The use of savior implies a faith beyond just politics. If this is true, what is the name of of the Church he attends regularly? This supports cult like behavior because he panders to the evangelical. He paints himself the color of gold. If you are a believer you are truly misled. 
    "...Start criminal proceedings against Hunter and Joe Biden, Christopher Wray, Merrick Garland, and Dr Fauci." Some 75 million people died in WWII because of Fascism. Your glaring lack of education indicates that you do not know how these political movements can take hold. All you have to do is develop a Savior like figure and the uneducated will follow like sheep. Read Maddow --Prequel An American fight against Fascism. 
    Remember that the loudest noise the trump propaganda machine is projecting exactly what they are doing to the US. Watch how easily your projection matches what everyone hates about trump... Watch how just changing a few words tells the world what trump wants to do. 
    "Perhaps this is the time for you to reconsider your child like faith in Leftism? the cult of celebrity?    Trump lefties lied to you and treated you like a fool, and you supported them?  (Note: why does  How du-mb was that?    You supported the Left trump because you thought it showed how "smart" you are and now you are left looking like fo-ols.    If you want to be smart, start thinking smart."  Smart thinker went to trump University, bought trump steaks, hoped to visit his failed casino, was found GUILTY of sexual misconduct, defrauded banks and insurance companies, had his charity closed for stealing from Vets. Everyone who criticizes trump is lying, and the press is the enemy of the people. Stop eating the yellow bile, listen to what he says and if you want to live under a dictator --find another country where the State is placed above the people.   
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    It is pretty hard to have a productive discussion starting with a prompt like this. :D

    On a serious note, I am a little disappointed by the gerontocracy spreading around the world. Look at the ages of countries' leaders: Biden is 81 and Trump will be 78 when he enters the office again, Putin is 71, Jinping is 70, Modi is 73, Khamenei is 84, Charles III is 75, Erdogan is 70... What is up with these dinosaurs born in the 1950-s telling modern people how to live their lives?
  • RyanPiercyRyanPiercy 8 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold That whole thing was taken out of context, as the media does. Trump was talking about China building giant factories to manufacture cheap cars that would be exported to Mexico and then pushed into the USA. He was saying if he becomes president he will stop that from happening, but if Biden get reelected it would be a bloodbath in the sense of the USA getting an influx of cheap made cars and no way to get rid of them. Which then cause major problems for our economy.So if his predictions were to come true then yes it would be a bloodbath in a figurative manner of speaking. We are in an economic decline and one wrong move could cause a major Depression again. And if we looked at what happened the last time, we went to war because like it or not their is something to be gained to the winners of wars at the cost of thousands of lives.
  • RyanPiercyRyanPiercy 8 Pts   -  
    @Bogan Trump is not going to save us.We are going to have to save ourselves. While I perfer Trump over Biden. He is a businessman and now a politician two groups you can’t trust. Not saying Trump has evil intentions but as Ronald Reagan said "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help. "
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    What if I don't trust Ronald Reagan either? HMMMM????? Bet you didn't think of that.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    Who cares what you think? didn't think about that did you?
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    No, not really. I avoid worrying about what other people think of me. I feel bad for your politicians, they can't really do that. Must be so stressful.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Putin said:
    No, not really. I avoid worrying about what other people think of me. I feel bad for your politicians, they can't really do that. Must be so stressful.
    About as stressful as looking for a bullet in the back I suspect. Any insight?
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    I'll have you know that I'm a blackbelt in Judo, so any bullet that comes my way is going to have to contend with my unmatched abilities. So there's that. But I'm sure that's no big deal to you, the TV would have told you if Putin was indestructible, wouldn't it have?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -   edited March 2024
    Putin said:
    I'll have you know that I'm a blackbelt in Judo, so any bullet that comes my way is going to have to contend with my unmatched abilities. So there's that. But I'm sure that's no big deal to you, the TV would have told you if Putin was indestructible, wouldn't it have?
    Putin is laughable. You don't think I take you serious, do you think karate chops stop bullets? The martial arts are no match for bullets. And I am a believer in the martial arts. Putin will die like everyone else. 
  • RyanPiercyRyanPiercy 8 Pts   -  
    @Putin That’s the whole point in what he said in the first place as he was the President a government official. So yea he basically said don’t trust him either. Everybody has their own agenda and it’s not about helping the citizens.
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    Karate chops???? Can you even read? I guess they didn't teach you that in public school, oh well must not be important then.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    Yes I can read. The point was no matter what martial art you know, you suck. Ukraine is coming for you. You’re small potatoes on the world stage. You and the real Putin.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -   edited March 2024

    Ukraine is coming for you


  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    NO, YOU CLEARLY CAN'T. I said JUDO, not Karate. You know, JUDO, like Jew-doh, the sound that the jews made when they found out that they wouldn't need their luggage and that the trains weren't taking them on summer holiday. Little history lesson for you.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Putin said:
    NO, YOU CLEARLY CAN'T. I said JUDO, not Karate. You know, JUDO, like Jew-doh, the sound that the jews made when they found out that they wouldn't need their luggage and that the trains weren't taking them on summer holiday. Little history lesson for you.
    Judo is a martial art...

    Jūdō, lit. 'gentle way') is an unarmed modern Japanese martial art,
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    Correct! Good job son, you're right!
    There are however more kinds of martial arts than just Karate though, Karate is a kind of Martial arts, do you understand buddy?
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    Do you understand you're not relevant?
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    I'm literally fighting a war that almost every country on earth is involved in.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    Your claim that Donald Trump equates with fascism is just silly and a belief not worthy of any person who has triple digit IQ.

        Donald Trump is a moderate right winger who appeals to the political centre. His political message is resonating more and more with  Democrats who are intelligently left of centre.      Today's Democrat party turned their backs on the US working class and also the US middle class.    The Dems today largely represent the upper levels of the unelected US public service administration, big business, academia  and any other Non Government Organisation beholden to public funding for their existence.

    Of course, these  demographics are insufficient to gain an electoral majority, so they have allied themselves with any aggrieved minority group who seek favours from the corrupt political class.     This is making the Democratic party unstable because many of these minority groups are mutually hostile to each other.   These groups include Muslims, Jews (70% of US Jews vote Democrat) the homosexual lobby, African/Americans and Hispanics.    This makes the Democratic Party unstable as some of these groups are mutually hostile to each other.

    President Trump will be elected the next President of the USA because even those demographics who were foolish enough to vote for Biden can clearly see that under Trunp, the USA and its economy were in a much better place.

    You can go on all you like about Fascism but anyone with eyes to see can see how disastrous Democrat policies have been on US social life, the international prestige of the USA, and the US economy

    Trump is espousing policies which are now resonating with Democrat voters.    A strong border, a strong economy, strong international policies, and the suppression of woke and transgender ideology being taught to children in US schools.


  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    One pertinent truism, is that every country gets the government it deserves.    People like myself have been warning our apathetic western electorates that multiculturalism would cause the death of democracy.     It is only now when the negative effects of multiculturalism and its attendant Identity Politics have become too much to deny, that western electorstes have belatedly woken up.

    Even people such as African / Americans are beginning to realise that electing a bunch of race baiting harlatans has very negative consequences for their welfare and prosperity.     So, you are right.    The onus is upon the electorate to elect people who act responsibly

    This is the message now getting through to the people in every western country.     The hard turn to the political right is because the " humanitarian" policies of the Left is bringing western societies to bankruptcy and social decay.

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Bogan said:

    Your claim that Donald Trump equates with fascism is just silly and a belief not worthy of any person who has triple digit IQ.

        Donald Trump is a moderate right winger who appeals to the political centre. His political message is resonating more and more with  Democrats who are intelligently left of centre.      Today's Democrat party turned their backs on the US working class and also the US middle class.    The Dems today largely represent the upper levels of the unelected US public service administration, big business, academia  and any other Non Government Organisation beholden to public funding for their existence.

    Of course, these  demographics are insufficient to gain an electoral majority, so they have allied themselves with any aggrieved minority group who seek favours from the corrupt political class.     This is making the Democratic party unstable because many of these minority groups are mutually hostile to each other.   These groups include Muslims, Jews (70% of US Jews vote Democrat) the homosexual lobby, African/Americans and Hispanics.    This makes the Democratic Party unstable as some of these groups are mutually hostile to each other.

    President Trump will be elected the next President of the USA because even those demographics who were foolish enough to vote for Biden can clearly see that under Trunp, the USA and its economy were in a much better place.

    You can go on all you like about Fascism but anyone with eyes to see can see how disastrous Democrat policies have been on US social life, the international prestige of the USA, and the US economy

    Trump is espousing policies which are now resonating with Democrat voters.    A strong border, a strong economy, strong international policies, and the suppression of woke and transgender ideology being taught to children in US schools.


    Welcome back. What you say about trumps policies are true. But from now to November a lot can happen and I'm not sure the biden administration won't pull something drastic. Corrupt people do corrupt things after all. Then what if trump gets in and he cares more about his legacy than anything else? That would still be better than four more years of corrupt economic, globalist, and woke policies. But I wouldn't call him a savior, just the least of two evils. 
  • elijah44elijah44 93 Pts   -  
    Yes, but so are a lot of presidents. Including Biden.
  • PutinPutin 110 Pts   -  
    Your country must be in deep trouble then.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    My opion is, that if Donald Trump was just a narcissistic psychopath, out for what he can get, then he would have pulled out of the Presidential nomination, long ago

    The fact that even with the threat of fines worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the very real threat from a corrupt legal system of a 700 year jail term, Trump prefers to fight.

    I think that most Americans like that.    He is a real leader representing the people against what so many of us in the western world today see as the corruption of our powerful political class.
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  

    Well I just hope you're and they're right. Like I alluded to though, he is egotistical and would be a lame duck president in that he can't run again. Hey if he did do something way out there and it worked out for Americans and democracies around the world in a big way too then sure, that'd be a win, win. But don't get the wrong idea, I agree with you, no matter what trump will be an improvement over what we got now.
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  

    Every leader has a bit of  narcissism in him ( or her)
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