So, Europeans or 'whites' in america suffer through constant racism. Not a day goes by where we are not accused of racism toward another group. Yet literallly the ONLY people in the entire world who lets other races immigrate from their incredibly crappy countries is, your guessed it, europeans. When afhanistans needed to flee, europe, canada and the usa took them in. Who takes in the immigrants from south america? yep, the usa. No other people do this. When people fled Uganda from the genocide did they go to asia? nope! they went to the usa, a former EUROPEAN COUNTRY. Are europeans or 'whites' the least racist group in the world? I say yes.
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@Bogan ofc you do. Or should I call you @AntiRioter?
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so you’re only rebuttal is to imply 2 people agreeing on one topic are the same person? Grow up
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That's quiet all right. I can very well under stand why you have no idea what I'm even trying to say. After all all you have is half a brain. Would that be right?
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I reckon that you hit the nail right on the heed there. We don't choose what culture were born in to at all. But weather or not its accidental the fact is that we accept what we are and are proud of it. And lets face it that most births are accidental any way and thats why people like that are less violent and more generous because they accept there position in life.
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@Bogan ofc you do. Or should I call you @AntiRioter?
To Zues. I have no idea what "ofc" means? I looked at your posted image and could not make head nor tail of it. What on earth is it supposed to represent? You seem to be suggesting that I am also 'antirioter?" If that is the case, then that is just another one of your schizophrenic delusions.
Getting back on topic. It is only the European people who are supposed to allow the cultures of every woe begotten dysfunctional race to dilute their superior culture. No other culture in the world would tolerate themselves becoming a minority within their own territories.
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Why do people from Papua New Guinea flee to Australia in droves, but the opposite flow is negligible? Is it because Papua New Guinea kicks all Aussies out? Hah, they love it when Aussies come there - but Aussies never stay for more than a couple of weeks, because they have far better places to be.
Regarding genocide, you probably meant Rwanda, did you not? The countries that took the largest numbers of refugees were Congo and Tanzania (for a total of hundreds of thousands). I cannot find how many refugees the US took, but between 1990 and 2000 less than 1,500 Rwandans arrivedin the US, according to this
I think you should revise evidence in support of your argument.
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Not everyone everywhere in the world except for Europe is racist. I currently live in Minnesota but I lived in Germany for a large period of my life. Applying this logic to history, Adolf Hitler was not racist? What about Benito Moussolini? Okay so Heres the thing io agree that white people face racism Everyday, BUT, So do people in other countries for example, Many people from Sweden that i know are anti Israel and PROMOTE the GENOCIDE THAT GAZA IS ATTEMPTING TO COMMIT.
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"Racist" is primarily an anti-white black thing.
Wherein assumptions are made on the basis of skin pigment and facial anatomy.
I was born 127 years after the abolition of Slavery...But that will always be irrelevant in some peoples minds.
Such is human overthink and some peoples hankering for the past.
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Man, that sure is a way to debunk the original claim so quickly, congratulations! Really hope you get banned for that one.
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JulesKorngold quote Based on the recent report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), racism towards Black people has increased across Europe, with some countries showing higher rates of discrimination and harassment than others.
Gee willackers, Margaret, I wonder why that is?
INTERPOL black crime statistics
I've reviewed the Black-White-East Asian from figures from INTERPOL and other sources for 20 years and consistently find that African descended people are over-represented in violent crime in every country in which they live. I believe this is due to heritable differences in brain size (intelligence) and testosterone due to evolutionary selection. I'm away from my usual desk at the moment so am sending this cut-and-paste bit from a chapter I am writing. We can communicate off-line if you prefer. You may like you read my Race, Evolution, and Behaviour available from I have also published several twin studies on the heritability of crimes of violence as well as altruism and all human traits are about 50% heritable (leaving 50% due to the effects iron deficiency etc., pace Roger Masters). Hope this helps, Phil Rushton
When I reviewed the well-established, well-known U.S. crime statistics, I found that whereas Blacks made up less than 13% of the population they accounted for 50% of all arrests for assault and murder and 67% of all arrests for robbery. Since 50% of crime victims reported their assailants were Black, the arrest statistics could not be attributed to racial bias by the police. I found that East Asians, on the other hand, were under-represented in U.S. crime statistics, even though they too had been targets of racial discrimination. Back in the 1920s, their under-representation in crime had led some sociologists to argue that the “Oriental ghetto” protected members from harmful outside influences. Of course, culture-only theory then had to argue that for Blacks, the ghetto promoted criminality. Theories that explain everything explain nothing.
I also found there was an asymmetry in interracial (race-on-race) crime. Blacks assaulted Whites 60 times more frequently than Whites assaulted Blacks. The 1987 U.S. Department of Justice showed that whereas over 97% of White criminals victimized White people, 67% of Black criminals also victimized White people. The White population of 200 million committed 87,029 violent assaults on Blacks while the nearly 30 million Blacks committed 787,660 violent attacks on Whites. This averaged out to 1 out of every 2,298 Whites assaulting a Black and 1 out of every 38 Blacks assaulting a White—a rate about 60 times higher.
Taking a global perspective I found that the racial pattern in crime statistics was not peculiar to the U.S. In London, England, in 1983, Blacks made up 13% of the population but accounted for 50% of the crime. Critics claimed that these crime statistics simply reflected racist police and bias in the criminal justice system. For example, in their 1988 critique of my work in Personality and Individual Differences, Zuckerman and Brody argued that questionnaires measuring antisocial personality disorder, psychopathy, and psychotic tendency failed to show any racial differences. As I pointed out in my reply, self‑reports are only valid as a measure of less violent crime such as,” Have you ever been in a fight?” or “Would you worry about being in debt?” Unlike official crime reports as well as the reports of victims of crimes, they often give no facts about the frequency of engaging in felonies. As Richard Lynn subsequently showed in a 2001(?) issue of Personality and Individual Differences with the outspoken title, of “Race Differences in Psychopathic Personality,” Blacks tended to be less forthright in answering questionnaires and surveys. (Marvin Zuckerman wrote a critique of Lynn’s paper, to which Lynn replied—another 3-part exchange.)
Another major critique of my work was published by criminologists Julian Roberts and Thomas Gabor of the University of Ottawa in the 1990 Canadian Journal of Criminology. They concluded that crime was not racial but rather varied over time, region, and method of measurement and so was due to “situational” and “interaction” factors. As support, they pointed to the discrepancy between data from the FBI that indicated Blacks committed 47% of violent crimes and the Department of Justice that indicated Blacks committed only 24% of such crimes. They also noted that some countries in Africa had very low rates of violent crime whereas some countries in East Asia had very high rates.
Inspired by Roberts and Gabor’s reference to the international distribution of crime, I sent for the 1983-84 and 1985-86 Yearbooks of the International Police Organization (INTEROL). When I examined the INTERPOL statistics I found that the rates of murder, rape, and serious assault were much higher in African and Caribbean countries (132 per 100,000 population) than they were in East Asian or Pacific Rim countries (49 per 100,000 population), while the European countries were intermediate (72 per 100,000 population). I published these results in the same 1990 issue of the Canadian Journal of Criminology in which Roberts and Gabor’s critique appeared (to which they then responded, making yet another three-part exchange).
The pattern that emerged from the INTERPOL Yearbooks was so strikingly consistent that I performed a follow-up study using the 1989-90 INTERPOL statistics. Again I found the rate of violent crime (murder, rape, and serious assault) was over three times higher in African and Caribbean countries (240 per 100,000 population) than it was in East Asian countries (32 per 100,000 population), with European countries intermediate (75 per 100,000 population). The results were important because they confirmed my theory and disproved the critics but unfortunately I found it difficult to publish them. The follow-up study was turned down by Criminology, the house journal of the American Society of Criminology, by the Canadian Journal of Criminology, and this time even by Personality and Individual Differences, whose reviewer argued that the journal should not publish data collected at the national level because it did not deal with individual differences. I finally published the paper in the 1995 issue of Psychological Reports.
Although Criminology rejected my analysis, they accepted a critique by sociologist Jerome L. Neapolitan in 1998. He asserted that the INTERPOL statistics were unreliable (i.e., a “fluke”) and that race could not be disentangled from poverty. To examine the validity of Neapolitan’s criticism, I teamed up with Glayde Whitney, a psychologist at Florida State University. Whitney had been president of the Behavior Genetics Association (BGA) in 1995 and had presented some novel analyses of U.S. crime statistics in his after-dinner presidential address noting that they revealed a remarkable and virtually straight-line graph of the percentage of a state’s population that was Black and its homicide rate. He called upon the members of the Association to join him in investigating their cause just as they had investigated group differences in health and intelligence.
I was sitting at a table near the front of the audience with Tom Bouchard and Arthur Jensen in the audience at that fateful BGA meeting in Richmond, Virginia as we witnessed to the events that followed. In violation of all the rules of academic discourse and even common courtesy, several members of the audience openly booed Glayde’s proposal and then noisily stormed out of the room. Whitney quickly went from being a highly respected outgoing president to persona non grata.
Together, Whitney and I now analyzed the 1993-96 INTERPOL Yearbooks for 74 countries, as well as their Gross Domestic Product as reported in the CIA World Fact Book. The first thing we noticed was the strength of the racial pattern in crime I had originally reported. Taken together, the rates of murder, rape, and serious assault per 100,000 people yielded an average of 34 in East Asian countries, 43 in European countries, and 150 in African and Caribbean countries. We also confirmed Neapolitan’s finding that as wealth went up, crime went down—or at least it did in East Asia and Europe. However, this pattern was reversed for the African and the Black Caribbean countries where violent crime increased as national wealth went up. I found this was especially interesting because a similar positive relationship between wealth and AIDS (Chapter 15) existed in Africa, which suggested that wealthier males put their resources into obtaining additional sexual partners. While there were many possible reasons for this relationship, including that only the wealthier African nations could afford to gather and report accurate statistics, it was also possible that wealth provided opportunities for engaging in behavior not otherwise available. With increasing wealth and opportunity, underlying genetic proclivities could be more freely expressed.
Unfortunately, Whitney and I had a very hard time getting these potentially explosive results published. First, they were rejected by Criminology—although by the usual rules of fairness in academic publishing, I should have been allowed a reply to Neapolitan’s critique. Subsequently, the paper was rejected by the British Journal of Criminology, the Canadian Journal of Criminology, Crime and Delinquency, the International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, and the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency. Many of the editorial reasons given for rejecting the paper were contradictory, unfair, even abusive. For example, some referees claimed that the INTERPOL statistics were notoriously unreliable, whereas others said that our paper merely replicated relationships already well known. One referee said that our data were “undertheorized;” while another said there was too much theory. One referee rejected it because it came to “racist” conclusions; another simply said that such content had no place in his journal and left it at that. There were moments when it hardly seemed worth continuing to try and publish. Eventually, the article appeared in the 2002 issue of Population and Environment (P&E), where I was on the editorial board and knew the editor (Kevin MacDonald) would give the paper an even-handed peer review. Even there, a positive reviewer (Lee Ellis) gratuitously suggested that we must have an “axe to grind,” presumably for wanting to publish such unpopular news. Sadly, Whitney died suddenly of ephysema at age 62, just before publication of our article.
This story does not end with the article’s publication in Population and Environment. It might have been the last straw for some of my colleagues on the editorial board who apparently complained to the journal’s publisher about the editor for publishing my work. Noted ecologist and culture-only theorist Paul Ehrlich (along with his wife Anne) had probably not cared for my being on the editorial board in the first place. Their feeling perhaps increased after the journal invited me to be one of four participants for a special review of Ehrlich’s book Human Natures (2000), which addressed the issues at the core of the journal’s interdisciplinary beat. One reviewer, Alice Clark, a professor of environmental studies at Florida State University, was highly positive; another, eminent anthropologist Henry Harpending, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, praised the book for everything except its ideological attacks on evolutionary psychology and behavior genetics; a third anthropologist Doug Jones and I independently zeroed in on those defects. Later a story about the journal appeared in New Scientist entitled “The Greening of Hate” (22 February 2003) decrying what it alleged was an “emerging link” between the “greens” (those interested in conservation, as were many on the journal’s editorial board) and the “right wing” (presumably an allusion to me [and Kevin MacDonald?]). For the good of the journal I offered my resignation to the editor who passed it on to the publisher. As things worked out MacDonald himself was later pushed into resignation.
Facts, however, are stubborn things and other analyses of different databases have continued to tell the same story. First, in Ontario, Canada, a 1996 government commission reported that Blacks were five times more likely be in jail than Whites, and 10 times more likely than East Asians. The commission interpreted the data as evidence of anti-Black racism at every step in the criminal justice process—from stopping on suspicion, through arrest, to conviction, to non-parole. Then there is Brazil with 1.5 million East Asians, mostly Japanese. While their ancestors came as laborers in the 19th century, they are now the most represented group in the top universities and the least represented in crime. Finally, a 1996 study of female homicides, When Women Kill, examined 296 cases in the U.S. Of those arrested 75% was Black, 13% White. No East Asian women at all were arrested. Since there is no “Gangsta” image among Black females, the cultural explanation for the crime rate of Black men does not hold up.
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Harmful, long debunked racist nonsense. The idea of genetic differences in race (outside of melanin in the body) is completely debunked for a long while, and has been used as justification for Jim Crow, slavery, and apartheid.
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A Poem for Jules1
Stuff happened,
And stuff happens.
We move on slowly,
And I'm guessing that,
The human race will darken over time.
Though we will keep harping on about the Past,
Because brains need something to do.
We can't all be rocket scientists.
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At least you conceded that melanin does display racial differences. Although, I am sure that you would oppose that if you could get away with it? Nobody has ever "debunked" racial differences. If they had, then there would be plenty of arguments explaining how all races are equal..,. There are none. at least none that are not so contradictory they can not be instantly debunked. Nobody can prove that races are equal. I have crossed swords with dozens of opponents on this debate site on this topic, and whenever I ask them to prove that races are equal, they run for their lives. The idea of racial equality is a belief, just like the Christian Trinity, or Debate Island's own Pamela Johnson, who really did believe that the earth is flat.
En guarde. .
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Google 'scientific racism' There's a really good Harvard page on it.
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Then read it, understand it, and then submit a rational argument based upon what you have learned. Then I can tear it to shreds. Although, just from it's heading, I can anticipate that it has no intention of proving that races are equal, because the good lads at Harvard know that is impossible. Because they already know that races are not equal. Instead, they will just attack anyone who says it is not true. It is a bit like the clergy in the 19th century who were once avid collectors of fossils, until the publication of "Origin of Species" made the penny drop that they were putting themselves out of a job. They knew that Darwin was right, but their livelihood depended upon saying that he was wrong.
The belief that races are equal is simply that, a belief. It is no different to the belief among Christians that Jesus is the son of their God, or among any religious people that some sort of omniscient being created the universe in six days. It has been inculcated into your brain for so long that you have simply accepted it as an Absolute Truth, without ever bothering to ever think about it. Plain common sense tells you that people look different because each race or ethnicity evolved separately within wildly differing environments, and each race developed physical and mental attributes which gave each an advantage within whichever environment it evolved within. Nature is no egalitarian. And as Nobel Prize winner, James Watson, co discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, and former head of the Human Genome Project has said "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
That got him "cancelled", sacked from both his university, and sacked from his job at the HGP. The politically correct in Rome in 1600 once leading scientists like Galileo by showing them the instruments of torture. It is nice to know that in 400 years we have progressed away from doing that to our most celebrated scientists. Now the politically correct simply sack scientific heretics from their jobs, when they use their expert knowledge to make statements which is inimical to the new orthodoxy preached by our new evangelical socialist clergy.
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And as Nobel Prize winner, James Watson, co discoverer of the double helix structure of DNA, and former head of the Human Genome Project has said "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
Nothing he says can he prove , he's just an ole time bigot and racist.
Watson is a copy of you a narrow minded bigot and racist detested by his fellow academics because of his almost non stop rants against anyone who is not a rich white man like him , he's also got away with it for years after making his discovery when he was 25 he didn't nothing much since , he was rightly exposed and it's only after years of bullying and abusing others he got his medicine in a large dose.
He's made remarks about vile remarks about Jews , blacks , the Irish , women and the poor and thnks the rich should be paid to have children because obviously people like the Khardashian family will only produce children of genius.
“I think now we’re in a terrible sitution where we should pay the rich people to have children.” He says if we don’t encourage procreation of wealthier citizens, IQ levels will most definitely fall.
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If you think that the only reason why some notoriously dysfunctional races are always that way every in western society they inhabit, is because it is all the white guys fault, then you are just as big a racist and bigot as I am.
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If you think that the only reason why some notoriously dysfunctional races are always that way every in western society they inhabit,
Of course all asserted without one shred of supporting evidence as usual.
is because it is all the white guys fault, then you are just as big a racist and bigot as I am.
Hilarious it's now racist to call out a racist.
Didn't say it was all the white guys fault I said Watson is a bigoted , misogynistic, racist which he is as can be easily demonstrated by reading his content.
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The premise from so called "anti racists" (and dumb, bog Irish), is that the reason why those notoriously dysfunctional races who are always dysfunctional within the western societies that they inhabit, are that way because it is all the white guys fault. Such an explanation just happens to be self evident racism directed at white people. If you agree with that premise then you are just as racist as I am. . Watson pointed out that one reason why Africans in particular are dysfunctional is because, generally speaking, African descended people have a low IQ. Now, if you have any evidence that Watson is wrong, and all races have equal bell curves of intelligence, then please submit it.
Doing so is called "debating." If you can not manage that, then why are you on a debate site?
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The premise from so called "anti racists" (and dumb, bog Irish),
This is Bogans idea of reasoned debate
Doing so is called "debating." If you can not manage that, then why are you on a debate site?
Maybe when you learn the basics of good manners and debating I will continue to educate you because at present you're just presenting the image of the embarrassingly sad and bitter beer swilling Aussie who proudly barks " I've never read a book in my life" and don't we just know it.
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Fun fact: it is actually white guys' faults! Specifically, the white guys in charge. Redlining, effectively creating ghettos for minorities, along with intervention in Asia and South America which forced people to flee their homes to "European" nations, imagine starting from zero. Also, redlining brought financial hardships to many, MANY black people. This causes desperation, thus the higher crime rates. Maybe if white people in power didn't use their power to beat down minorities we wouldn't be in this situation, but here we are. Arguing over genetic differences between 2 people with almost identical genetic backgrounds because some people wanted to own other people without it looking bad.
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Jules quote Fun fact: it is actually white guys' faults! Specifically, the white guys in charge. Redlining, effectively creating ghettos for minorities, along with intervention in Asia and South America which forced people to flee their homes to "European" nations, imagine starting from zero. Also, redlining brought financial hardships to many, MANY black people. This causes desperation, thus the higher crime rates.
Hitler claimed that all the problems of Germany was the fault of the Jews. That is called “racism.” Now, you are doing exactly the same thing that Hitler and the Nazis did, and you can not see your own racism? What is wrong with you? Please start thinking straight. You can not be an anti racist and then be racist towards the white race.
I was once an anti-apartheid demonstrator screaming “Don’t scrum with a racist bum!” at Springbok football matches. Then I began to realise that those who claimed to be the most anti racist, were in fact extremely racist. They were racist against white people, who just happen to be my people. That started the process of me thinking outside of the box about race. I have been on debate sites for twenty years and I can tell you with absolute certainty, that nobody I have ever debated this question with has ever even tried to prove that races are equal. They will stonewall, prevaricate, refuse to make even the simplest of connections, never concede any point, deny everything I say and never submit anything that supports their own view, or just hurl abuse at me. The idea that races are equal is simply a widely held religious belief among supposedly secular people. It is as big a belief as “Rickyholtsclaw” or “Just-Sayins” belief in the existence of an all powerful God who created the universe in six days. It has been inculcated into their collective heads for so long that they just accept it as an Absolute Truth without ever bothering to think about if it is true.
If you unjustly attack my race then you can hardly be surprised if I shoot back. My intention is not to hurl abuse at you, or to stonewall you, it is to get you to think straight. To make you see past the unconscious mental block that has been inserted into your brain by the socialist socialites you seem to admire.
Jules quote Maybe if white people in power didn't use their power to beat down minorities we wouldn't be in this situation, but here we are. Arguing over genetic differences between 2 people with almost identical genetic backgrounds because some people wanted to own other people without it looking bad.
Black African people are a crime and welfare problem in every advanced white, western society. They are a problem in the USA, France, the UK, and recently, my own country, Australia. Your premise is that white people, or those white people holding the reins of power, are holding back black people in every advanced western nation? Rubbish. I can use the example of Australia to prove that you are wrong. Australia, because of our White Australia Policy, which was summarily abolished by a socialist government without bothering to ask the people if they wanted it abolished, meant that Australia was virtually black African free for all of it’s history. The recent importation of black Africans (and other dysfunctional religions and ethnicities) into Australia has been an economic and social catastrophe. Despite African people getting all sorts of economic privileges denied the white race, including the outright purchase of suburban houses by state and federal governments, exclusively for black families, and gifts of large amounts of cash, the African crime rate, especially youth gang crime, is getting out of control. One senior Victorian policeman advised the public that if seeing a black African youth gang on the streets “Do not make eye contact and reverse your direction of travel.” Black crime is now so high that even the leftist socialist Labor Party had to concede that Africans from Somalia, Eritrea, and Sudan were such a social and crime problem, that they agreed with the right side of parliament to deny the immigration (or refugee status) from people from those particular countries. Only a few months ago, a gang of 6 foot tall Sudanese “children” stabbed to death a grandmother in car park in front of hr granddaughter, in order to steal her car for a 30 minute joyride. Australians have never seen such behaviour before, even from our own troublesome aboriginal people.
If humans were genetically identical, they would all look exactly the same. They don't. Genetics is a factor in behaviour, physical, and mental abilities, and humans look different because each racial group evolved separately within wildly differing climatic environments to give each race an advantage within the particular environment they evolved in. That this makes them unsuitable for other environments makes so much sense that I should not even have to explain it to you.
Now for the acid test. If you believe that all races are equal, by what reasoned logic did you come to that conclusion? I know you won’t answer that question. None of my opponents for the last twenty years has ever done so, and you will be no different. Go ahead, dodge the question. Make my day.
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If you refuse to debate an issue on its merits, and just want to toss insults at me, then don't cry when I toss them right back. Talk about hypocrisy?
Joseph quote Maybe when you learn the basics of good manners and debating I will continue to educate you because at present you're just presenting the image of the embarrassingly sad and bitter beer swilling Aussie who proudly barks " I've never read a book in my life" and don't we just know it.
Pot, kettle, black.
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You started your first post with a list of anti Irish whines , you followed it up.with more anti Irish whines yet feel.somehow offended as if I give a flying f-ck.
You were corrected on your misuse of two terms as in "race" and ,"equality" if you could actually debate you would but instead you whine non stop about the fact I'm Irish which seems to upset you along now I wouldn't want you being late for your monthly KKK meet up.
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I did not "start" anything. For twenty years on debating sites my position has always been to begin a debate with an opponent by treating them with respect. It is only when they start getting nasty to me, and prove to me that they have no intention of debating fairly at all, that I toss their insults right back at them.
Joseph quote You were corrected on your misuse of two terms as in "race" and ,"equality" if you could actually debate you would but instead you whine non stop about the fact I'm Irish which seems to upset you along now I wouldn't want you being late for your monthly KKK meet up.
If you think that races are all equal, then the onus is upon you to submit a reasoned argument explaining why you think your belief is correct. Just calling me a racist and a bigot is hardly a reasoned argument.
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Ha Ha treating" them with respect" you're a nasty little bigot who starts of every topic with a sneery bigoted remark it's all you have .......BTW dummy the burden of proof is on you to make your case I made no claims on race you did , I made no claims on equality you did so make your case.
You don't know what burden of proof means seeing and you're debating 20 years now? I think shooting your racist mouth off in your nearest watering hole in the safety of fellow racists hardly qualify as debate.
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If you believe that all races are equal , by what evidence or reasoned logic have you come to that conclusion? Of course, I know you will not answer that crucial question because you do not even know yourself why you think that way. It is just an idea which has been been programmed into your brain for so long that you just accept it without question. Whoever brain washed you into accepting anything without thinking or questioning did a superb job on you. . This brain washing was so successful that it never even occured to you that somebody would challenge you to explain why you think that way. So, you have no idea how to explain it. Hence the emotional response and the anger. You will not answer this question because you can not answer this question. All you can do is to continue stonewalling which proves that I am right. Keep it up. Make my day.
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If you condemn me as a racist, then you must be an anti racist. If you are an anti racist, then you must believe that all races are equal.
" Races" why are there separate races to the human race? Also you still didn't define " equailty"?
Read above.
Of course, I know you will not answer that crucial question because you do not even know yourself why you think that way. It is just an idea which has been been programmed into your brain for so long that you just accept it without question.
Back to personal attacks yet again , is that all you have?
Whoever brain washed you into accepting anything without thinking or questioning did a superb job on you. .
More personal attacks from the man who claims he wants to debate.
This brain washing was so successful that it never even occured to you that somebody would challenge you to explain why you think that way
Do crack on.
. So, you have no idea how to explain it
And on it goes.
. Hence the emotional response and the anger.
He's on a roll.
You will not answer this question because you can not answer this question.
Just did in one sentence.
All you can do is to continue stonewalling which proves that I am right. Keep it up. Make my day.
But you were beaten easily in one sentence , you cannot even define your terms.
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