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The right wing investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden just BLEW up in their face.

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Whatever happened to the TRUSTED, HIGHLY REGARDED, CREDIBLE, RELIABLE, FBI informant?  Yeah..  That's what the FOX News team called him.

I'll tell ya what happened to him.  He just got himself arrested for LYING to the FBI..  Whoda thunk it?   Sean Hannity pumped this stooge 85 times on his show. 

Does this make me happy?  Of course.  Justice prevailed. That's GOOD for America.   Why would right wingers have it any other way?  I dunno but they surly do HATE it.

Bwa ha ha ha ha.


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  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -   edited February 2024
    jack said:

    Whatever happened to the TRUSTED, HIGHLY REGARDED, CREDIBLE, RELIABLE, FBI informant?

    I'll tell ya what happened to him.  He just got himself arrested for LYING to the FBI..  Whoda thunk it?   FOX News hosts are humiliated.  Sean Hannity pumped this 85 times on his show. 

    Does this make me happy?  Of course.  Justice prevailed. That's GOOD for America.   Why would right wingers have it any other way?  I dunno but they surly do HATE it.

    Bwa ha ha ha ha.


    Well, one informant has been charged for lying by Biden's FBI you are right on that point.  However, the investigation into the Biden crime family has at least 10 different witness sources including multiple international bank trails.

    While the FBI charges may be legit, let's not forget how corrupt they are.  

    An investigation by an Obama-appointed Inspector General (IG) named Michael Horowitz uncovered that the FBI and DOJ made "at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the Carter Page FISA applications." Carter Page was one of the Trump campaign officials who the FBI spied upon, and "FISA" stands for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Likewise, the FISA Court itself found "violations of the government's duty of candor in all four applications" to spy on Page. The IG also reported, "While we did not find documentary or testimonial evidence of intentional misconduct," "we also did not receive satisfactory explanations for the errors or problems we identified." Contrary to rampant media reports, a 2-year, $32 million investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller "did not establish" or "identify evidence" that members of the "Trump Campaign" or "any U.S. persons" "conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."
  • jackjack 728 Pts   -  

    Well, one informant has been charged for lying by Biden's FBI you are right on that point.  However, the investigation into the Biden crime family has at least 10 different witness sources including multiple international bank trails.
    Hello just:

    I've just proved YOU to be a lying F*CK too.  We're done here.


  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1368 Pts   -  
    jack said:

    Well, one informant has been charged for lying by Biden's FBI you are right on that point.  However, the investigation into the Biden crime family has at least 10 different witness sources including multiple international bank trails.
    Hello just:

    I've just proved YOU to be a lying F*CK too.  We're done here.



    Biden Impeachment

    Congressman Dan Goldman (D–NY) claims that “it’s time to end this impeachment charade” against Joe Biden because the “only evidence” against him consists “solely of an FBI report from a source” that was just “indicted for lying about” the case.

    IN FACT, at least 10 other streams of evidence show that Joe Biden participated in his son’s illicit business deals, received at least $40,000 laundered from an arm of the Chinese government, committed bribery, and obstructed justice.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @jack ;  Russia-Russia-Russia is all the Biden Crime Family and the perverse Democrats-Progressives have to rely on...there is no "hoax" and there is no "special agent" and no "Russia Collusion" and "Russian Conspiracy" .... Joe Biden is a crooked, graft laden, traitor, who sold via his criminal family, influence and pay-for-play with America's enemies, China-Russia....and our allies Romania, Ukraine. Biden is guilty as sin and he is protected by a corrupt DOJ and a State "fake news" Mainstream Media. Hunter Biden sold his daddy's political influence to America's enemies and if there is any justice, Joe, his crooked brother and son, will pay "bigly."
  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    @RickeyHoltsclaw ;  @jack ;  Russia-Russia-Russia is all the Biden Crime Family and the perverse Democrats-Progressives have to rely on...there is no "hoax" and there is no "special agent" and no "Russia Collusion" and "Russian Conspiracy" .... Joe Biden is a crooked, graft laden, traitor, who sold via his criminal family, influence and pay-for-play with America's enemies, China-Russia....and our allies Romania, Ukraine. Biden is guilty as sin and he is protected by a corrupt DOJ and a State "fake news" Mainstream Media. Hunter Biden sold his daddy's political influence to America's enemies and if there is any justice, Joe, his crooked brother and son, will pay "bigly."

  • all4acttall4actt 327 Pts   -  
    All this post states is where you stand politically and you do not do your own research before you speak up.

    I know you can do better than this.  We all can. It just takes some research and not just believing everything you hear on the news or from your chosen political party.  Always check multiple sources, set aside your bias (if you can) and most importantly put on your critical thinking cap.

  • BoganBogan 629 Pts   -  
    @all4actt ;   I know you can do better than this.  

    No he can't.     Which is why I don't even bother with him.   He is just  troll.
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