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Should the chickenpox Varicella vaccine be mandatory in the United Kingdom (UK)?

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  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  
    Yes, I think people need to get vaccinated and due to the behavior intention gap mandatory vaccines are effective.This vaccine can prevent shingles and we know from Justin Bieber this can be disfiguring.

  • jackjack 728 Pts   -   edited March 2024
    Dreamer said:
    Yes, I think people need to get vaccinated
    Hello Dreamer:

    Of course..  Dems are NOT in the stu*pid party.  We had measles whipped too till that dingbat anti-vaxer right wing dufus governor in Florida got elected.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1291 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ; The United States also requires the resurrection of MMRV vaccines as our Communist-Progressive-Marxist in Chief - Biden has opened our southern border to the diseases that accompany the illegal invaders from every country on the face of the Earth; this, as our children are not protected due the immunity provided by vaccinated older our children, not vaccinated, will begin dying from these diseases reintroduced by the traitorous polices of virtue signaling, corrupt, defiled, Democrats. Biden and the progressive idiots in his corrupt administration should be tired for treason and confined for life.

  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  

    Thank you for exposing the measles outbreaks and those responsible. Glad there are some sensible people left on this website. I was away for awhile when I lost someone to alochol. I hope you are doing alright.

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1153 Pts   -  

    Oh no 9 people got measles what will we do.
  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  

    You do realize that measles is incredibly contagious and gives immune amnesia?

    "Measles causes a transient immune suppression, leading to increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections."

  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1153 Pts   -  

    You mean like almost every other disease.  That same sentence probably applies to the commom cold.

    Im not against getting a measles vaccine, I just think a 9 person measles infection is doesnt even fall within top 500 things to be concerned about.
  • DreamerDreamer 308 Pts   -  

    Measles is way more contagious than most diseases. The common cold does not suppress the immune system. I can understand that nine might not seem like a big deal, but first these are children, and second this could escalate. They are immune compromised who rely upon herd immunity via vaccination.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 778 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer I think that most definitely that the United Kingdom and especially the UK should get manatory vaccination for Chicken Pox because there just as likely to catch it there as most countries. It is a small world we live in now and people are all ways coming and going and in realty you just cant stop it spreading there.
  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    Great , you and Dreamer are saving the world .......
  • BarnardotBarnardot 778 Pts   -  
    @MichaelElpers ;Oh no 9 people got measles what will we do.

    Well 9 people got COVID then look what happened. I got measles as a kid an it just a bout killed me and I woouldnt wish it on 1 person let alone 9. We cannot be complacent about what this can do and that’s why prevention is better than cure.

  • JoesephJoeseph 1534 Pts   -  

    You go get Dreamer and save the world .....if you spot anyone having a beer you can both give them a lecture about how upset it makes you both........
  • jackjack 728 Pts   -   edited March 2024
    Dreamer said:

    Thank you for exposing the measles outbreaks and those responsible. Glad there are some sensible people left on this website.  I hope you are doing alright.
    Hello Dreamer:

    Missed you.

    I'm a freedom loving American.  Ordinarily, I'd side with the people over the government..  But, pandemics are not ordinary.. Therefore, since herd immunity requires everybody's participation, participation by everybody should be mandatory.. 

    We learned that lesson once..  I thought once we learned it, we'd NEVER forget it..  No, huh??

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1894 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Cooler heads

    God, have we really come to the point we'd encourage mob rule over something like vaccines? Crap, just become informed and take the vaccine. Or don't. Vaccines work by jump starting our immune systems to high alert from a specific threat so even if it's not a complete population vaccination, the vaccinated still have a reinforced defense against said threat. Let's let cooler heads prevail and look not for government to mandate our lives. That's what I say.
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