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D-Day, the 6th of June. 80 years ago Anti-fascists stormed the beaches at Normandy.

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Thank you WW II veterans for giving your all..  

Unfortunately, it looks like we have to do it again..  Convicted felon Donald Trump simply cannot be allowed to regain power.

Nahhh..  I'm NOT talking about declaring a Trump win to be invalid.. That's like closing the proverbial barn door.  I'm talking about an overwhelming Biden win.


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  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    Yeah, the only fly in that ointment is that soldiers and veterans are exactly the sort of people who support President Trump.      WW2 soldiers know exactly what fascists are, and they can see the Democratic Party conforming to that stereotype.     How you think that soldiers would support terrorists, open borders, rampant crime, and the burners of US flags, is beyond me?      You obviously live in a parallel universe.  
  • FactfinderFactfinder 1390 Pts   -  

    But why would you vote against your own self interest?
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