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I'm pretty sure the doctor slapped your mother when you were born.
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If you made up such a tard loaded topic in a Debate Society you would get kicked out for sure.
Weather abortion is good is hardly a debatable topic and many people would find that totally offensive and insensitive.
And intrinsically evil has the connotation of religious over tones so it shows your hidden agenda.
Are you ever going to stop being a total dicke?
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Abortion can never be " evil"
The debate was always about the lesser of two evils, at least in the version where everybody is sane.
The debate was never about the lesser of two evils, at least in the version where everybody is sane.
The way I see it, parents are not supposed to sacrifice themselves for their children, not the other way around.
The mother has a responsibility to her unborn child and all the rhetoric about her bodily autonomy is B.S.
The mother does not have a responsibility to her unborn child and all the rhetoric about her bodily autonomy is not B.S.
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  Considerate: 100%  
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