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Are Communism and Socialism Really that Bad?

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In my opinion communism and socialism could work without greed and corruption, but it’s more of a fantasy for it to work. I am still not sure if they could work, so Capitalism or Socialism/Communism?

Edit: before I get attacked, I don’t believe in communism or socialism (or capitalism even), just curious what everyone else thinks

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  • jackjack 651 Pts   -   edited July 1
    elijah44 said:

    Are Communism and Socialism Really that Bad?

    Hello e:

    It's not a matter of good or bad.  It's a matter of what works..  If you can't get ahead, why work harder than everybody else?  So, nobody does..  If you're not compensated for innovating, nobody innovates.  If you're not rewarded for critical thinking, nobody thinks.  If you don't get a return on your investment, nobody invests.

    Nahh..  That ain't gonna work.

  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    They are horrible. The underlying assumption is that the interests of the society (whatever it means) trump the interests of the individual, that the society can restrict the freedoms of the individual in order to facilitate achievement of the "common good". If this is where you start, then you can easily predict where you will end up, regardless of how noble the rulers and the citizens are.

    Unfortunately, even the American capitalism was built on this foundation. Adam Smith's general argument was that people under capitalism act immorally, but somehow those immoralities cancel each other out: he recognized that capitalism works in practice, but his moral system was still collectivist. As a result, we have this overregulated market on which one cannot sell a hot dog on his own lawn without multiple permits.
  • nicholaschumbleynicholaschumbley 26 Pts   -  
    Communism and socialism are often criticized for their economic inefficiency. A key argument is that these systems lack personal incentives for hard work and innovation because the government controls major industries and redistributes wealth. Without the motivation of personal profit, productivity can suffer, leading to economic stagnation. Additionally, central planning, a hallmark of these systems, can result in inefficient allocation of resources. Governments may struggle to predict and meet the needs of the economy as effectively as market-driven mechanisms, resulting in shortages or surpluses that hinder economic growth.

    Another significant critique is the suppression of individual freedom and rights. Communist and socialist systems often require substantial government control to implement and maintain their policies, which can lead to the suppression of freedoms such as speech, assembly, and the press. The state's interests frequently override personal liberties, leading to potential human rights abuses. Moreover, the limitation or elimination of private property rights in these systems undermines personal autonomy and the ability to accumulate personal wealth. This lack of property rights can disincentivize personal investment and innovation, further stifling economic development.

    Historical precedents of communist and socialist states often show significant economic and social problems. Examples such as the Soviet Union, Maoist China, and more recently, Venezuela, have faced severe economic hardships, political repression, and widespread poverty under these systems. The implementation of communism and socialism has also led to significant human suffering, with forced collectivization, political purges, and the suppression of dissent resulting in millions of deaths and widespread misery. Critics argue that these historical examples demonstrate the inherent flaws and dangers of these ideologies.

    Furthermore, large, centralized bureaucracies often required in socialist and communist systems can be inefficient and corrupt. This can lead to waste, slow decision-making processes, and a lack of responsiveness to the needs of the populace. While aiming for economic equality, these systems often fail to achieve true equity. The elimination of economic disparity does not necessarily translate to social and political equality. In practice, those in power may still enjoy significant privileges, leading to a new form of class disparity. Additionally, extensive welfare systems, a feature of socialist states, can create a dependency culture where individuals rely on the state for their needs rather than striving for self-sufficiency, undermining personal responsibility and initiative.

    In summary, while communism and socialism aim to create more equal and fair societies, critics argue that they often lead to economic inefficiency, suppression of individual freedoms, and historical failures marked by significant human suffering. The lack of incentives for innovation and productivity, combined with bureaucratic inefficiencies and the suppression of personal rights, highlight the potential drawbacks and challenges associated with these systems.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @elijah44 I dont think communism could ever work. And lets face sit here communism and socialism are the same thing its just that socialism is a kind word for something that has earned itself a bad reputation.

    The only way that communism can work is through absolute rule. And there lays the problem because absolute power where the leaders answer to no one always leads to corruption. Democracy is not perfect but leaders are always being scrutinised and have to constantly answer to the people.
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