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Could light travel faster through a different medium and if so could its speed also be reduced?

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I am flashbacking to a time when i saw multiple large explosions in the same space when i was in the military, it was almost as if  space itself was being opened or torn apart for a fraction of a second and then repaired itself just as quickly. So my perception of this causes me to question so many assumptions i had about life up to this experience.

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  • elijah44elijah44 93 Pts   -  
    @773322, isn’t that refraction?
  • 773322773322 46 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: light speed

    You are correct  refraction, but can the speed of light be increased  like maybe traveling  inside a black hole.
  • elijah44elijah44 93 Pts   -  
    @773322, I’m not sure about that, what do you think?
  • 773322773322 46 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: like maybe traveling inside a black hole.

    @elijah44 ; We will have to wait for the final answer,  but i am thinking that the gravitational pull of the black hole is immense, would it pull light in faster than its own top speed and then............... well let the physics majors do the calculations. LOL
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