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In the US, do more people smoke pot than drink alcohol??

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  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -   edited July 11
    You know Jack, I was hoping your liberal friends would get pot legalized at the federal level. You know, personally I mean.  :+1: :smiley: Trump the id*ot, went after vapors, what gives?
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 946 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Not By A Long Shot

    A 2023 Gallup poll found that 17% of Americans report currently smoking marijuana.

    A 2023 Gallup survey found that 62% of U.S. adults report currently drinking alcohol, with 38% abstaining completely.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @jack Well people are going for healthier and better choices nower days and theres no doubt about it that wacky backy is much better for you than alcohol. How many domestic violent crimes are caused by alcohol compared with dope. Like with alcohol its I wanna beat the living crap out of you where as with dope its haaaay babe lets do it.
    And I bet you will find that there are more people clogging up our health systems from alcohol related diseases compared with dope smockers.
  • just_sayinjust_sayin 1280 Pts   -  
    It depends.  If you are talking about people who daily do one or the other - then weed wins.  If you are talking about use in general, including even casual use then more people drink.  From the BBC:

    The number of Americans who smoke cannabis on a daily or near-daily basis now exceeds those who drink alcohol as often, a study has found.
    The research, published in the journal Addiction, is based on data collected by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health over four decades.
    In 2022, the survey recorded an estimated 17.7 million daily cannabis users, higher for the first time than the estimate of 14.7 million daily drinkers.
    Alcohol still remains the more widely used substance of the two. 

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6570 Pts   -  
    When in my state recreational drugs became legal, I tried an edible for the first time in my life... Had the worst night in my life full of unprecedented anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations. Never again.

    I do not know what people who say that recreational drugs are better than alcohol are smoking (pun intended). Heck, I defended my PhD thesis while sipping on wine. :D On that stuff I would not be able to defend the claim that 2+2=4.
  • RickeyHoltsclawRickeyHoltsclaw 1075 Pts   -  
    @jack ; The United States is replete with addiction and dependency....which is a goal of the Democrat-Progressive-Marxist Party as it's much easier to infuse tyranny and power and control over the masses if they're dumbed-down, intoxicated, comfortably numb and complacent.
  • jackjack 651 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    When in my state recreational drugs became legal, I tried an edible for the first time in my life... Had the worst night in my life full of unprecedented anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations. Never again.
    Hello May:

    I'm sorry you had such a miserable experience.. Marijuana is a powerful drug.. It should not be consumed without guidance.  But, once sufficiently guided, it's guuuud.. 

    Or, maybe it's just not for you.. 

  • FactfinderFactfinder 1383 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:
    When in my state recreational drugs became legal, I tried an edible for the first time in my life... Had the worst night in my life full of unprecedented anxiety, paranoia and hallucinations. Never again.

    I do not know what people who say that recreational drugs are better than alcohol are smoking (pun intended). Heck, I defended my PhD thesis while sipping on wine. :D On that stuff I would not be able to defend the claim that 2+2=4.
    It affected my wife that way too. Myself I like it. Calms me down and that's about it.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @MayCaesar ;On that stuff I would not be able to defend the claim that 2+2=4.

    The thing is that not all drugs are for every one.

    I would say the same for alcohol. I can have a drink or two but if I get drunk I get totally sick. I remember getting so drunk once and laid on my bed and my room was spinning around me real bad. So I had to turn on the cieling fan and adjusted the speed till it looked like it was still then focused on that.

    But if I get wacked on dope. No problems I just talk a lot and I get real creative.

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