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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Is A Wall On The U.S. Southern Border A Good Idea?



    "so why not just skip the construction time and hire a guard detail to stand along the border? It could be a bigger job market and still cheaper."

    How familiar are you with real life guard duty infrastructures?

    Explain in detail, how I should trust my life in your managerial hands, while working along a 2,000 plus mile border, with no barrier, and you're going to manage 10,000 plus people, with your managerial knowhow?

    Include in detail, just how cheap, cheaper is? 


    Why not get into this conversation as well? 

  • Should America have gun control?


    The below is my position:

    (I'm pro Second Amendment (provided that, any US citizen isn't having an offender or a criminal using their weapon, to commit any gun violence crimes, against any other US citizen?) Along with being pro community, pro .family, and pro law abiding.)

    And I would appreciate it, if you would refrain, from apparently trying to mindfully pervert my Second Amendment position, with these words from you:

    "You are NOT pro 2nd Amendment!  You want to change the 2nd Amendment (in some fashion, you've never stated how it should be changed, only that it should be changed).  People who are pro 2nd Amendment are happy with it the way it is."

    You're not going to tell me, what my position is, and I'll thank you, to respectfully leave my position alone.
  • Should America have gun control?


    "We have gun control...……..
    We need to go back to better legislation control. That is what is truthfully missing."

    Even in the face of the 1968 Gun Control law, gun violence is happening every day.

    Non race on race on race, gun violence crimes.

    Race on race, gun violence crimes.

    The mass shootings, gun violence crimes that have occurred.

    How many drive by shootings gun violence crimes happen in the US?

    How many innocent kids have been killed by gun violence, in a car with their families, or at home with their families as well?

    There were two kids, who were shot to death while they were sitting in a vehicle?

    How many Police Officers have been shot while sitting inside of their Police cars? 

    So does the above look like any sort of gun control to any of the pro gun extremist crowd? 



    Does the above look like any sort of gun control to you, @John_C_87?

  • Should America have gun control?


    Is it any of your business, if some kids, that have nothing to do with you to begin with, who are crying over the other kids, who were killed by an offenders gun violence crimes? 

    Look at the points of view, in how you expressed yourself in regards to (Kids?)

    "If these children are being used to push legislation that would affect me they certainly have something to do with me, and thus it is my business."

    Where's your evidence to support your claims? That some kids are being used to push legislation?

    Do you have a names list, that mentions those kids names, by name?

    And that they are interfering with your gun owning rights, in the way that you're describing?  

    "But what do (kids blubbering) on about evil gun have to do with the theme of the forum?"
    (How should people view the above?)

     "They should be disgusted at seeing children being used by politicians and political operatives to push an agenda that isn't supported by the American public."

    What politicians, or political operatives, are you talking about?

    Do you have a list of their names as well? 

  • The Christian god is not real.


    Are you anti religious oriented? 

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