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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Looking to be educated from some, and their views?

    I'm hoping for some fair, and equal responses, please?

    Can any non Religious individual, or a Religious individual, provide the Internet Public, with some legitimate reference material, that can substantiate the claims, of God being an Atheist?

    The names of any Author, or the names of their published Science books? 

    I'd like to be able to go to any Book store, and buy that book, so that I may be able to share the findings from those Science books, with the internet Public of this forum.

    Maybe Barnes and Noble?

    Maybe Books A Million?

    Maybe Amazon?

    Or if there is an Atheist website, that carries those same Science books as well?

    I can go to any of the above named stores or websites, and buy a copy of the Bible, but I have a feeling that no where in the Bible, does it substantiate any verbiage, that may state, that God is an Atheist, from within the very confines of its own words, or pages.

    Because I have the feeling, that if that had been the case, the World, would have heard about that published notion, of God being an Atheist, long before now? 

    Can anyone through the various subject of Science, Religious oriented, or Atheist oriented, substantiate the claims of some, in stating that God is an Atheist, with some real world evidence? 

  • Is faith ever more useful than knowledge?


    What does your question, have to do with your own forum?

    (Is faith ever more useful than knowledge?)

    "So If I told you that there was a magic herbal supplement that could cure any and all ailments, and it only cost a few dollars anyways, but science says it is basically just tea, would you buy it?"
  • "I Am Jesus Christ," a new video game by IGN, will be out soon.


    Why not, maybe wait until the game comes out, and hold your "Judgements," until then?

    "This sounds like a shameless cash grab, just another one of thousands of ways for people to take advantage of unsuspecting Christians."

    "It doesn't even sound fun."

    "I would rather play a GTA mod where you are Jesus, and it would probably sell better anyways."

    "The graphics aren't that good, the story is already known, is there even any room for decisions?"

    "This has exactly none of the elements that make a good game."

    "As far as I can tell it's more of a first person movie than a game."

  • "I Am Jesus Christ," a new video game by IGN, will be out soon.

  • Who created Science? God, or Humanity?


    And YouTube has various individuals via video, who are fond of Waging the subject of Science, against any Religion, in order, to use their Science argument as a defense tool against any Religion, to make their Atheist arguments with?

    That's why I will continue to ask any Atheist, what Published subject of Science, was, or has been used to discredit any Religion with? 

    "Nobody said anything about science "discrediting" god. I don't know of a scientist who works at that, or WOULD work at that."


    Is Superman a part of this forum?

    No, Superman is not.

    So below statement is irrelevant to this forum.

    "None of them work at discrediting Superman either. We all know he doesn't exist, why waste time, or money, trying to discredit a non-existent entity?"

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