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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, and Religion in general.


    You're being lured in to play the "Atheist" game.

    The game of they, using your arguments, as fodder, for their Atheist arguments.
  • Has God ever told you anything?


    Get your filthy words out of my mouth @ZeusAres42

    I didn't consent, to your unconsensual assault in my mouth. 

    "You do realize he will continue to say the same stuff, and ask the same questions no matter what you say? Because of this: "Sealioning (also spelled sea-lioning and sea lioning) is a type of trolling or harassment which consists of pursuing people with persistent requests for evidence or repeated questions, while maintaining a pretense of civility and sincerity. It may take the form of "incessant, bad-faith invitations to engage in debate".

    Hence why I no longer have a serious discussion with him. I guess as the saying goes "judge not lest you be judged" I say to @TKDB Troll not lest you be trolled. " 

    "Likewise, and thanks for finally admitting that you like to troll others."

    Going off topic, in regards @ZeusAres42

    If you have an issue with me, then take it up with Aarong.

    I'm a fair and equal conversationalist.

    And if you can't be a fair and equal conversationalist @ZeusAres42, then I don't know to tell you sir.

  • Progressive-Socialism/The Democrat Party Seeks to Destroy America's Constitutional Republic


    This is the theme of the forum:

    Progressive-Socialism/The Democrat Party Seeks to Destroy America's Constitutional Republic]

    And here is your Atheist swerving answer? 

    ***You’re  off topic 

    "Your standard answer to everything, everyone knows you’re just an atheist hating troll so do shut up."

    So please, kindly take your Atheist words, out of my un-consenting mouth? 

    And do you know me, to label me as an Atheist hater? 

    Do you know my cellphone number, or my address?
    No, you don't

    And I'm pro family, pro Atheist, pro Religious Freedom, and pro Public.

    And the Public deserves better, than to have the Liberal Socialists, trying to derail the Democracy of the United States, no matter how much that they want to play games with the Public perception, via the verbal brainwashing being done by those same Liberal Socialist, via their poor leadership skills via their individual Liberal stances.

    The rest of the Public, can see how they suffer, messaging wise, in trying to sell the Public, on their Liberal Socialist teachings? 

  • Will Trump get impeached?


    "Damn, learn about your Constitution."

    I'm learning that the Showboating Liberals, with their Trump Impeachment Hearing, soap opera drama, is all about professionally pandering, catering, and babying up to their like minded Liberal follower fan bases?

    6 days of educating the Public with their Political Civil War, on display through those same Impeachment Hearings.

    They are publicly Abusing the U.S. Constitution every day.

    The #2A gets Abused.

    The Bill of Rights get Abused every day.

    And from both sides of the Liberal and Conservative Aisles, none of those Politicians want loosen their individual Political Apple Carts, by afraid to Alienate their voter fan bases?

    Gun violence crimes every day.

    U.S citizens young and old, being victimized by the Abusers of the Constitution?

    It gets dragged through the Political Mud, from Both Political Parties.

    I know and understand the Constitution, but I also have come to understand, how some individuals, want to mess with it, for their own political gain, or in watching how some toy with it, to reinforce their individual citizen stances.

  • Who created Science? God, or Humanity?


    You're off topic.

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