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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Who created Science? God, or Humanity?

    Think about it?

    There's no way that Humanity by its own hand, could create the very Universe that all of the galaxies, including our own, is a part of, is there?

    I am curious to see, what subject of "Science," by some, might be used as a Reference Source, to provide an answer to that (Universe) sized question?
  • Atheism is an Untenable Psychosis


    Did you mistake me, for somehow not being a part of your Pro Atheist congregation?

    The very DNA of your Atheist messaging:

    "I agree that the life is much bigger, but it is not infinite.

    You are not a realist, you are a reality denier. To believe that there is some kind of magic saving grace from all of your troubles, by partaking in the opium of magical thinking is psychosis.

    You, out of your fear are psychotic, delusional, and beyond all help.

    The thing is, when you follow an authoritarian belief structure that demands obedience, servitude, and sacrifice while rejecting critical thought, freedom, and self reliance you do not get to decide what you are and who you will get to be.

    This is the true purpose of religion, it is to make people accept their place in someone else's game. By refusing to stand up for yourself, you become enslaved to those who will use you as they see fit, for war, labor, sex, or torture.

    I only seek to free you from your own delusion, religion is like a prison you can leave any time but people choose not to.

    Life is much bigger than that."


    I'm not delusional.

    And Religion, isn't a prison to me at all. 

    i'm not the one wearing the Atheist crafted handcuffs, you are. 

    And take notice of something? 
    Look at how hard, you're working at Selling to pro Atheist messaging to me, and the rest of the Internet, that isn't pro atheist minded, unlike yourself? 

  • Atheism is an Untenable Psychosis


    So you, apparently view your Atheist Teachings Game, on the Internet, as a self participant game to play against others, because somehow the Internet, is being utilized by you for your own self benefitting Atheist purposes?

    Thank you for pointing that out with your below Atheist Teachings Game rules?

    "I think you already know where I am going with this, because It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

    if you say that you would do what the bible said if it told you to do immoral things, then you abandon your abandon your claim to morality.

    If you say you say you would not do what the bible says if it tells you to be evil, then you abandon your claim to moral absolutism."

    "**If you won't play the game then I win by forfeit.**"

    "When you live your life by delusion, you lose no matter what.

    Moving on, why aren't you a Mormon? You get your own planet when you die and all you have to do is give up coffee and coke... among other things, like women's rights.

    If you don't think the Mormon beliefs are the right ones, you had better have a good reason for that because if you don't then maybe you are living with untenable psychosis."


    So you're playing an Atheist Teaching Game based on your self created Atheist rules?

    You lose, because I'm a realist, and not an Atheist Teaching Game player, looking for like minded Atheists such as yourself?

    Life overall, whether someone is for Religious Freedom, or not, is bigger than your individual Atheist perception, and bigger, than your Atheist Teaching Game is.

  • Can any Atheist explain some of the statements made by this website: "Atheist Revolution"


    Is there a Atheist Neurologist, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist, or a Pediatrics Doctor, who can share some realty based facts on the above Atheist made statement? 
    Where is the FACTUAL evidence to support such an Atheist created claim?
    "Anyone who understands the definition of atheism must acknowledge that all children are born atheists, including those born to Christian parents."

    And this statement is even more disturbing that the above claim is?
    "But why must Christians distort the meaning of atheism at all? Why should they even care if their children are born atheists, especially when it is likely that they will begin brainwashing them at an early age?"

    Again, where is the FACTUAL evidence to support such an Atheist created claim?

    Is there a Atheist Neurologist, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist, or a Pediatrics Doctor, who can share some realty based facts on the above Atheist made statement?  


    What say you?
  • The Religion of today will eventually become the Ancient legends/myths of Yesterday


    You're off topic, and have been flagged.

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