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Member, joined August 2018

694 Points    17 Badges     76 Debates     3644 Arguments    

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O.D.S.L.: 1310 points | Formal And Formalish Debate Wins: 0/1 | Formal And Formalish Debate Losses: 1/1


Last Active
  • Globally, who is more evil?


    I see how bias your heart of arguing is.

    You're a "bias blind spot philosopher" as well, it would seem? 

  • Globally, who is more evil?


    "Blessed are the poor in spirit?"
    What is your individual spirit compromised of?

    From ZeusAres42:
    "For someone that claims he is religious you do a great job of behaving in an anti religious way. You're not interested in God or religion and you've made this very clear via your behaviour. Your interest here so far is yourself, and to troll others."

    "As Plaff said earlier blessed are the poor in spirit."

    "I also forgive you though, for you know not what you do."


    Do you view any of the below funny?

    Keep your forgiveness, for the below people, who need your forgiveness, more than I do.

    "I also forgive you though, for you know not what you do."

    Give it to the rapists,
    Give it to the Abortion clinics,
    Give it to the gun violence criminals, who are in jail, for their murders.
    Give it to the drug addicts who use drugs around their kids?
    Give it to the anti God, Jesus, and Bible talking head's, who can't argue, because they are addicted to making money, off of the Public, via their publicity stunts, by writing books, and making public appearances, to put God, Jesus, and the Bible down, to feed their individual audiences, through their anti God, Jesus, and Bible Teachings, in front of a TV stations news cameras.  

  • Globally, who is more evil?

    @Plaffelvohfen, Fist Bump, really? You're a sad human being. 


    Attacking me, is how you argue.

    "For someone that claims he is religious you do a great job of behaving in an anti religious way."


    Dude, I don't care what words you attack me with, I'm not the individual who has to live with how your mindset, rules your arguments, you do.

    More attacking, I see?

    "You're not interested in God or religion and you've made this very clear via your behaviour."

    More attacking?

    "Your interest here so far is yourself, and to troll on others?

    @Plaffelvohfen, what are you going to do?
    Another Fist Bump, just more sadness from you.

    "As Plaff said earlier blessed are the poor in spirit."


    Keep your forgiveness, for the below people, who need your forgiveness, more than I do.

    "I also forgive you though, for you know not what you do."

    Give it to the rapists,
    Give it to the Abortion clinics,
    Give it to the gun violence criminals, who are in jail, for their murders.
    Give it to the drug addicts who use drugs around their kids?
    Give it to the anti God, Jesus, and Bible talking head's, who can't argue, because they are addicted to making money, off of the Public, via their publicity stunts, by writing books, and making public appearances, to put God, Jesus, and the Bible down, to feed their individual audiences, through their anti God, Jesus, and Bible Teachings, in front of a TV stations news cameras. 

    @ZeusAres42: Here you are trolling on God, 

    "God is far more evil than the Devil?"

  • Globally, who is more evil?


    Globally, who is more evil?

    1) Some of Humanity is?

    2) God? 

    3)  Or the Devil?

    What I understand, is that ZeusAres42, can't come up with any non anti God counter arguments to support your argument?

    This mess of words from you, is simply frustration, because you can't support your own self created anti God argument, that you've waged against God with? 

    "What part of this do you not understand? "Why on earth would someone who doesn't believe god's existence blame God for the evils committed by other people."

  • Globally, who is more evil?


    "Why on earth would someone who doesn't believe god's existence blame God for the evils committed by other people. 

    For goodness sakes man, try to keep up."

    @Plaffelvohfen ;

    "He has no idea what a rhetorical question is... Blessed are the poor in spirit eh?"

    I'm blessed, because God, nor tbe Devil, instructed, or TOLD my family, at any time to seek an abortion, to do away with me because I wasn't an unconsensual baby.

    Thus, I'm rich, and not poor, with a supportive family, that is rich because having a real family, or an Adoptive family, makes one rich with life, doesn't it?


    So I guess, that makes the two of you, blessed as well, doesn't it? 

    You're both rich with life, because the two of you have supportive families, I'm guessing?


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