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Member, joined August 2018

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  • Recreational Marijuana:


    Based on your argument, being nonexistent.

    Your shared article, has Zero to do with individual marijuana user's who don't have kids.

    Yet you keep pushing your pro marijuana talking head ideology, because to your pro marijuana mindset, it's valid.

    I'm not a buyer for your pro marijuana talking head nonsense.

    So you can forego trying to get me to buy off on it, and get me to play with the attitude existing inside of your head.

  • Recreational Marijuana:


    Your same answer:

    Because your argument, doesn't have any merit.

    Good day.

    So what does the below information, have to do with the theme of this specific forum?

    Where does it talk about marijuana use? 

    Or, why you posed a question, outside of what this forum is about?

    "How do you justify restrictions for the 71.3% of adult living without children?"

    There is nothing being expressed about "Justifying Restrictions" for the 71.3% of adults living without children, in your shared article, is there?

    It appears, that you just made a question up, based on your pro marijuana ideology, and not what is actually being discussed in this forum, right?

    Because I did, express information, that was based on your question, in regards to the adult marijuana user's, who don't have any kids of their own?

    (Is it, or was it justifiable, via those states that legalized recreational marijuana, to make money off of their marijuana addictions, in those same states, maybe, in a sense to suit the self created marijuana user's, drug use issues? 

    Is or was it justifiable for those same Marijuana users to use marijuana where it's still illegal to do so?

    You could go to a state, that hasn't legalized recreational marijuana yet, to suit, the marijuana user's, of that said state, and protest, that states Capital, and demand that those criminals, or offenders, in jail, because of their marijuana related crimes, who don't have any kids, be released from jail, because you personally protested on their behalf? 

    Because, I know you won't do it, predicting, that you'll continue to protest online, because that's how you are.

    So in a sense, the legalization of recreational marijuana, puts the public, at risk, via a marijuana addict, driving while drugged up on marijuana? 

    Being that some of the pro marijuana crowd, likes to push the rhetoric talk, of treating marijuana like alcohol?

    Both user's treat recreational marijuana, and alcohol, in the same manner?
    They both abuse both with the same unlawful efforts?

    And because there are marijuana addicts, who smoke weed, before going to work, smoke it again, while at work (Maybe as a nurse, or with some probability, a Surgeon? IE, A brain surgeon, or a heart surgeon, as examples?)
    And then smoke marijuana again, on their way home after work?

    What about an athlete, who maybe smokes marijuana, before a game?

    Is it practical, or safe, for an athlete, to play a game, while high?

    Especially football players?)

    "The share of adults living without children has climbed 19 points since 1967 to 71.3 percent.

    The biggest change in the last five decades comes from the decline in married households -- down to 44 percent -- and the rise in householders living alone (20 percent) or with a partner (8 percent).

    In 1967, 59 percent of adults who lived without their own children lived with a spouse. Another 11 percent identified as a child of the householder, and 14 percent as living in some other arrangement, such as with a boarder or roommate. In addition, 14 percent lived alone, and less than 1 percent lived with an unmarried partner.

    Delaying marriage is related to delaying childbirth. The median age at first marriage has gone from 20.6 to 27.4 for women and from 23.1 to 29.6 for men since 1967. Age at first birth increased as well. Most babies are born to a married couple, so it is natural to see shifts in the percentage of adults who live with no children in particular age groups.

    The largest change in the proportion of adults living without children happened among those aged 18 to 35. In 1967, the majority of 18- to 24-year-olds had children living with them (53.3 percent) but by 2016, less than a third did (31.2 percent).

    The changes are even more dramatic among 25- to 34-year-olds. In 1967, 23.9 percent in that age group did not have their own children under their roof. By 2016, the share more than doubled to 61.5 percent."

    Please, explain why you posed an irrelevant question, based on a websites information, that doesn't tie in at all, in regards to parents and their marijuana use?

    Or a lady using marijuana, while she is pregnant? 

  • Recreational Marijuana:


    I answered your question.

    As broadly as possible:

    So the adults you're talking about have been discussed.

    (Google your posed question, and see what Googles response is?)

    "How do you justify restrictions for the 71.3% of adult living without children?"

    You question seems a bit vague?

    Is it, or was it justifiable, via those states that legalized recreational marijuana, to make money off of their marijuana addictions, in those same states, maybe, in a sense to suit the self created marijuana user's, drug use issues? 

    Is or was it justifiable for those same Marijuana users to use marijuana where it's still illegal to do so? 

    "How do you justify restrictions for the 71.3% of adult living without children?"

    So in a sense, the legalization of recreational marijuana, puts the public, at risk, via a marijuana addict, driving while drugged up on marijuana? 

    Being that some of the pro marijuana crowd, likes to push the rhetoric talk, of treating marijuana like alcohol?

    Both user's treat recreational marijuana, and alcohol, in the same manner?
    They both abuse both with the same unlawful efforts?

    And because there are marijuana addicts, who smoke weed, before going to work, smoke it again, while at work (Maybe as a nurse, or with some probability, a Surgeon? IE, A brain surgeon, or a heart surgeon, as examples?)
    And then smoke marijuana again, on their way home after work?

    What about an athlete, who maybe smokes marijuana, before a game?

    Is it practical, or safe, for an athlete, to play a game, while high? 

    I'm sorry, if you disagree with the real world responses.

  • Are video games a healthy distraction or a threat to our society?


    "Are basketball players a slave to basketball?"

    I don't know, did you interview them, and ask them that question personally?

    Just because you bring up basketball players, as a part of your counter argument, you expect me to feed you an answer, to suit your question?

    "Are mathematicians a slave to math?"

    I don't know, why don't you interview them ask them yourself?
    Another counter argument, that you expect me to feed as well? 

    "Or do they take part in that activity because they enjoy doing it?"
    Another counter argument, expected to be fed as well?
    "I personally play games because they are fun, just like I solve problems because they are fun. I do not overplay them and I can stop whenever I want. This certainly doesn't seem like being a slave to me."

    Good for you, a counter argument, that doesn't require you, needing it to be fed? 

    "What is the risk here? People have a clear choice to overplay or not overplay. Playing games is not taking a risk, playing them for a long time is."

    Why don't you interview some of the addicted gamer's, and see what their answers are, instead of asking questions to feed, your individual mindset? 

    "Obesity is a serious problem. Does that mean eating is a threat to society? No. It means OVEREATING is a threat to society."

    Why don't you interview a healthy diet specialist, and get your question, fed that way?

    "Are books a threat to society because some people read books all the day and not move?"

    Why don't you interview an actual Doctor, and see, what their answer, to your question is? 

     "Idiotic analogy."
    "Marijuana is the thing that is unhealthy so whether you do it less or more doesn't matter."
    "Also, drug addiction cannot be compared to something like game addiction. They are different types of addictions. The game itself is not the issue, not moving for a long time is."

    Why don't you interview the same Doctor, and see, if they concur, with your opinions? 

    "Is sitting a threat to society because some people sit all day?"

    "I am sorry, but you are just being dumb right now."

    "You have realized that you are wrong and you just cannot admit it so you are spewing nonsense. You cannot even refute or address the one argument I am making."

    Excuse me, did you interview me, and you quoted me, expressing this to you personally?

    "You have realized that you are wrong and you just cannot admit it so you are spewing nonsense. You cannot even refute or address the one argument I am making."

    Do you maybe make it a professional practice, to put words in someone's mouth?

    Because, that's what you did.

  • Can anyone, directly point out, where the current President, said anything racist?


    Prove it, where is your sourced evidence, to support your below claim? 

    (I'm sure, that you have a published source, to support your opinion? 

    From CNN, MSNBC, NPR, OAN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WHRO, or maybe even Fox news?

     Or maybe from the New York Times, or the Washington Post? Or maybe from YouTube?)


    "he was talking about America and his inept administration... The fact that he did not realize it demonstrates his ineptitude even more..."


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