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  • There is nothing inherently wrong about rape, debate me


    Sorry that @Joeseph bombed your debate with his own agenda. He does that a lot.  

    Wow! You're still sulking over your whipping regarding  your whipping on biblical slavery. Actually I didn't " bomb his dabate" he fled when questioned on the topic , the way you normally do.
  • Could future inventions overpower AI?

    I think  AI will eventually destroy us , AI and the future of such will be mostly a negative for mankind.

  • Christianity

    Rock said:
    The cause of cancer is not God or his doing at all. All suffering and evil was unleashed when in Genesis Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against God. The whole point in the sacrifice of Jesus was God's demonstration on his love for us. Jesus himself while dying on the cross forgave those who were cursing him and yelling at him saying "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  this goes the same for you and you saying that his "loophole" of eternal life Jesus still does love you and wants you to be apart of eternal life with you. @Joeseph


    Why would someone need to be forgiven for pointing out the obvious? If there are truths that make god feel unnerved then it isn't perfect. Jesus according to scripture is the god by whom all things exist so obviously the crucifixion was never a true death blow delivered to god; so why would god be upset for questioning the claim Jesus died when obviously he didn't? 
  • Is Christianity a copy cat religion?


    YOUR QUOTE ABOUT THE MANY BRONZE AND IRON AGE PRIMITIVE GODS: "Pretty much was carried on through the Tanakh and there were many gods before Jesus "

    Outside of the Christian Hebrew serial killer god Jesus, there were many other gods that were worshipped just like Jesus was as comically shown below:

    Listed below is a few of the Gods that are known throughout written history. I capitalized and bold typed RICKEYHOLTSCLAWS god Jesus below, where he was only one of the many primitive gods shown in the list below. 

    Azura Mazda, Angus, Belenos, Brigid, Dana, Lugh, Dagda, Epona, Allah, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Atehna, Demeter, Dionysus, Eris, Eos, Gaia, Hades, Hekate, Helios, Hephaestus, Hera, Hermes, Hestia, Pan, Poseidon, Selene, Uranus, Zeus, Mathilde, Elves, Eostre, Frigg, Ganesh, Hretha, Saxnot, Shef, Shiva Thuno, Tir, Vishnu, Weyland, Woden, Yahweh, Alfar, Balder, Beyla, Bil, Bragi, Byggvir, Dagr, Disir, Eir, Forseti, Freya, Freyr, Frigga, Heimdall, Hel, Hoenir, Idunn, Jord, Lofn, Loki, Mon, Njord, Norns, Nott, Odin, Ran, Saga, Sif, Siofn, Skadi, Snotra, Sol, Syn, Ull, Thor, Tyr, Var, Vali, Vidar, Vor, Herne, Holda, Nehalennia, Nerthus, Endovelicus, Ataegina, Runesocesius, Bacchus, Ceres, Cupid, Diana, Janus, Juno, Jupiter, Maia, Mars, Mercury, Minerva, Neptune, Pluto, Plutus, Proserpina, Venus, Vesta, Vulcan, Attis, Cybele, El-Gabal, Isis, Mithras, JESUS, Sol Invictus, Endovelicus, Anubis, Aten, Atum, Bast, Bes, Geb, Hapi, Hathor, Heget, Horus, Imhotep, Isis, Khepry, Khnum, Maahes, Ma"at, Menhit, Mont, Naunet, Neith, Nephthys, Nut, Osiris, Ptah, Ra, Sekhmnet, Sobek, Set, Tefnut, Thoth, An, Anshar, Anu, Apsu, Ashur, Damkina, Ea, Enki, Enlil, Ereshkigal, Nunurta, Hadad, Inanna, Ishtar, Kingu, Kishar, Marduk, Mummu, Nabu, Nammu, Nanna, Nergal, Ninhursag, Ninlil, Nintu, Shamash, Sin, Tiamat, Utu, Mitra, Amaterasu, Susanoo, Tsukiyomi, Inari, Tengu, Izanami, Izanagi, Daikoku, Ebisu, Benzaiten, Bishamonten, Fukurokuju, Jurojin, Hotei, Quetzalcoatl, Tlaloc, Inti, Kon, Mama Cocha, Mama Quilla, Manco Capac, Pachacamac and Zaramama, Vera.



  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    That you have to consistently lie about my arguments says everything anyone needs to know about religion: it is built on a quicksand of lies. Truth puts enough weight on the castle that it immediately sinks, so lying about what one's own eyes can see is the only way to avoid the immediate catastrophe.
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    1.  When we don’t have an answer to something, it isn’t logical to assume something. Instead you should have critical thinking and have explanations for why this and that happened.

    I agree.  That's why it is almost comical at this point when @MayCaesar starts singing the Science of the Gaps song every time I point out scientific flaws with the creation of the universe and with abiogenesis.  Or when I give examples of medically documented miracles - such as the miracle of Calanda, where there are 24 eye witness testimonies, recorded in a court of law, of a man whose leg was amputated, of it growing back overnight 18 months later.  He will make a science of the gaps appeal and start singing 'even when science says it is impossible, trust me, for science it is possible.'  

    When you walk up on a beach and see a iPhone, you could reason that natural forces such as the wind blew just right and shaped and formed the minerals in such a way that it formed a phone, I guess.  But it makes more sense to reason that due to the complexity of the object, it is more likely that some intelligence is behind it.  It the same way it makes sense to reason that some intelligence is behind the creation of the universe and the creation of life.  DNA is an incredibly complex code.  Code needs a coder.  

    2. To say that the universe is fine tuned is insane. God could create an infinite amount of things better than this universe.

    Nobel prize winner, Roger Penrose, calculated the odds of the low entropy of the universe at the big bang that permits a universe where life is possible at (10^10) ^123 to 1.  Considering that there are only about 10 ^ 80 particles in the universe - those are astronomical odds.  And that is just one of many conditions that needed to be met.

    The cosmological constant (which controls the expansion speed of the universe) refers to the balance of the attractive force of gravity with a hypothesized repulsive force of space observable only at very large size scales. It must be very close to zero, that is, these two forces must be nearly perfectly balanced. To get the right balance, the cosmological constant must be fine-tuned to something like 1 part in 10^120. If it were just slightly more positive, the universe would fly apart; slightly negative, and the universe would collapse.

    Even atheistic scientists admit that the universe appears finely tuned for life. Stephen Hawking has admitted: “The remarkable fact is that the values of these numbers [the constants of physics] seem to have been very finely adjusted to make possible the development of life.” (A Brief History of Time, p. 125) 

    To dismiss the fine tuning by saying 'God could have created a better universe' is like saying the Mona Lisa is a trashy painting and shouldn't be considered a masterpiece because Leonardo da Vinci could have done better.  It is a silly argument, that ignores the incredible fine tuning of lots of different fundamental forces and factors.

     3. There has been many creatures with different dna coding than us and died out due to the way it has been coded. The reason we are alive is because it was successful over the MILLIONS if not BILLIONS of creatures whose dna coding weren’t. Looks like that “coder” needed to study a bit more. It’s all about natural selection and evolution.

    A huge issue with your argument is that you can't get to DNA from just minerals. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and do it.  You'll get a Nobel prize if you do. There are at least 10 chemical 'miracles' that would have to occur first.  And none of them have been replicated yet, and this is with intelligence guiding the process.  In fact, we are further away from explaining how life could begin from non-life today, than we were 100 years ago.  100 years ago, it was thought that one celled life forms were not complex and that they were essentially just goo, so if you just had the right mix of minerals and some lightning you could make life.  We now know that life is much more complex - even the simplest life forms are beyond our ability to explain and replicate.  
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    A huge issue with your argument is that you can't get to DNA from just minerals. If you think I'm wrong, go ahead and do it.

    You mean you can't pull it out of your arse like you did giantman in order to make it seem like you have more support than you do? I know you don't believe in god cause if you did it would know your deceptiveness serves your agenda and not its.
  • Did Abiogenesis Actually Happen?

    MayCaesar said:

    I believe you are getting an F for this exercise.
    May, I would counter that you are as dumb as dirt, but according to the theories you have referenced, dirt is conscious.  I don't want to insult dirt.  LOL.  

    If you want to discuss Wigner, or Penrose's theories on how quantum mechanics is either effected by or effects consciousness, let me know.  I'm happy to discuss the science with you.  

  • Did Abiogenesis Actually Happen?

    MayCaesar said:

    I apologize for stating it, but you clearly do not understand the meaning of the terms you use. Gravity and wave function collapse are completely different phenomena. Penrose's explanation involves the effect similar to quantum entanglement collapse of which at the superficial glance appears to break finiteness of the speed of light and, hence, effectively violate directedness of time; to explain why this is not the case is not very difficult, so I will leave it to you as a home exercise.
    The 'time-travel' component of Penrose's theory is critical for his view of consciousness.  As Forbes said:

    For Penrose, wave function collapse is a real, physical, objective phenomenon: a gravitational field can’t tolerate being in a quantum superposition, eventually collapsing the particle’s wave function. According to Penrose, gravity-induced wave function collapse involves a process that jumps the particle back in time, retroactively killing off possible quantum realities in under a second. This reality-annihilating backward-jumping makes it as though only one, fixed classical reality ever existed.
    As Science Direct, Consciousness in the universe A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory, says

    The effective quantum backward-time referral inherent in the temporal non-locality resulting from the quanglement aspects of Orch OR, as suggested above, enables conscious experience actually to be temporally-nonlocal, with backward time effects seen as temporal variability in axonal firing threshold (Fig. 2b), consciously regulating behavior and providing a possible means to rescue consciousness from its unfortunate characterization as epiphenomenal illusion. Accordingly, Orch OR could well enable consciousness to have a causal efficacy, despite its apparently anomalous relation to a timing assigned to it in relation to an external clock, thereby allowing conscious action to provide a semblance of free will...

    Hope that helps.  Feel free to share with me the 'the effect similar to quantum entanglement collapse of which at the superficial glance appears to break finiteness of the speed of light" thingamajig . 

  • Did Abiogenesis Actually Happen?

    MayCaesar said:

    This has nothing to do with time travel.
    Yes, May,  it does.  In Penrose's theory the wave function collapses as a result of quantum gravity effects which 'destroys' the multiverses and the particle jumps back in time.  From the Forbes article:

    Penrose thinks these backward time jumps are the only way a superposition can collapse into a single, fixed state and still remain consistent with results from experiments in both quantum physics and classical physics.... Penrose’s ideas about retro-activity as an explanation for quantum anomalies are only recently gaining traction. Retrocausality is the proposal that a measurement in the present can change a particle’s properties even before the measurement was made. 


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