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  • Read the article in its entirety. Post your views on Trump´s foreign policy when he was in office.


    I do appreciate you´ve taken the time to actually read the article.
    While it has been said that Trump ¨did some good things¨. Yes he did. But his negatives heavily tipped the scales against his positives. He is transactional (his short term gains were far more important than long term gains), irrational and I believe motivated by his own personal needs. Do all politicians act selfishly at times? Of course. But Trump is in a league of his own. In my view, a prerequisite to leading a country should be stability, morality and decency. It seems that these qualities are not as heavily important to you. So be it. Thanks for engaging!
    How heavily important these qualities are for me you cannot determine based on my words so far, since I have never addressed them. I think you should learn to be more patient and focus and actually understand the arguments you are responding to before responding to them. One good reply is worth far more than a hundred lazy replies.
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    Any evidence of a god at all might be nice.  :D
  • Is the United States in decline?

  • Is the United States in decline?

    @JudeCaruso said:

    Is the once sole superpower in decline?

    Hello J:

    Ask me after the election..  If we elect Biden, the nation is safe..  However, if we elect the fascist dictator Trump, say good bye to the American way of life.

  • Do Christians have a warrant to say they are the "true" religion?


    All good points that also apply to Mary's "virgin" birth, all the supernatural claims, and the Trinity and Jesus' specific role within it. The last of which continues to be disputed within Christianity!
  • Do Christians have a warrant to say they are the "true" religion?


    You misunderstand the argument.  While someone may die for something they believe to be true, no one dies for something they know to be false.  The apostles encountered Jesus alive on multiple occasions in Jerusalem and in Galilee after his resurrection.  They repeated this throughout out their lives.  James, the brother of Jesus, was killed because of his belief in the resurrection.  Until the resurrection he believed Jesus was out of his head and was not a believer.  How do you go from unbeliever to martyr in just like that if you aren't convinced?  

    It is hard to explain away the reaction of the apostles after the resurrection.  The Jews were not looking for a resurrected Messiah.  There actions indicate that they truly believed what they had seen and witnessed.

    I don't disagree that they died for something they believed to be true but I disagree that their beliefs are necessarily true. 

    It's highly possible that his apostles wanted to believe so much, they actually thought they saw Jesus. It's also possible they believed in the cause the Jesus led was important enough to die for - maybe it was a suicide pact amongst them for what they felt was for the greater good. 

    People will willingly die (and kill) for very similar reasons. Even in recent history we know people will kill themselves when demanded by their cult leader. It's obvious the apostles were highly influenced and convinced by Jesus' teachings so this is not at all something that can be easily dismissed. 

    People even die for political causes to make their countries and their descendants and their peoples have a better life. So dying for ideas is not at all far fetched and in the world of small cults, as Christianity was, it's practically a feature. 

    Think of the persecutions that the Mormons had to endure - does that convince you that Mormonism is also true. Think of the Islamic suicide terrorists or the Japanese kamikaze pilots. Think the guy who set himself on fire recently. 

    James could easily have been convinced later on, or impressed enough with Jesus' suicide by Romans, or even forced or compelled to believe by the remaining supporters, or even threatened or any number of equally plausible scenarios. 

    If you follow the MAGA movement, people that voted Obama became Trump supporters, atheists became Christians, and all sorts of 180 degree changes in beliefs have happened due to the constant indoctrination. So changing one's mind is not a good reason to believe their claims are true, even if it means death. 


    We have enough recent history and realtime examples of all your examples that demonstrate the underlying claims have no merit and actually support the fact that Jesus' followers were cultists. 

  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    Thanks for moving the goalposts once again. We are supposed to be talking whether or not god is real, not the origins of the universe.
    As for Krause claiming a "universe from nothing," he does not mean nothing in the common usage (it is impossible for nothing to exist, as by its very existence it becomes something). He means a zero energy state. Here is a short video where he talks about what he means. He also talks about virtual particles, which you also commented on.

    Krause is one scientist. He may be right, he may be wrong. I am not a physicist, and, honestly, much of quantum physics goes over my head, so lets go back to the original topic. I see zero evidence a god or gods exists. What evidence can you present that demonstrates the existence of your god? 
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?

    "Elohim has provided everything you need to know via His written and Living Word in order to find life through Him by faith. You don't see this because you're narcissistic-ally arrogant and selfish and secularized through spiritual're spiritually dead and you simply don't care...this is a lethargy that culminates in death of the soul in Hell and again, you're simply too spiritually ignorant and complacent to care...this is why you don't pursue Elohim with your whole don't care."
    And you know this how? I read the Bible cover to cover multiple times seeking god. I prayed multiple times a day for everything from good weather to good health and healing for sick loved ones. I prayed with all of my heart for some sign that god heard me. I got nothing. What "spiritual compromises" did I make? How can one be "spiritually dead" when a spirit does not exist? How else am I "narcissisic-ally (sic) arrogant and selfish?" You know nothing about me or my life, and yet you feel comfortable making such judgments. Doesn't the Bible explicitly discourage judging others in both Testaments?  
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    My Creator is evidenced by what He has made and placed before your eyes 

    Then why do you call Aphrodite 'he'?
  • What Evidence do Atheists Have that there is no God?


    I bet you they will not tell their bosses what they tell random debaters here.

    Exactly. The reality is no one on this site or any other would know I or you are atheist if we met on the street. Anonymity seems to bring out our true inner passion at times.

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