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The Shipbreakers | 60 Minutes Archive
In 2006, Bob Simon traveled to Bangladesh, where thousands of low-paid workers — including children — were dismantling old ships for parts. Simon discovered appalling working conditions and toxic waste polluting the...
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  Considerate: 83%  
  Substantial: 61%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 99%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 11.44  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: truth of those plausible things    actual truth of the bible   single person   elements of truth  
  Relevant (Beta): 52%  
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I couldn't agree more. I've been relating the same argument for years. I believe there WAS a MAN named Jesus, a charismatic man who developed a large following. A following that went against the "politics" of the day and led to his demise. The world was a place of mythological "gods" in the day, and along came a man who was popular enough to be held by some AS a "god". It's not such a stretch to take one ACTUAL man and make him a god, after taking a bunch of mythical SUPER men making them gods: Hercules, Mercury, Neptune, etc. ALL human-like "god creatures" ….. even the Kings and Pharos were given "god status".
I think Jesus was an attempt to "soften GOD" , the god that killed first born, turned women to stone for their curiosity, flooded the Earth in an apparent tantrum, saddled us with sin because some woman bit an apple. People were getting a bit tired of an Ogre seeming "god" and wanted a more kindly one. I'm glad that Jesus came along, though the "Son of God" thingy is, to me, an expansion of a myth.
  Considerate: 88%  
  Substantial: 76%  
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  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 8.72  
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  Relevant (Beta): 94%  
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Jesus’ ministry and most of the New Testament was regarding public events. It would have been easy for people that were there to say “hey! That didn’t happen!”
There are hundreds of Old Testament predictions of who the messiah would be and they speak specifically to Jesus. (Born of a virgin, sinless, reject by his own people, killed, resurrected, used as a sin offering, Buried in a rich mans tomb, born in Bethlehem)
Nearly every disciple died for the cause of promoting the gospel. They had no incentive to risk their life if they KNEW they were promoting a lie. (Also, evidence of this outside of the Bible)
it it is an unusual story and would be hard to take at face value. Jesus claimed to be God. Many insane people claim to be God who are not. However, Jesus has the credentials to back it up. He came back to life and saw hundreds of people! All the romans or Jews had to do was provide a body. The tomb was guarded by Roman soldiers who would be killed if someone stole the body.
In a vacuum the Story of Jesus May be hard for you to digest. (Though it is the greatest story in world history) but we just not look at it that way. There is a mountain of support and evidence it is not just a good story. The probability alone that 1 man could fulfill all the protest is astronomical. Also, my last point is that even if you do not believe you DO believe and know the truth because nature and your conscience are calling you towards God. There is still time to repent and receive forgiveness in the name of Jesus.
  Considerate: 100%  
  Substantial: 100%  
  Sentiment: Negative  
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  Relevant (Beta): 100%  
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  Considerate: 85%  
  Substantial: 38%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 95%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.04  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: truth of the Bible    existence of God   Bible   reason  
  Relevant (Beta): 74%  
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You say ..... The truth of the Bible and existence of God is self evident and does not require sources outside the Bible to Justify it.@maxx
My reply ......It’s not to me and many others and certainly does require sources outside the Bible to justify it. You must also accept Scientology as self evident going on your logic as it also does not require sources outside itself for justification does it?
  Considerate: 77%  
  Substantial: 75%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 92%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.64  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: truth of the Bible    .....    existence of God   sources  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%  
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However, one would be justified to make a strong case for God’s existence and the Bible’s truth only using the Bible. It is our foundation from while our worldview comes. It is our 0,0,0.
The Bible says that it is true. This was also confirmed in Jesus. He came to testify to the truth. The Bible predicts events hundreds or thousand of years before they happen with 100% accuracy. Jesus’ fulfillment of these prophecy’s are a mathematic impossibility unless he was who He claimed to be.
I do not have a good knowledge of scientology so maybe you can point me the right direction as to why it could be truth. @Dee
  Considerate: 86%  
  Substantial: 64%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 96%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.8  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: nbsp    Gods existence   ual criticism   strong case  
  Relevant (Beta): 25%  
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You say .......
The Bible says that it is true. This was also confirmed in Jesus. He came to testify to the truth. The Bible predicts events hundreds or thousand of years before they happen with 100% accuracy. Jesus’ fulfillment of these prophecy’s are a mathematic impossibility unless he was who He claimed to be.
My reply ....The Quran says it’s true . Muhammad claimed so . He was the last prophet . The Quran claims to predict events with 100 per cent accuracy etc , etc .....Why are you not a Muslim as Muhammad was the last prophet as he came after Jesus ?
You say....... I do not have a good knowledge of scientology so maybe you can point me the right direction as to why it could be truth.
My reply ....I don’t claim any of these religions to be the “truth” but how do you know your one is is you have not investigated other
  Considerate: 73%  
  Substantial: 75%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 88%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 5.18  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Jesus’ fulfillment    per cent accuracy   mathematic impossibility   last prophet  
  Relevant (Beta): 80%  
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  Considerate: 76%  
  Substantial: 78%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 92%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.4  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Islam claims    kind of claim   last prophet   Jesus’ fulfillment  
  Relevant (Beta): 75%  
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It's voluntary to believe the Bible.
Just as its voluntary to not believe in the Bible.
It equals out to a zero sum game.
"In game theory and economic theory, a zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants."
  Considerate: 91%  
  Substantial: 81%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 86%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 11.2  
  Sources: 0  
  Relevant (Beta): 83%  
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You say ......The Bible says that it is true. This was also confirmed in Jesus. He came to testify to the truth.
My reply ....So what? Why would I care what Jesus said?
You say ......The Bible predicts events hundreds or thousand of years before they happen with 100% accuracy. Jesus’ fulfillment of these prophecy’s are a mathematic impossibility unless he was who He claimed to be.
My reply ........100’s of thousands really ? Give me a few of these mind blowing revelations
Even if true how does it prove a god?
You say .......I think you misunderstand my point. Anyone can claim to predict future events. I think you would agree that a proper test for any prophet is whether or not his prophesy comes true. Jesus is the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecy’s.
My reply .....I don’t believe that
You say ........That is different than claiming truth of a future prediction. I would be happy to dig deeper into this with you. If you were to test this I would guide you to see Isaiah 53.
My reply ....The verse proves nothing
You say .....Side note- Islam claims that our Bible was corrupted and changes the text to fit their agenda. I will prepare more Islamic example this evening I hope. I have more experience with Islam than Scientology.
My reply ......But why believe the Bible over the Quran Muslims can find flaws in the Bible as both are nonsense and contradictory
You say ......i disagree with this thought process. Why is it beneficial for me to study other religions and not you?
My reply .....But you assume things about me that are incorrect unlike you I have studied most the world’s leading religions and reject them all as childish nonsense
You say .....It would be helpful for me to know what your belief is. Atheism?
My reply .....My belief? I lack a belief in a god or gods as I’ve seen no evidence to convince me otherwise , if convincing concrete evidence can be shown I would revise my position
You say ....Whatever your belief system is you are making some kind of claim.
My reply ....I’ve made no claim you have as in there’s a god , you assert this without proof I reject your claims
You say ......Even if you claim to not believe anything that is still some kind of claim that would make more learning and study beneficial to you or anyone for that matter.
My reply .....Learning and study is what led me to the conclusion that to believe in the Christian god is childish and illogical , you admitted you have not studied other religions but yet dismiss them I think it’s you in need of study not I
  Considerate: 61%  
  Substantial: 71%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 90%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.3  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Islam claims    kind of claim   proper test   Jesus’ fulfillment  
  Relevant (Beta): 62%  
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  Considerate: 98%  
  Substantial: 59%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 96%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.72  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: study evidence    Bible   documents    
  Relevant (Beta): 92%  
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  Considerate: 80%  
  Substantial: 84%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 96%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.96  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: accuracy of the New Testament    story of Jesus   last point   name of Jesus.And  
  Relevant (Beta): 67%  
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  Considerate: 80%  
  Substantial: 20%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.24  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: public event    Jesus      
  Relevant (Beta): 99%  
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So was Jesus walking on water, rising from the dead, healing the sick with just his presence, etc. Likewise, it was also a public event when the Aliens invaded America in the movie "US independence day." What exactly is your point?
  Considerate: 60%  
  Substantial: 56%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 90%  
  Sentiment: Negative  
  Avg. Grade Level: 8.58  
  Sources: 0  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%  
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  Considerate: 78%  
  Substantial: 29%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 5.3  
  Sources: 0  
  Relevant (Beta): 99%  
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When you're ready to take issue with what I actually said and answer my question instead of wrongly accusing me of trolling let me know.
  Considerate: 84%  
  Substantial: 51%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 94%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.8  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: issue    question      
  Relevant (Beta): 96%  
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  Considerate: 88%  
  Substantial: 20%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 6.56  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Jesus    sweetheart      
  Relevant (Beta): 91%  
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And yet it is me who you said was trolling? The irony.
PS. The tiny Unicorns in my anus love you too sweetheart.
  Considerate: 24%  
  Substantial: 66%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 89%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 5.56  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: tiny Unicorns    @YeshuaRedeemed Jesus   anus   sweetheart  
  Relevant (Beta): 97%  
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  Considerate: 82%  
  Substantial: 52%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 100%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 5.62  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Christian faith    troll card   Love   Jesus  
  Relevant (Beta): 87%  
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If the Bible is not the truth than what is the truth? Also, what is your definition of truth?
  Considerate: 38%  
  Substantial: 53%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 96%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 3.44  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: argument    Bible   definition of truth   truth  
  Relevant (Beta): 98%  
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  Considerate: 89%  
  Substantial: 45%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 96%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.6  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: historical truth    circular reasoning   definition   bible  
  Relevant (Beta): 17%  
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You say .......What argument do you have against the Bible being true.
My reply ....A reading of the Bible would confirm the veracity of my words it’s a book of mainly contradictory nonsense ........
GE 6:4There were giants on the earth at one time. (Note: No evidence exists to supports this assertion.)
GE 6:5God is unhappy with the wickedness of man and decides to flood the earth to eliminate mankind. All living things including plants, animals, women and innocent children are also exterminated. (Note: This is like burning down a house to rid it of mice.)
GE 6:15The size of Noah's Ark was such that there would be about one and a half cubic feet for each pair of the 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 species to be taken aboard.
GE 32:24-30God takes part in a wrestling match. He wins by injuring Jacob's hip.
GE 38:27-29Twins are being delivered. One puts out his hand and the midwife binds it with a scarlet ribbon to identify him as the firstborn. But he draws back his hand, and his brother is born first (thereby obtaining the rights of the firstborn son).
EX 4:24The Lord sought to kill Moses (one of his own prophets.)
EX 12:30The Lord kills all the first-born of Egypt and there is not a house where there is not at least one dead. (This means that there was not a house in Egypt that did not include at least one first-born---a most unusual situation.)
EX 12:37, NU 1:45-46The number of men of military age who take part in the Exodus is given as about 600,000. Allowing for women, children, and older men would probably mean that a total of more than 2,000,000 Israelites left Egypt at a time when the whole population of Egypt was less than 2,000,000.
EX 17:14God says that he will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek.
DT 25:19"... you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven; you must not forget."
(That remembrance is now permanently preserved in the Bible.)
EX 28:34-35Entering the holy place without wearing bells can result in death.
LE 11:20-21There are winged creatures (birds or insects) that go around on all fours. (Note: There are no birds that go around on four legs, and all insects have six or eight legs.)
Sadly there’s more of this nonsense .....
You say .....The Bible says that it’s true and that those who say “there is no god” is a fool. It is foolish not to believe.
My reply .....The Quran says that it’s true and that those who say “there is no god” is a fool. It is foolish not to believe.
You say .....If the Bible is not the truth than what is the truth? Also, what is your definition of truth?
My reply .....Truth about what in particular?
  Considerate: 59%  
  Substantial: 69%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 95%  
  Sentiment: Negative  
  Avg. Grade Level: 5.3  
  Sources: 13  
  Relevant (Beta): 58%  
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  Considerate: 87%  
  Substantial: 53%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 93%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 9.44  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: men of statue    giants   cities of Sodom   dead sea  
  Relevant (Beta): 64%  
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And yet you have no reasonable, rational, logical or substantial bases for making that claim other than just faith alone, either via what other people told you or via passages in a book that was written by mere mortals. What's more, is that the book has also changed multiple times over the last 2000 + years.
  Considerate: 78%  
  Substantial: 70%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 98%  
  Sentiment: Positive  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.82  
  Sources: 1  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: @YeshuaRedeemed Jesus    substantial bases   Christian faith   troll card  
  Relevant (Beta): 77%  
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Second, logic is a system, intended as a method to discover truth. It fails, miserably.
Aristotle stated, if birds fly towards tress that are in motion a bird should not be able to perch because the tree is moving at a rate equal to the motion of a bird.
Aristotle was a moron. Second your argument is fallacy because what is true, is true, and when someone is stating the truth they can say they are stating the truth.
In terms of a propositional equation of your logic you stated:
Y can not suggests it's y because Y would be Y.
That sounds incredibly and should be treated as such.
I can tell almost all of you hear have never understood nor understand the mathematical order of logic.
Second, since the Bible is true, it can state it's true.
To suggest otherwise would be the statement:
Truth is not real, however, the statement would have to be true.
That's what's defined as fallacy.
Lies can not take the place of truth to attempt to suggest what's true.
Morons do that and look like morons.
Jesus is Lord and God. Fact.
  Considerate: 29%  
  Substantial: 93%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 93%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 7.94  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: stupid statement    circular reasoning   truth.In terms of a propositional equation of your logic   mathematical order of logic.Second  
  Relevant (Beta): 100%  
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Second Christianity's not religion.
Christianity's based on events.
Religions based on beilief without the standard of events
  Considerate: 93%  
  Substantial: 36%  
  Spelling & Grammar: 74%  
  Sentiment: Neutral  
  Avg. Grade Level: 11.16  
  Sources: 0  
  Entity Sentiment Detection: Second Christianity    standard of events   religion.Christianity   events.Religions  
  Relevant (Beta): 64%  
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