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Is the UN still important and effective?

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I think the UN is rapidly becoming biased, corrupt, and anti-semitic. Others say it is still a necessary global organization.
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    The Un is important and effective

    8 votes
    1. Agree
    2. Disagree

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  • joecavalryjoecavalry 430 Pts   -  
    The UN is definitely effective and extremely important. It assist in peace-making and maintains global peace as well.
    DebateIslander and a lover. 
  • love2debatelove2debate 186 Pts   -  
    UN is still very much relevant and important to maintain a cross country alliance 
  • WhyTrumpWhyTrump 234 Pts   -  
    Yes, UN is important.
    WhyTrump - a good question
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    It has never been much different. At least nowadays malicious states such as Soviet Union or Mao's China are not making the UN their playground, but it is still dominated by authoritarian state representatives that do their best to discredit democratic and liberal ideas.

    I do think the UN plays the ultimately positive role, however. The most significant positive effect it has on the world is setting a good standard for everyone. Not every nation (in fact, I would argue that none do fully) commits to these ideals in practice, but, at least, on paper every government tries to, at least, make the appearance of functioning in a democratic way and upholding human rights. This means that dictatorships have to be very careful going after their goals, and cannot get away with openly slaughtering the internal resistance and forcing people to work in labor camps. The only state that still does that openly - North Korea - is the most isolated state in the world, and their government is barely holding its position, as the international opposition to it is nearly universal.

    At the same time, at some point, I believe, the UN should start actually upholding the democratic ideals, rather than proclaiming them and closing eyes to systematic violations of those ideals by pretty much all nation members. When such a monstrous state as Saudi Arabia, one of the worst human right violators in the world, heads the UN Human Rights Council Panel, then it is clear that the organization needs serious reformation.
  • SitaraSitara 17 Pts   -  
    They are a pro Islam anti Christian and anti Israel globalist organization, and they ought to get the blank out of Dodge with their Defamation of Religion bill or whatever.
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