It seems to be a pretty prevalent phenomenon worldwide now to celebrate morbid obesity with ridiculous campaigns like body positive that seems to actively encourage morbidly obese people to remain so
The health implications of such a lifestyle are truly appalling yet the PC crowd will shriek and shrill dare you raise objections to the glorifying of such a lifestyle
For a perfectly valid analogy once upon a time anorexic models were a big thing ( they’re some still around ) until people realised encouraging such a lifestyle was totally irresponsible .
If it’s not socially acceptable to accept someone starving themselves to death why is it “ right on” and practically seen as a positive to celebrate morbid obesity and glorify it in the media as individuals stuff themselves to death?
What a strange world we live in you will be praised for encouraging an anorexic to get help but shouted down by the baying mob if you tell someone morbidly obese to lose weight
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