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What Is Your Goal In Life?

Debate Information

Mine are the same as Neil deGrasse Tyson's:  Learn more than I knew yesterday and reduce the suffering of others.

The goal of life is a deeply personal and subjective question, and different people may have different answers based on their individual beliefs, values, and experiences. Some people may believe that the purpose of life is to seek happiness, others may believe it is to fulfill a spiritual destiny, and still, others may believe it is to make the world a better place.

For some, the goal of life may be to achieve financial stability, while for others it may be to form deep and meaningful relationships with family and friends. There are also those who see their life's purpose as being a part of something greater than themselves, such as serving their community or making a positive impact on the world.

Ultimately, the goal of life is a highly individualized and personal journey, and there is no right or wrong answer. What's most important is that each person finds a sense of meaning and fulfillment in their life that aligns with their values and beliefs.


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  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -   edited February 2023

                                What Is Your Goal In Life?

    Mine are the same as Neil deGrasse Tyson's:  Learn more than I knew yesterday and reduce the suffering of others.

    "Reduce the suffering of others" which includes your admitted enjoyment of watching Palestinians getting blown to bits, you vile hypocrite .......

    JulesKorngold 464 Pts   -  January 31

    Argument Topic: You're Boring Me


    I'm gonna watch Israel bomb Gaza on the news.  Bye.

  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 1010 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Bombing Hamas Reduces Suffering

    Hamas is a hindrance to the Palestinian cause, due to its violent tactics and evil political agenda.

    Hamas's rule in the Gaza Strip is known for its human rights abuses, corruption, and failure to provide basic services to the population.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  
    Mine are the same as Neil deGrasse Tyson's:  Learn more than I knew yesterday 

    I read that and absolutely cracked up laughing. Get out of here. You're the only person in the world who goes to bed knowing less than they did yesterday.

  • BarnardotBarnardot 780 Pts   -  
    @JulesKorngold I think that your got to set gaols to get a head in life other wise you get no where. I remember where I work we knock off thousands of chickens and 1 day I saw one of the super visers and all he did was drive the fork lift all day with all the cages and containers of the guts and then he would do the delivery slips and I know he got paid more than the rest of us. So right then and there I set my goal and thought thats where I want to be in 10 years time and then it did happen. But your got to remember that when you achieve your higher goals the steaks are higher also For example you have to learn to drive the fork properly because if you drop the crates with live birds then they have to destroy the hole lot of them because some of them get broken bones and you cant check all of them which is why we dump the hole lot and put them in a big grinder which turns them into fertilizer.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    I just live and enjoy my life day by day. The only goal I really have is to keep doing it. I have little interest in impacting the world positively, or achieving fame and wealth, or becoming a wise sage. Of course, working towards those things can be enjoyable in itself - but they are merely the means, not the goals.

    I do have a rule for life, however: whenever there is an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone in a sensible way, I take it. Every time you do something you were not sure before you could, your horizon expands and the world opens up to you a little more, allowing you to have more fun in it than before. I will do wacky things like asking out a police officer or walking into a random store and asking the clerk about the backstory behind this business routinely and have a blast in the process. Say what you will about me, but my life is anything but boring! And I am a freaking fearless beast.

    I suppose my message to the people with high goals in life would be to relax and take life less seriously, and to go out in the world and make fun stuff happen. Setting long-term goals is useful, but focusing on them too much leaves you blind to the awesomeness of the present moment - which kind of defeats the whe purpose, for if you never notice the present, then what value does future (which will eventually become your present) have?
  • JulesKorngoldJulesKorngold 1010 Pts   -  

    Signs that may indicate pathological antagonism:

    1. Persistent negativity: Individuals with pathological antagonism may consistently view others and the world in a negative light. They may also engage in a lot of criticism, sarcasm, and cynicism.

    2. Disregard for social norms: People with this trait may have little regard for social norms and conventions, and may even violate them without remorse. They may also engage in aggressive behavior or show a lack of empathy.

    3. A strong desire for control: Pathologically antagonistic individuals may feel a need to control situations and people around them. They may struggle with accepting authority and rules that they perceive as limiting their freedom.

    4. Difficulty in building and maintaining relationships: People with pathological antagonism may have difficulty in forming and maintaining healthy relationships. They may be seen as overly critical, aggressive, or argumentative, leading to conflicts and difficulties in interpersonal interactions.

    5. A lack of personal responsibility: Individuals with this trait may struggle with taking responsibility for their own actions, and may instead blame others or external factors for their difficulties and problems.

  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  

    ***So right then and there I set my goal and thought thats where I want to be in 10 years time and then it did happen. ***

    So it took you 10 years to achieve your dream "career" driving chickens to the slaughter instead of doing the slaughtering yourself ...ROFLMAO .....I guess you're the first in your family to truly ...cough,cough ahem ......suceed....LOL

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