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Despite all your petty posturing and puffing out your chests like intellectual peacocks, there was precisely one person on this entire site capable of giving me the correct answer to a simple math equation:-


The rest of you can't do maths designed for 13 year olds. You can get salty about it if you like, but that's the objective reality of matters.

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  • Luigi7255Luigi7255 695 Pts   -  
    Took a quick look, and there were only 4 people in that debate. You, Swolliw, Anarchist, and ZeusAres. So I wouldn't recommend you make a hasty generalization. To be honest, maybe some people are kind of tired of boring debates or threads like that one, so people didn't answer.

    The answer is 9.5 by the way. 4(x+3)-10 would simplify to 4x+12-10, which is 4x+2. Then the other side, 8x-40+4 would be 8x-36. Then if you follow simple algebraic steps, You'd get 38=4x, which means x=9.5
    "I will never change who I am just because you do not approve."
  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    The problem is the linear equation, The values do not have markings to describe which is natural number and which is real number. The ongoing mathematic grievance between natural numbers of a compass or clock and the real numbers of mathematics in general creates a conflict of accuracy. There is no correct answer to the equation given by Nomenclature there is only what is to be socially accepted as an answer of protocol. The instruction of mathematics in school has always been dependent on the student never understanding the principles of mathematics to question the error made by instructors.

    Anyone can go online and use a calculator that will give them the answer that Nomenclature is looking for. Here is a link to a free one online, I found, and I have used many. Two of my six calculators can do algebra as well. The real question is how do you know when the computer or calculator is giving you the wrong answer?

    Linear Equation Calculator (
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Took a quick look, and there were only 4 people in that debate. You, Swolliw, Anarchist, and ZeusAres.

    Sure, but it was the most active debate on the site for well over 24 hours, which means other members chose simply to avoid it. There is a primal competitiveness in most people which ensures that if they knew the correct answer they would reveal it, and this is all the more true among users of a debate site where members compete daily for feelings of intellectual superiority.

    What we saw with that debate were three bullish trolls who wanted to derail the topic (because they were bitter at not being able to work the answer out), Anarchist100, who calmly gave the correct answer and made no further comments, and a bunch of other members who stayed away in order to save face. Staying out of the debate if you don't know the answer is the most obvious response, because it enables you to make future excuses about how you were rearranging your sock drawer on that particular night, or painting your toenails, and if only you were here you could have answered in 30 seconds flat because you are, after all, a genius.

  • Nomee, I just got tired of listening to you cry, it become obvious very quickly you know little of algebra when you could not defend the principle you been given and held that a difference of real and natural numbers is anything but incidental in algebra due to geometry.

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  
    Nomee, I just got tired of listening to you cry, it become obvious very quickly you know little of algebra when 

    When I took the time to construct an algebra question which you couldn't figure out the answer to?

    Stay off the drugs please John.

  • @Nomenclature

    When I took the time to construct an algebra question which you couldn't figure out the answer to?

    It’s a text book problem, there are free online calculators to figure them out why even answer the question outside a instructional controlled testing environment it is a waste of time. Want to establish your self as intelligent explain how specifically natural numbers of real numbers are only semantically different when compared to geometric shapes like a circle and triangle?

    Then please explain to us how simply just marking natural numbers used in algebra with visible I.D. by adding a sign of their unique mathematical nature is so wrong? In linear algebra this one effort would minimise both professionals and students errors and they would not try to remove values in a incorrect way from linear equations? 


    Stay off the drugs please John.

    I would die without the prescribed medications I take...many people would die without drugs...What are you really trying to say? What substance do you believe a person can take that could influence the lapse of judgment it takes to not understand Geometry in relationship to Algebra. You know at one time German office in World War II had been a lot like teachers they didn’t know anything was wrong when the time came to measure costs of their own actions. Did that change in the present?

  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  
    It’s a text book problem
    No it isn't. I wrote it myself.

    Even if it were a textbook problem, you still couldn't figure out the answer, so either way you lose.
  • Even if it were a textbook problem, you still couldn't figure out the answer, so either way you lose.

    Don't have to remember how to calculate solving for x there is an online calculator and I had already made it clear I refresh understandings of algebra calculations all the time, the whole algebra process is about following rules, the grievance in mathematics is not over win or lose it is always about right, wrong, precise and imprecise. You are way to personally involved.

    Maybe I'm just too much of a geek g\but you appear to treat math like a sport and it isn’t one.

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Even if it were a textbook problem, you still couldn't figure out the answer, so either way you lose. I have a question you need to answer before a calculation can actual be made on the caluclation that is to be correct. The question was and still is without any ID to describe the 4 or 10 between real and natural numbers how can a precise calculation ever be made by mathematical rule or law? There simply is no correct calculation to be made in the problem you made up.

    I use, and strongly recomend something like this symbol as I use it to describe a natural ratio made between a circle and its chords mathmatically. Ever since you proved Pi is nothing but Bull Manure......
  • MichaelElpersMichaelElpers 1136 Pts   -  

    "There is a primal competitiveness in most people which ensures that if they knew the correct answer they would reveal it, and this is all the more true among users of a debate site where members compete daily for feelings of intellectual superiority."

    Yeah but that goes out the window when you find the question is not that difficult and someone has already answered it correctly.  Why put the same thing down 10 times?
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  

    The question sat unanswered for six or seven hours. You aren't here every day so perhaps you get a pass, but it's bad form to call the question easy if you didn't even answer it. It can't have been that easy if only one person found the right answer.

    If you know how to solve balanced equations it's easy. If not, then it isn't.
  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Yeah but that goes out the window when you find the question is not that difficult and someone has already answered it correctly.  Why put the same thing down 10 times?

    It is due to the math question becoming part of person issue Nomee has with me. The argument I raised about the number of mistakes Einstein had made, and others mind you, go farther than just with the issue of approximation set by Pi. The grievance also covers the use of real and natural numbers in algebra’s linear equations as these types of number relate to a compass and time and have no zero. The question asked can never really be answered correctly it can be answered in connection to the rules of algebra only. Is the many learning institutions plus larger groups like IBM, NASA, Apple, Microsoft and many others idea of the difference between natural and real number in fact arbitrary. Is there connection to the geometry of a circle and triangles enough to prove the connect is not superficial.

  • The_FlashThe_Flash 46 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Funny but not true

    Despite all your petty posturing and puffing out your chests like intellectual peacocks, there was precisely one person on this entire site capable of giving me the correct answer to a simple math equation:-


    The rest of you can't do maths designed for 13 year olds. You can get salty about it if you like, but that's the objective reality of matters.
    You can't even accept the facts so your argument is invalidated, hypocrite. Seriously, look in the mirror and grow up. You are sounding exactly as you misjudge others. For a guy who claims he knows things, you sure don't know anything.
  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    Lol. I don't know which is more amusing: your insane, fanatical multi-accounting, or the fact that Jack the fake Jew fist-bumped you just for attacking me. 

    I don't claim I know things and telling me to "grow up" while you are busy using half a dozen alt accounts to agree with yourself is one of the most intellectually redundant comments I've ever seen anybody else write. Get off the internet and go and get the psychiatric help you need.
  • Bla.........bla bla bla...bla la bla ve bla.....bla...bla... <-------Funny how a whole truth can make a lie right isn't it? Look I’m speaking gibberish!

    Translation: "Can I quickly remind you of something......."
    No, it doesn’t appear so.........                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   from here!

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