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Should women face the DEATH PENALTY for having an abortion??

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  • BarnardotBarnardot 597 Pts   -  
    @jack Since when did they say yes like never and it was law makers any way any way they said they were considering it so what are you trying to say but not saying at all.
  • jackjack 580 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:

    they said they were considering it so what are you trying to say but not saying at all.
    Hello B:

    Who, exactly are "they"??  Well, they're South Carolina law makers, and "they" wanna off women who get abortions.  Whether they GET to do that is beside the point - they WANT to. 

    I rest my case.


  • @jack

    Women already have faced the Death Penalty as it is an illegal slang used by lawyers and others who often cannot be legally held for perjury in a standard court of law. However, the lie and liars can best be addressed in an Armed Services tribunal when it is presented before the Armed Services as a United States Constitutional Right that is being made and argued before the people. The observation describes women have been assembled as a 2nd Amendment militia by the way law and women themselves has been set as a united state by legislation in connection to this term “abortion". The choice to amputate by a woman is based on her ability to perform a sealed Military tribunal and the violation of that seal publicly is a in question of patient privacy. Not just of the women by also of the male who is also connected to a pregnancy.

    Who is saying a woman is having an abortion a doctor, a law, or the women? There has never been an abortion in America they have all been Female Specific Amputations that have been said to be abortions. In many if not all events described as an abortion the method to which the description of a female specific amputation had been called abortion was Illegal and a violation of a constitutional right never set as self-evident truth before the courts of law.

    Both sides of the argument of a woman’s constitutional right to seek a medical amputation when the stop a form of immigration that can result in a death of a women is a outcome. It is both parties that can face capital punishment and it is not just women who seeks the amputation. The Constitutional right the chose is over the state of the union of whole truth to be held as self-evidnet as the perfect connection to established jsutice.  is not the same as a women's right to choose and the difference is a complex series of whole truths that link all women together then all pregnancies to established justice.

  • jackjack 580 Pts   -  
    John_C_87 said:

    There has never been an abortion in America they have all been Female Specific Amputations that have been said to be abortions.

    Hello John:

    So, abortion is an amputation, huh?

    I like it.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6411 Pts   -  
    The 17 members of the house of representatives (out of 124) who introduced this bill do not constitute "your government" if you live in South Carolina. Small groups of representatives all around the country systematically propose weird bills that do not go anywhere. This particular bill appears to violate the constitution of South Carolina as per the state Supreme Court's ruling on January 5th.

    The bill also says nothing about "death penalty". Here is the actual bill: What it does propose is this:
    enforcement is subject to the same presumptions, defenses, justifications, laws of parties, immunities, and clemencies as would apply to the assault of a person who had been born alive
    It simply classifies abortion in certain cases as murder, which in South Carolina can be punished by death in the presence of one of the 12 aggravating factors. Only one of those factors (the victim being under the age of 11) seems to be potentially applicable here, and it is not clear if it is actually applicable given the ambiguity of the "who had been born alive" part in the context of someone under the age of 0.

    It is a pretty abhorrent proposal, but you are citing something that is a product of the broken telephone game going on for a while. Doing a bit of research before reposting a clickbait article from The Hill could be quite handy.
  • jackjack 580 Pts   -  
    MayCaesar said:

    The 17 members of the house of representatives (out of 124) who introduced this bill do not constitute "your government"

    It simply classifies abortion in certain cases as murder, which in South Carolina can be punished by death
    Hello M:

    Nahhh...  The legislature IS the government, and 17 of 'em wanna murder women who get abortions..

    And, you can play footsie with it all you want, but if enacted, and they wish to, they'll KILL women..  Count on it. 

  • jack said:
    John_C_87 said:

    There has never been an abortion in America they have all been Female Specific Amputations that have been said to be abortions.

    Hello John:

    So, abortion is an amputation, huh?

    I like it.


      Thank you..there has been a great deal of work and many sacrifices that have gone it the colmination of the description. The obective is to assemble a whole truth to be used in describing as self-evident something to be held as a more perfect connection made between all women and established justice.

    No abortion is not an amputation, the word abortion and how it is used internatinally and in America is a malpractice of law. The medical treatment a woman receives in regulating a high-risk immigration into America is a medical amputation in "whole" truth.

  • @MayCaesar

    It simply classifies abortion in certain cases as murder,

    Make no mistake MayCaesar the term abortion and how it is used in legislation and law describes possible murder in all cases. That is reason why it is unfit for use in United States Constitutional Right, that is why it is also unfit for use in law, period. It is the lawyers job of a said state to represent the women they may be hired too, however, it is then the peoples United State in the phrase United States Constitution that describes all woman are to be represented in Constitutional Right. Even if "they" the girls who have become women cannot produce the self-evident truth and state of the union to hold themselves there. The failure is understandable as It is by far the greatest task set forth upon the people by some of the brightest and best minds included in legal representation the world has ever known.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6411 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    jack said:
    MayCaesar said:

    The 17 members of the house of representatives (out of 124) who introduced this bill do not constitute "your government"

    It simply classifies abortion in certain cases as murder, which in South Carolina can be punished by death
    Hello M:

    Nahhh...  The legislature IS the government, and 17 of 'em wanna murder women who get abortions..

    And, you can play footsie with it all you want, but if enacted, and they wish to, they'll KILL women..  Count on it. 

    I wish I had your mind-reading abilities! Unfortunately, I can only go by the real world verifiable data (the data you do not seem to have reviewed), and there is nothing in that data suggesting the murderous intent behind this proposal.

    You asked in a different thread if Trump was going to win in 2024... I do not see why he would not when his opposition largely employs the same strategy as him: throwing as much dirt as possible at their political rivals hoping that some of it sticks, rather than taking a deep breath and making a logical argument against their actual actions and positions. Trump happens to be better at this game than you guys, and the probability is high that he will win it. How does that saying goes? "Play *beep* games - win *beep* prizes"?

    If you want to get good at this game, you have to go further. Come up with a catchy label for these representatives. Something colorful, like "Pocahontas". May I propose "Electricians"? Too subtle a reference, perhaps... :(
  • bjinthirtybjinthirty 139 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    I think the public slang for "abortion" when referred to the medical term "amputate" is subtle. It should inexplicably be noted the connection between law and order as an example to public dependance of a working government serving its purpose. Therefore Government should be wise to serve the aptitude of these claims as a courtesy to the people. It doesn't take much to realize that a woman or man can cause an abortion at home by natural means. However, the publics decision to turn to government for an answer should be viewed as a comforting one. Give the people what they want i say.

    As far as the death penalty goes, it is only a fairy tale. A disturbing story meant to perhaps grab public attention to some sort. It would never be enforced because it violates the legal code of ethics of professional conduct. 

    Now if you ask me personally should they be given the death penalty for abortion?. I say yes but to a limited extent of judicial powers. The ruling of such case would be translated in the judicial process easily misinterpreted but meant to raise public awareness and generate funding for the state. Holding noth parties accountable if brought to trial. The outcome of each trial would always result as no death penalty given and under no means have either party under arrest unless substantially necessary.

    This would induce a ripple effect across the country for marriages or couples to better communicate and work things out. The focus is on the children because since they are the future of this country we want to work hard to provide them a safe stable environment for them to grow up in.

  • theinfectedmastertheinfectedmaster 151 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Absolutely not.

    For the most part, I think abortion is wrong, but that doesn't mean I think that any woman should be getting the death penalty for that.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 597 Pts   -  
    @jack ;Well, they're South Carolina law makers, and "they" wanna off women who get abortions.

    Well yes like thats what I said I said

    it was law makers any way 

    And they didn't 

    ."they" wanna off women who get abortions

    Did they because they said 

    they were considering it

    And the article did not say who these law makers were did it. Like they were probably some radical dweeds sitting in a back street law office who said that while they were off there heads on weed right. Yes thats right. So you dont rest any case at all because there is no case because you made it all up.
  • jack said:
    MayCaesar said:

    The 17 members of the house of representatives (out of 124) who introduced this bill do not constitute "your government"

    It simply classifies abortion in certain cases as murder, which in South Carolina can be punished by death
    Hello M:

    Nahhh...  The legislature IS the government, and 17 of 'em wanna murder women who get abortions..

    And, you can play footsie with it all you want, but if enacted, and they wish to, they'll KILL women..  Count on it. 

    Want to know what bothers me here jack? 

    If your answer was yes: Are the 17 members representing a United State between South Carolina's Constitution and America's Constitution? 
    What is the condition of the state of the union with established justice? Abortion Vs. Loss of Privacy
    Then legal argument is adding voters Vs. protecting the voters you have.

     2021-2022 Bill 3016: SC Data Privacy Act - South Carolina Legislature Online (

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    As far as the death penalty goes, it is only a fairy tale. A disturbing story meant to perhaps grab public attention to some sort. It would never be enforced because it violates the legal code of ethics of professional conduct. 

    Here is the problem the State & Federal Courts have laws describing that narrative above pointless as they have been exempted by their unconstitutional connection to each other and the law. It is and will always be an Armed Service Judicial matter or a Military court by State & Federal Congressional making. A women and man she chooses to copulates with has no such protection written in law which turns into an even larger political issue down the line . 

  • OakTownAOakTownA 454 Pts   -  
    This legislation is not the first of it's kind, nor will it be the last. NC attempted to pass such legislation in both 2021 and 2022, but it never made it out of committee. Texas has also tried to pass such a bill, as have Kentucky, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, and conservative legislators in Alabama are trying to do the same.
    "The bills being introduced in Arkansas, TexasKentucky and South Carolinalook to establish that life begins at conception. Each of these bills explicitly references homicide charges for abortion. Homicide is punishable by the death penalty in all of those states." 
    The bills in Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas include the abortion pill, and Wyoming recently banned mifepristone, which is a drug commonly used to induce an abortion.
    These legislators don't care that their local Supreme Courts have ruled against them; they will keep trying, or appeal to the SCOTUS. They do not seem to see the irony of it, too!
  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    These legislators don't care that their local Supreme Courts have ruled against them; they will keep trying, or appeal to the SCOTUS. They do not seem to see the irony of it, too!

    There is no irony it is a malpractice of law OakTownA plain and simple. The problem is it is not a State or Federal Court issue as it is a Violation of a United States Constitutional Right conducted by a malpractice of law in which the State and Federal Courts have pass law to block any connection to established justice. Even the Right of law to patient privacy is violated by abortion legislation be it in favor or against and not movement towards established justice is taking place due to the malpractice of law being held.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: This is scary. Is this patriarchal misogyny, religious zealots, or a combination of both?

    "The bill does not provide an exception for rape or incest" thehill

    Yikes! The irony that conservatives use strong loaded words including totalitarianism in regards to smoking. Clearly, conservatives do not value human life. Read the ridiculous title of this conservative article.

    "The Totalitarian Crusade Against Second-Hand Smoke" Brendan O'Neill 2014

    Sheesh, what about the lack of mandates in conservatives states? Being conservative is a risk factor for the Kraken sub-variant. The logical inconsistencies of today's Republicans is maddening.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Argument Topic: This is absurd implantation often fails.

    "would redefine “person” under state law to include a fertilized egg, giving it at the point of conception equal protection under the state’s homicide laws, including the death penalty." thehill

    "Even if the timing is right, implantation may not happen. According to researchersTrusted Source, a lack of implantation is a common cause of early pregnancy loss."

    What this means is that if an egg is fertilized and then implantation fails, common even if you do everything correct, you are guilty of homicide. If given the death penalty the human race would cease to exist if this was actually enforced. Absolutely ludicrous. Do these people know anything about biology?
  • OakTownAOakTownA 454 Pts   -  
    When your group is called "pro-life," arguing that someone should be put to death for having an abortion is, by definition, irony. I have no idea what all you were trying to say.
  • @OakTownA
    When your group is called "pro-life," arguing that someone should be put to death for having an abortion is, by definition, irony. I have no idea what all you were trying to say.

    United States Constitutional right describes a connection of pro-life, pro-choice, and abortion in legislation of law as a malpractice of law created to prevent a state of the union with established justice. Yes, I know you have no idea what I am writing down, not saying but placing in writing. That does not mean it is not a whole truth....

    Does it?

  • When your group is called "pro-life," arguing that someone should be put to death for having an abortion is, by definition, irony. I have no idea what all you were trying to say.

    To be clear a women would face Capital charges for ordering an abortion not having an abortion. To repeat there is no women in the United States of America who has had an abortion since the year 1973 as a united state Constitutional Right they have all been Female-Specific Amputations instead. The just cause object to the use of abortion in all conditions of legislation of law in all states in America is the violation of privacy which is created by the malpractice of law in deceitfully collecting admissions to a fabricated in advance possible crime.

  • @Dreamer
    What this means is that if an egg is fertilized and then implantation fails, common even if you do everything correct, you are guilty of homicide. If given the death penalty the human race would cease to exist if this was actually enforced. Absolutely ludicrous. Do these people know anything about biology?

    This is simple a partial truth, not whole truth. To which at some point it is highly likely the lawyers who also hold medical degrees have been consulted. The grievance in a court at some point will become the obstruction taking place over what is stopping a state of the Union with established justice. Again why this then becomes an Armed Service court proceeding is the implication of an attack on United States Constitution made by a malpractice of law.

    This is not a religious argument and is well on the way to become a conspiracy linking several Executive officers XXXVII – IVL (37 – 46) But who is counting?

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    I have no idea what all you were trying to say

    You are quite correct. I understand clearly you have not received all relative pertinent information as it may have been presented to you as a juror in a criminal case involving perjury in the matter of abortion and the malpractice of law it creates in legislation. Thanks for the liberty to allow me to attempt to explain and establish a more perfect state of the union with established justice then what is made with the term abortion.

  • OakTownAOakTownA 454 Pts   -  
    People in the United States have all ready been arrested, tried, and found guilty of manslaughter after having a miscarriage. This happened before the SCOTUS overturned Roe, and will increase in the years to come. More than 50 people in the US have been arrested for child neglect or manslaughter after testing positive for drugs. They were tested after having a miscarriage or stillbirth. States where this has happened includes Alabama, South Carolina, Oklahoma, and nine others. Most, if not all, have some sort of fetal personhood legislation. There is no evidence that the deaths were caused by drug use, but they were arrested anyway.
    A 2013 study showed that from 1973-2005, there were just about 400 cases were people were investigated and/or prosecuted do to the death of a fetus. That number has since increased three fold to over 1,200. And it's not just people who use illegal drugs; people who use prescribed drugs like Adderall have also been charged. Marshae Jones was charged after losing her fetus due to being shot. She was charged because she "started" the fight. Kendisjia Jones took abortion medications in Georgia BEFORE abortion was illegal there, and was charged with the death of her fetus. I could go on. This is not going to get better as more and more states decide that a fetus is a person.

  • OakTownAOakTownA 454 Pts   -  
    "United States Constitutional right describes a connection of pro-life, pro-choice, and abortion in legislation of law as a malpractice of law created to prevent a state of the union with established justice. Yes, I know you have no idea what I am writing down, not saying but placing in writing. That does not mean it is not a whole truth....

    Does it?"

    No idea, as I have no clue what this means.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Oh wow, thank you for the informative post. :)

    There is a lot I missed. Did you know about fake abortion clinics outnumber real ones 3-1?

    They are called crisis pregnancy centers.

  • bjinthirtybjinthirty 139 Pts   -  
    Maybe if an activist out there decides to, without consent impregnate the mothers, daughters and wife of all politicians pushing for this law. Its interesting to think.

    And what makes someone think this law may not be used as a powerful weapon. Women already report many fake allegations to incriminate an innocent man. What makes someone believe that a man won't intentionally corner a woman with this against a wall. Isnt there better laws to pass than this? Over in Arizona, the state just found out by accident that Saudi arabia was pumping water for years without paying. There should be more laws invested in oversight before making a huge leap into this unprepared.
  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Argument Topic: Hmmm, I didn't hear about Saudi Arabia pumping water for years, do you have a source?

    Ever hear the Monty Python song every sperm is sacred.

    "Every sperm is sacred
    Every sperm is great
    If a sperm is wasted
    God gets quite irate"

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023

    No idea, as I have no clue what this means.

    It describes a situation and in the easiest way to understand the situation it detailsYou are a woman speaking for all women and men. Yet, you are talking about a subject which should be directed in law to represent all women with a man's involvement limited at the onset of Filed Grievance before written in legislation of law. We, America does not write laws describing the legal ways to shoot people both men and women with guns it has and should not write laws describing how women and men can “kill” using sexual activity.

    BEFORE abortion was illegal there. Abortion was and will always be possibly illegal everywhere when it is written into law. The word  is now dependendent on the fact a State of Law such as New Jersey, New York, and Califoria and others must have laws describing the State of law itself can not be charged with a crime. This process is a possible malpratice of law and it is what misleads you to believe abortion is even possibly to hold itself legal. The difference between Female-Specific amputation and abortion as a American United States Constitutional Right is that Female-Specific amputation will always hold itself legal.

    And why do "you" have known clue what something means when it relates to what you are talking about?
  • bjinthirtybjinthirty 139 Pts   -  
    Dreamer said:

    Ever hear the Monty Python song every sperm is sacred.

    "Every sperm is sacred
    Every sperm is great
    If a sperm is wasted
    God gets quite irate"

    no  I have not heard that song. are you implying that you want mine?
  • @bjinthirty

    Please explain the connection to established justice I do not understand the point of the Monty Python association.

  • Bosotter13Bosotter13 17 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Maybe in some cases?

    @John_C_87 Abortion is basically willful murder of an unborn individual who also has their rights as a living thing professionals who specialize in saving lives are now ending innocent lives that had barley began. Besides controversies (ridiculous arguments that human rights might have a say in it) sparked about how the woman has control over those choices and will be held responsible of the potential outcomes.But statistically speaking more abortions are carried out forcibly and less in free will.But there is a question parents must ask themselves sometimes and that is:Do children ask to be born and given to us?Answer:No they don't.So it is more 50/50 in the answer it is murder and should be illegal but i don't think it should deserve the death penalty           
  • DeeDee 5398 Pts   -  

    Abortion is basically willful murder of an unborn individual who also has their rights as a living thing

    Nonsense. A fetus is not an "individual " , the rights of the unborn should never trump the rights of a citizen
  • @Dee
    Nonsense. A fetus is not an "individual " , the rights of the unborn should never trump the rights of a citizen

    First off: Dee to be clear you as a legal argument are unfit to speak on behalf of my sister, whether she be dead or alive on the topic abortion. Is that clear to you or not? You are Incompetent and make no connections to American United States Constitutional Right by your own admission the freedom of speach you asociate yourself to is connected directly to a malpratice of law peformed in America brought over from Europe. It is a different matter not yet addressed as a state of the union in American courts or its people. It will never be held in American Courts until addressed in a Armed Services Court as the grievance is over demestic enemies of American Constitution and the illgal use of law itself againt them. You have no idea what a President of the Untied States of Amerioca legally was and can be, you said so, yourself, you do not understand the process as a whole many times.

    Second: The fertilized human egg and the egg of all women as a united state are alive and are at the beginnings of life as truth. What this means is the argument before the filings of grievance and all legal precedent is over then understandings of truth and then whole truth and their assembly of self-evident truth.

    Third: Even though you point is way of the more serious issues like many questions it deserves an answer, if / when answer can be given as common defense towards a general welfare of all women including those women who have been lost because of this Court filed, legislated by law illegally, legal grievance.

     Yes, it is in fact the unborn child can have "Constitutional Rights" assigned by the "Mother" as a citizen, these rights and the assignment process can be confusing as it is Constitutionally complicated. Condition ONE: The mother by writing & word expresses to legal guardian or husband her own life is not the priority of the child’s, the child when his or her ambassador by law of nature orders the orders of priority under all medical conditions. Even if that person is not a citizen of America, or other nations, falling between the cracks of legislated law. Please be careful we have the right to remain silent those things we say may be used against us in a court of law, including the Armed Services Courts.

    Fourth: The point you make is in a less perfect state of the union with American United States Constitutional RightIt is however the same point "Only the mother is the legal ambassador of the child in question, she and she alone carries by both law of nature and United States Constitutional Right."

  • John_C_87John_C_87 Emerald Premium Member 870 Pts   -   edited March 2023
    Abortion is basically willful murder of an unborn individual who also has their rights as a living thing professionals who specialize in saving lives are now ending innocent lives that had barley began.

    One:  I do not understand. You said: Quote “Innocent child” As United States Constitutional Right can you provide to us or just me publicly or in private with the record of the Trial or Tribunal conducted to make this claim publicly about one said child. As it is clear, it has been made clear to me you are not the acting ambassador of the child in question outside United States Courts jurisdiction by malpractice of law?

    Besides controversies (ridiculous arguments that human rights might have a say in it) sparked about how the woman has control over those choices and will be held responsible of the potential outcomes.But statistically speaking more abortions are carried out forcibly and less in free will.But there is a question parents must ask themselves sometimes and that is:Do children ask to be born and given to us?Answer:No they don't.So it is more 50/50 in the answer it is murder and should be illegal but i don't think it should deserve the death penalty.

    These two points made by grievance go in two directions, do you know that? As far as I know, and a mother can correct me if wrong, a female child can bear the weight of holding a public death penalty assigned by law of nature as whole truth. Again like it or not the argument is over the creation and connection by state of the union with established justice and a clear list of other qualifications as specification the assembly of United States Constitutional Right. The already connection between a women and Captial Punishment exists and though there is a political cliam Death Penalty and Capital Punishment or equal under the Eye of United States Constitution they are not. By whole truth, nothing but truth, they are not.

    Why the United States Constitution is described on the terms of the Federal Reserve Note as only one eye by law of nature. Where a person, animal, and insect may have any number of eye's by law of nature It is the powers of holding a United State as self-evident truth which describes "Right" is not blind, nor is it blinded by obscurities.

  • KekeeKekee 23 Pts   -  
    Not from first abortion but I think if a woman gets like 10 abortions then she must pay severe consequences
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