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Trump is gonna win in '24 isn't he?

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If you had several cases that you could bring against Donald Trump, would you bring your WEAKEST case first?  Truly..  I think he'll BEAT the Stormy Daniels case, and, if he does, he'll win 'em ALL.

Why the Dems are doing that is beyond me..  Maybe they wanna see him win in 2024.

I rank the investigations based upon which ones damage the country more, and in the order in which I'd bring the cases.  

1.  Jan 6,
2.  Stolen documents
3.  Georgia voting fraud
4.  Stormy Daniels payoff.

You may rank the investigations differently..


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  • NomenclatureNomenclature 1248 Pts   -  
    Hi anti-Muslim scumbag.

    I'm surprised you don't have more love for Trump. You're both very similar people. Fake billionaire; fake Jew; it's the same mental health condition.
  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: I am not worried about Trump. An Omicron sub-variant will probably make him illegible to run.

    Trump is old and seems to underestimate the virus, both risk factors. I much more concerned about younger Republicans who are smart enough to vaccinate. Democrats have the popular vote, but Republicans are becoming even more radical. My advice, stay alive to vote out the far right by getting vaccinated and wearing a kn95 or better mask. 

    "Multiple members of conservative-leaning media have contracted and died of COVID-19 in recent months after pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric."

  • BoganBogan 491 Pts   -  
    Yes, I think that Donald Trump will win the next election, because of many reasons.

     For one thing, it is said that most US women voted for Biden.     They are now faced with rising inflation, crime out of control in democrat controlled cities, the Democrat support for people with gender dysphoria who want to destroy women's sports, and the democrat support for these same people to spread "transgender" propaganda to their children in schools.

    Young people tend to vote democrat and change their minds as they get older.    Most young people today in the USA are growing up in a time when their economy under Biden is getting much worse, which tends to indicate that they are going to grow up faster.  

    The fact that the Democrats have no one other than Robert Kennedy Jr to put up to relace Biden, and a lot of Demmies hate Kennedy because he is not radical enough.      The republican lineup of hopefuls are very good.  I personally hope that Trump appoints Nikky Haley as his VP.        Nikky is one hellava woman.    She is intelligent and speaks with authority, and she could become the next US President.   A native American woman as a US President?   That would really pull the racist rug out from under the Left who never stop claiming that the USA is a racist and sexist nation.
  • jackjack 580 Pts   -   edited July 2023
    Bogan said:

    A native American woman as a US President?   That would really pull the racist rug out from under the Left who never stop claiming that the USA is a racist and sexist nation.
    Hello B:

    A Native American as president??  Huh???  Du*de...  She's as Native American as you are..  

    Oh, I got it..  You heard somebody call her an Indian, so you immediately thought she's a Native American..    How dum*b is that??

    Du*de again.  Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.


  • jackjack 580 Pts   -   edited July 2023
    Bogan said:

    The fact that the Democrats have no one other than Robert Kennedy Jr to put up to relace Biden, and a lot of Demmies hate Kennedy because he is not radical enough.     
    Hello again, B:

    Nahh..  The Dems don't like him because he's an anti-vaxer.  Anti-vaxer's, in the main, are right wingers.

    How come you don't know this sh*t??  Du*de!


  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: Trump going to win by landslide because he lies.

    "A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes"

    Ebon Musk will ensure Trump's victory.

    "We found that falsehood diffuses significantly farther, faster, deeper, and more broadly than the truth, in all categories of information, and in many cases by an order of magnitude,” says Sinan Aral

    Trump with his lies, conspiracy theories, sensationalism, hype, bots, and trolls farms as Steven Bannon put it will flood the zone. The Internet effectively runs on advertising. Big tech will profit from the attention economy democracy will fail and a kleptocracy lead by president for life Trump will replace.
  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: To understand why Trump will win you need to understand the flat Earth movement.

  • BoganBogan 491 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;    Trump with his lies, conspiracy theories, sensationalism, hype, bots, and trolls farms as Steven Bannon put it will flood the zone. The Internet effectively runs on advertising. Big tech will profit from the attention economy democracy will fail and a kleptocracy lead by president for life Trump will replace.

    Hahaha.     Joe Biden is probably the most corrupt President in US history and looks increasingly like he has committed treason.     He sold out his own country for money to your enemy.   He got millions of dollars from a CCP official for what?   We have not figured out yet but there are plenty of suspicious activities.   . Almost as many as the "Suspicious Activity Reports" submitted by US banks to the IRS about the numerous "shell companies" Joe and Hunter set up to hide their bribes from the public and the IRS.    I find it incredible how any sane person can look at the situation involving Joe Biden's administration where the FBI leadership is self evidently corrupt, the leadership of the US Justice Department is self evidently corrupt, and the leadership of the IRS the same, that you could come to the conclusion that Donald Trump is the villain.

  • DreamerDreamer 276 Pts   -  
    Argument Topic: The conspiracy theorists are winning.

    I can't respond in great detail to everyone of your posts. This is not laziness it just is simply unfeasible. In 2019 fifteen percent of the USA population was climate deniers.

    "But 15 percent of Americans still hold views that contradict the scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and is being driven by human behavior."

    That's approximately 45 million deniers in the US alone. There are at least 219 climate change myth. That is also only one topic. Anti-vaxxers and antisemitic 9/11 truthers are others and many many more. 45 million times 219 times the number of topics = billions of responses to debunk. I could debunk both online and in person 24/7/365 and it would be liking trying to empty the Pacific Ocean using a thimble it would make nil difference.

    This is how Democracy fails the reversal of polarity and firehose of misinformation.
  • BoganBogan 491 Pts   -  

    Dreamer quote      I can't respond in great detail to everyone of your posts.

     Of course you can’t.    You know nothing    You did not impartially try to figure out which side was telling the truth and which side was lying before you embraced your peer’s expectations.   And all you can do is to cut and paste an argument from some silly “How To Debate Climate Sceptics” site.      Unlike yourself, I am interested in reading what the Alarmists say, which is why I broke my rule to never reply to links on debate sites, and clicked on your link.     It was exactly as I suspected it would be.    Your author claimed that the Time magazine article was fraudulent which is interesting, and I will check that “fact” out.       But his biggest piece of B-S was to claim that the fact that climate scientists had got in wrong in the 1970’s was no big deal.    I know for a fact that it was a big deal because I lived in that period.       Since his second premise is a blatant and monstrous lie, I will take his first premise with a pinch of salt.


    Dreamer quote     This is not laziness it just is simply unfeasible.

     One wonders why you bother to debate then if it is all too hard for you?  


    Dreamer quote   In 2019 fifteen percent of the USA population was climate deniers.

     Then I think it is reasonable to say that 15% of US citizens have above average intelligence. 


     Dreamer quote    That's approximately 45 million deniers in the US alone. There are at least 219 climate change myth. That is also only one topic. Anti-vaxxers and antisemitic 9/11 truthers are others and many many more. 45 million times 219 times the number of topics = billions of responses to debunk. I could debunk both online and in person 24/7/365 and it would be liking trying to empty the Pacific Ocean using a thimble it would make nil difference.

     There are a lot more low IQ chickenlittle’s who have been brainwashed into thinking that the climate sky is falling, and that the world will come to an end.    Unless, of course, we destroy western economies while handing over what remains of our wealth to always dysfunctional third world countries , allow China to rule the world, stop eating meat, and accept the fact that those who do not have degrees are not fit to rule themselves.    But unlike yourself, I don’t have any problem attempting to deprogram any of them, no matter how many there are.   Throughout history, great minds have usually found themselves swimming against the tide of public opinion.


     Dreamer quote    This is how Democracy fails the reversal of polarity and firehose of misinformation.

    I have no idea what you mean by “the reversal of polarity”?     Please explain?     As for “the firehose of misinformation”, it is the Left side of politics who support HIGW, it is the Left which largely controls the media, it is the Left who seem to be awash in funds to spread propaganda, and it is the Left side of politics who are today’s political censors.       If you had an inquiring mind, you might ask your self “why does the Left want to censor the media?”        If you can answer that question yourself, you will be on the road to figuring out what really drives this HIGW rubbish.

     Democracy dies in darkness.     Free speech is the foundation stone of democracy.   Once it was the Right side of politics in the west who were the political censors, the totalitarians, and the moral puritans, now it is the Left.

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6411 Pts   -  
    2024 is going to have some decent viable candidates, for a change. On the Republican side, DeSantis is fairly reasonable, and he is going to be a front runner in case Trump is either not allowed to run or sickens everyone enough to give him a pass. Ramaswamy is not bad either, and Pence, while quite authoritarian, is a substantial improvement over the Republican leadership of the past ~15 years. On the Democratic side, Gabbard is quite good (although she might run as an independent), although in general the party is in a very sorry state.

    As I see it, given that Biden's presidency was pretty much the biggest disaster in the history of Democratic presidents, a Democrat is very unlikely to win in 2024, which means that it is likely going to end up being DeSantis vs Trump. Trump is an abomination, although arguably a lesser abomination than Biden. And DeSantis, in my estimation, would be the best president since Ronald Reagan. Either way, things are going to be better than they are now.

    That said, I do not think that who is the president matters that much nowadays. The improvements in the AI that OpenAI produces are likely to affect lives of most people much more than the Washington politics. I think that the world is rapidly moving towards the state in which politics barely affects everyday lives of the vast majority of citizens, and the majority of the impact is brought up by technology. So, as long as we do not have someone absolutely insane (someone like Cortez or Sanders), we will be fine.
  • I agree with everything but some key points "Maycaesar."

    All voters in American politics are republican and do not have a choice unless they have declared in right a declaration of Independence of their own, we the voters are held by United States Constitutional right it is a voter’s liberty of self-expression which has not been changed in any way by this fact of law. There are no men elected to be President regardless of what Article II reads of the united states constitution. The key point of President does not realistically agree the Oath of moffice In the United States Constitution for it has ignored the fact of understanding as whole truth. “Executive officer” in all past ratification passed by states the ignoring the preambles guidlkines in the subject matter of introduction of facts like voters electing Executive officer, not President or Presadera at all.

    I whole truth it also appears that Executive officer Trump will win in 2024, Why? We might ask, the gumball handles continual turned like a slot machine handle will finally yielding him is fist big win for 2024. Not as big as a return then fixed gaming but a sweeter return indeed. Another key issue however will still be that the United States Congress has passed Amendments regarding the use of appropriate legislation as burden of cpgress alone as a "Constitutional law" and by legal prejudice this law will continue to be broken for profit in the form of added cost. 

  • BoganBogan 491 Pts   -  
    @Dreamer ;     Quote   This is how Democracy fails the reversal of polarity and firehose of misinformation.

    Now let's see?    You hate Trump and apparently love Joe Biden and trust his administration?   Why, I can't figure out?       Donald Trump was a very good President who achieved much despite being handicapped by endless false charges which saw the Democrat controlled Congress try and impeach him twice.    He kept inflation and fuel prices low, oversaw a booming US economy, reduced unemployment among African Americans, stared down that little psychopath in North Korea, and actually got a peace deal signed between Israel and some Gulf Arab states.     The last deal should have got him a Nobel peace Prize.    But in a world where the public service in the west simply looks after itself, and scratches the backs of public servants in other countries, nobody in the Swedish public service would nominate Trump for a Nobel prize, because they know that Trump is hated by the "swamp" of US public "servants".  (actually, "masters").     So, why you hate Trump is beyond me?    I think it is just that you identify as a young, far seeing, liberal social progressive.   And young, far seeing, liberal social progressives are SUPPOSED to hate Trump.    If you wish to claim membership of the young elitists, then admitting that Trump was a good President would see you expelled from the young elitist club for conduct unbecoming an ideological zealot.

    So you hate Trump and like Joe Biden?    Okay, let's look at that.    If you have been following the news, you would realise by now that Joe Biden and his misbegotten son apparently took around $10 million dollars from a CCP official.    That is called "treason."     And not only did the FBI know all about it, they actually did their best to cover it up.     This means that the top levels of the Biden appointed US administration is thoroughly corrupt and compromised.    The evidence is right there in front of your nose for everyone to see.    Yet you refuse to see it?    

    If you wish to be regarded as an intelligent, far seeing, liberal social progressive, could you please start using your brain and start thinking like one?     Because whatever ideas you have about how to be one has been inculcated into your head by people who know how to manipulate you, by appealing to your deep psychological need to think in a positive way about yourself.    They have erected an ideal for you model yourself on and you fell for it, hook, line, and sinker.    Their problem is, if the Presidential candidate that they told you was the savior of the USA is probably the worst and most corrupt US President in US history, maybe you should start to figure out that you have been lied to on an Olympic level for years now?

    If you do possess a brain, now is the time to re assess your loyalty to the Left side of politics who hated Trump and supported that senile old traitor, Joe Biden.    Look at how your FBI, IRS, and DoJ have been weaponised to go after political opponents, intimidate parents who oppose CRT and this "transgender B-S, and who are doing everything they can to protect Joe and his dysfunctional son from charges that would get you on death row you got up to the sort of things that Joe and his son have got up to.

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