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Can you be trans by wearing dresses and painting your nails, or do you have to go under the knife?

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  • SwolliwSwolliw 1534 Pts   -  
    There's only one way to find out isn't there?

    And I'm sure that you could put that to the test. My inkling is that you would really need to get the chop, go on hormones and have something like a vaginal transplant. I'm sure that one day that will happen when paramedics pull a deceased woman from a car wreck, only to find that she has an organ donor card on her.

    And, to be fair on the fairer sex.......What's the bet that every dyke from miles around would having been belting down the door of the funeral parlor where John Holmes's body lay.
  • exconexcon 579 Pts   -  

  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6920 Pts   -  
    Depends on who you ask and what definitions they use. In some people's view all you need to do is make a declaration: "I am gender X" - and that is it, in some legal systems the government and every private organization is mandated to accept your claim. In other people's view, there is no such thing as "trans". And there are a lot of in-between positions.

    As I see it - and I am going to second Jordan Peterson here who recently started saying something I have been saying since I was a kid, being called nicknames and wondering how they came to be - the identity is negotiated. If you were born what conventionally is seen as a man and then decided that you want others to consider you a woman instead (what you consider yourself to be is irrelevant to anything outside of your consciousness), then you have to do some work to facilitate this, to convince others that you are now a woman. Some might accept it on your word alone, others might want to first see you change your looks respectively, down to certain biological elements - and some will never accept it no matter what you do. What you need to decide for yourself is who you want to accept you and what you are comfortable with doing.

    I can give you my personal opinion: I do not really care about someone's gender in a context in which it does not have any impact, so whatever someone wants me to call them, I will. However, someone insisting that I call them a certain way will raise a red flag in me: I do not much care what others call me and do not see why a healthy individual fully accepting themselves would care what I call them. If it is a gentle request, I will be understanding and comply; if it is a more forceful/desperate request, I will comply, but be less interested in interacting with the person.
    I like to surround myself with wholesome, ambitious, happy people. People who are having fun in life and looking forward, beyond the horizon of the known and experienced. Someone looking at the stars and thinking, "We are going to be there one day; let's go!" - is very attractive. Someone obsessing over their gender identity though? Good for them, but I am not much interested in thinking about this stuff: look for someone else to talk about it.

    I do not think, honestly, that a mentally perfectly healthy person would ever be concerned with what their gender is. I do not think that gender dysphoria is anything but a variety of the BDD (body dysmorphic disorder) which is generally described by one's obsession over the mismatch between their real body and their desired body: someone thinks that their nose is too big or too small, and someone else thinks that their breasts are from the wrong gender. That is not to say that there are no cases in which one's sense of belonging to the opposite gender is sensible - however, even in those cases this should be such a minor part of one's mentality that it should hardly be discussed with anyone but the closest friends, family and romantic interests. Much like you do not discuss with just about anyone your concerns over your penis size.
  • jackjack 728 Pts   -   edited June 2023
    MayCaesar said:

    Depends on who you ask and what definitions they use. In some people's view all you need to do is make a declaration: "I am gender X" - and that is it,
    Hello May:

    Nahhh...  In a free country, people don't have to "declare" anything, to anybody about their sexual activity.  All anybody needs to do is MIND their own business, and that is it.


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