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Is there a law without a crime?

Debate Information

 It is debatable that law is the more perfect connection to established justice. Can you use law directly when proving something is right or must we the people use crime, not justice, to then write law to prove guilt of a wrong to establish a connection with a long history of justice. Is the better to connect with establish justice a united state favoring social equality and not have a crime as an obstacle between judicial equality. Innocent or guilty. Using a Constitutional Amendment is not protecting, preserving, nor defending the United States Constitution, Amendment Fourteen, Section 5 

" The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article."

The power to enforce provisions of article is by addressing legislation as truth, whole truth, and nothing but truth.

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  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @John_C_87 Well this raises a hole can of worms because for example just analize this case because there are so many faucets to it.

    My partner got a loan from the loan shop a round the corner to buy a Neon. The next thing you know is that these 2 real big guys came nocking at the door saying there going to take the car a way because she missed a payment. It wasn't her fault any way because she got sacked from her job. Lucky enough my cousin was staying with us and he is real big and works out at the gym a lot. So we chased these guys with the base ball bats which we keep behind the front door just in case. Any way my cousin said don't do that and don't come back or words and actions to that affect and they never came back again. 
    So the question is who do you think is wrong and did it take a crime to prove the law in this case.

  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  

    But why didn't your partner tell them before they called she lost her job?

  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -   edited September 2023
    @Dee ;But why didn't your partner tell them before they called she lost her job? 

    She was just letting it slide I guess but the porn store wasted no time sending those heavies any way. Any way it wasn’t her fault any way because her boss was trumping up allegations that she was taking stock but she wasn’t any way. The truth is that he kept on coming on to her and she told him where to go so he told her where to go.

  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  

    Right I get that , but let's say I owe you 700 and you say I will pay you next Saturday and you don't show or even ring would you pay me a call or let it slide?
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Dee well we’re talking about the guy who runs the store because he sent those guys a round only 2 days after her payment was due so she didn’t have much chance. Any way he’s a total rip off any way because I got a Rolex off him and I saw the same one for a lot less from a friend of my cousin. So I reckon  we just might visit his store soon.
  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  

     well we’re talking about the guy who runs the store because he sent those guys a round only 2 days after her payment was due so she didn’t have much chance

    Yeah but the Ho made an agreement did the Ho tell him " I might be late with payment"?

    . Any way he’s a total rip off any way because I got a Rolex off him and I saw the same one for a lot less from a friend of my cousin

    So what? You bought it without doing a bit of research stop being a whiny b-tch about it.

    . So I reckon  we just might visit his store soon.

    No you  won't , the man broke no law in seems you and your Ho somehow  think its OK for you to rip of who you want when you want.

  • We describe crimes to be held by law and force, we do or do not hold right against established justice?

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