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Should we restrict white immigration?

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If if we look at the situation in realty this has been going on for far to long now and what can we do to stop it.

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  • jackjack 659 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:

     what can we do to stop it.
    Hello B:

    Stop selecting people based on their color.


  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    Without smart white, Asians, and Jews to run a country, city, or state for them, most dark skinned people would starve to death.        All of the problem cities in the USA are the ones full of African and Hispanic people, with African or Hispanic mayors, police chiefs, and politicians.     It is just so obvious what is going on but we live in a new age of unreason where the sacred ideology of racial equality must never be questioned.     Have a look at Africa today?     Rhodesia was once called "the breadbasket of Africa" but since the du-mb blacks drove out the whites they are now all starving to death.   Not to be outdone in stu-pidity, the South African blacks now want to drive out the Boers so that South Africa can be the next failed state.       
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  
    It is curious how in the modern times spaceships, artificial intelligence and nuclear plants coexist with... people seriously asking questions like this.
  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @jack ;Stop selecting people based on their color.

    I know what you mean and I here you but this is some thing that there needs to be a discussion on and its no good in mopping it up under the carport either. Every where you go nower days you see them every where and I think people are getting worried about when this is going to stop. How do we know if there criminals or not from where they come from and what checks do we have in place. For example an example is that there are more murders by white people by far. Moving forward as a nation we need to helicopter over the situation and establish the level of response we need to respond to this crisis.

    Another thing that people dont real eyes is that what about the buden on our health system that whites are. For example whites burn a lot in the sun and end up getting skin cancer and that just jams up the corridors in our hospitals. 

  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ;most dark skinned people would starve to death.  

    Well I reckon there okay on that count because they eat a heap of corn bread and chicken and I dont know about your abos but here all the blacks are fat and they dont get fed by the whites. In fact when you analize it in the end youll see that it was the blacks that started cooking all the descent food here. All the whites had was the stoggy food from the limys. And just as a matter of education did you know why there called limys its because they got scurvey and other diseases so they got there limes off the blacks when they saled a round Africa. And then theres all the beautiful spices and coscos and exotic vegetables and fruit that the blacks brought over because all the whites could think of growing was potatoes and turnips. 

    And what about all the real cool music that the blacks came up with. All our modern music comes from the blues and all the whites could come up with was that totally dum hill billy music like knees up Arther Brown and Yankee Doodle like what the.

    And on the not to lite side what about the crime. Whites knock off more people than blacks especially there own family members. And what about the extremists and I know this is going to hit a roar nerve in you but we may as well get this on the table now. How many blacks do you see raw a round in mat black Rams with search lights on the roof and then shooting every thing that moves while there drinking bear. I guess in your country its the bogans drive there Holdin pickups going a round in circles doing donuts because they cant figure out how to use there tom toms. And I bet you dont get the abos doing that sort of thing because there not Exstream. There connected to the earth like the blacks over here are connected to there roots and thats real strong.

  • jackjack 659 Pts   -  
    Barnardot said:
    @jack ;Stop selecting people based on their color.
    I know what you mean and I here you but this is some thing that there needs to be a discussion on
    Hello again B:

    Nahh...  We've been discussing it forever..  Time for talk is done.  It's time to act.


  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  
    Most immigration systems in developed countries seem to be built around the idea of "egalitarianism", rather than practicality. For instance, take a look at the US system. The most economically productive people come from such countries as China, India, Russia, Vietnam, Korea or Japan - these countries also happen to be some of the toughest ones to move to the US from permanently, and, for example, H1B visa quotas make immigrants from China or India sometimes wait for 10-15 years to get their Green Cards. On the other hand, the vast majority of immigrants come from Latin American countries, and mostly they enroll in low-qualification activities. Go to any math or physics department at any of the top US universities, and it will be dominated by Americans, as well as immigrants from Asian countries and India - and you will almost never see a single Latin-American professor.

    As I see it, if any immigration restrictions are to be had at all, they have to be based on meritocratic ideals. No matter what you think is "just", you are going to live among the people coming here, and nobody in their right mind would prefer living among cashiers and construction workers versus scientists and CEOs.

    In this respect, I strongly prefer immigration systems in countries such as Japan or Switzerland. The approach is simple: you want to live here - show that you will positively contribute to the economy and the culture. Happen to not be highly educated? Too bad: either find a way to get educated, or seek your fortune elsewhere. Your skin color does not matter; your origin does not matter; your family situation does not matter. All of those things are your personal business. As it should be.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
     Go to any math or physics department at any of the top US universities, and it will be dominated by Americans, as well as immigrants from Asian countries and India - and you will almost never see a single Latin-American professor.

    Well, duh.     And you still can't figure out that it is because races are not equal?     Ama-a-a-azing.        You must think that it is because mathematics is racist?
  • jackjack 659 Pts   -   edited September 2023
    Bogan said:
    Well, duh.     And you still can't figure out that it is because races are not equal?     Ama-a-a-azing.        You must think that it is because mathematics is racist?
    Hello again, B:

    After 400 years of brutal slavery, you expect newly freed slaves to cast off the chains of oppression, and put on a Brooks Brothers suit...



  • We have and we do restrict white immigration.
  • MayCaesarMayCaesar 6580 Pts   -  

    I do not remember mentioning races in my comment; only origins of people. But a guy wearing glasses that only show him races of people and no other information would easily misread my comment. You live and breath races, don't you, mister bogan?


    Please, there are countless examples in human history of entire societies emerging from centuries of brutal tyranny and quickly getting on top of the world. Japan prior to the end of World War 2 had had centuries of history of essentially global slavery, yet it only took it several decades afterwards to become the most serious competitor to the US economy-wise.

    Slavery in the US has not been a thing for over 150 years. Anyone who says that their life situation is a product of slavery is out of their mind.
  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  
    @jack ;    After 400 years of brutal slavery, you expect newly freed slaves to cast off the chains of oppression, and put on a Brooks Brothers suit...

    After 155 years, that excuse is looking a bit stale.      My country, Australia, was built on slavery too.     Convicts were simply slaves by another name.    'Indentured servants" were simply slaves for a fixed period of time.    Even in Europe, peasants were simply slaves by another name.     

    The reason why most of the people from dysfunctional ethnicities can never prosper in a competitive western society is because races are not equal.     Each race has a "bell curve: of IQ which is different from other ethnicities, and that is caused by the length of time each ethnicity has spent within a complex civilisation where people with brains prosper.        

  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Bogan ; My country, Australia, was built on slavery too.  

    Thats quiet right and the slaves were all white criminals. And thats the hole thrust of my argument of why we should halt white immigration. Just look at what happened in your country when all the white criminals started escaping running a muck all over the land. It made the American wild west look like bananas in pyjamas lol :) . And the only person they could put on a pedostool was Ned Kelly who was a despirate white criminal. And what about Julian Arnage. He was worse than the American Tranny who stole secret stuff because he published it and put all the US troops in danger. And hes as white as not the ace of spades.

  • BoganBogan 562 Pts   -  

    Thats quiet right and the slaves were all white criminals.   Apostrophe (‘) Apostrophes are meant to show that a letter or letters have been omitted and also to indicate the possessive or contractions. It can also be used to pluralize lowercase letters. 

    And thats the hole thrust of my argument of why we should halt white immigration.

    Hole and whole are homophones — words that sound the same but have different meanings. 

    Hole  Hole is a noun. A hole is an opening or empty space in a solid object. For example: ·         The donut has a hole in the middle. ·         A well is a hole in the ground where you get water. ·         Your shirt has buttons on one side and button holes on the other. Whole  Whole is an adjective. It refers to something that is complete or undivided. For example: ·         He ate a whole cake by himself. ·         With one of their players out, the team didn’t feel whole. ·         The whole school attended the assembly.


  • BarnardotBarnardot 691 Pts   -  
    @Bogan So then what about the argument or does that mean that you concede in Bogan language.
    Because after all you have had a lot of difficulty fighting your way out of a paper bag thats been popped many times before as we all know.
    So I will give you one more chance to try and be intelligent and argue the points other wise you have four fitted the hole debate which is ok by me because Im the one who gets the points.
  • DeeDee 5401 Pts   -  

    You truly are a dumb brute 14 spelling mistakes in your pile of rambling nonsense.....Trump relies on id-ots like you.
  • maxxmaxx 1186 Pts   -  
    i guess no one has ever read the plaque on the statue of liberty? @jack
  • @maxx
    They did...
    and did not understand it....

    It's a dedication made to honor the Poet Emma Lazarus... Important note "Give me your tired your poor." The United State set upon condition is give saying without cost the land of the "free." Not all who came to Ellis Island made it through the process station.

  • maxxmaxx 1186 Pts   -  
    of course not, but the many immigrants that did so; made up the backbone of america. color should not matter, black, red, white, yellow, etc. it shpuld be about character. @John_C_87
  • jackjack 659 Pts   -   edited September 2023
    Barnardot said:

    what can we do to stop it.
    Hello B:

    Seems to me when HARD questions are asked around here, some people answer, and some people attack and run away.  Do they do that because they actually don't KNOW the answer, or they DO know the answer, but they're too embarrassed to admit it???

    For example, I ask a question about the teaching of civics, and all they can do is attack me...  I'm fine with that.  After all, I'm not here to teach them..  I'm here to EXPOSE them.

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